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List of Rituals

Animate Object 1 days.

PFS: Standard
cost: rare oils, see Creature Creation Rituals
range: 10
source: Player Core pg. 390
target: 1 object
type: Ritual
primary_check: Arcana (expert)
secondary_casters: 1
secondary_check: Crafting

You transform the target into an animated object with a level up to that allowed by the Creature Creation Rituals table and of a type corresponding to the object (so a broom would become an animated broom).

Creature Creation Rituals

Creature LevelRitual RankRequired Cost
–1 or 0215 gp
1260 gp
23105 gp
33180 gp
44300 gp
54480 gp
65750 gp
751,080 gp
861,500 gp
962,100 gp
1073,000 gp
1174,200 gp
1286,000 gp
1389,000 gp
14913,500 gp
15919,500 gp
161030,000 gp
171045,000 gp

Critical Success The target becomes an animated object of the appropriate type. If it’s at least 4 levels lower than you, you can make it a minion. This gives it the minion trait, meaning it can use 2 actions when you command it, and commanding it is a single action that has the auditory and concentrate traits. You can have a maximum of four minions under your control. If it doesn’t become a minion, you can give it one simple command. It pursues that goal single-mindedly, ignoring any of your subsequent commands.
Success As critical success, except an animated object that doesn’t become your minion stays in place and attacks anyone that attacks it or tries to steal or move it, rather than following your command.
Failure You fail to create the animated object.
Critical Failure You create the animated object, but it goes berserk and attempts to destroy you.

Atone 1 days.

PFS: Standard
cost: rare incense and offerings worth a total value of 20 gp × the target’s level
range: 10
source: Player Core pg. 390
target: another creature of up to 8th level who is a worshipper of the same deity or philosophy as you
type: Ritual
primary_check: Nature or Religion (expert)
secondary_casters: 1
secondary_check: Nature or Religion (whichever is used for the primary check)

You attempt to help a truly penitent creature atone for its misdeeds, typically actions that are anathema to your deity. If the creature isn’t truly penitent, the outcome is always a critical failure. This ritual uses Nature if the target is a druid, and Religion in all other cases.

Critical Success The creature receives absolution for its misdeeds, allowing it to regain standing with your deity. It regains any abilities it lost. Before the atonement is complete, the creature must perform a special quest or other task chosen by your deity, as befits its misdeeds. If completed during downtime, this task should take no less than 1 month. For 1 month, the target receives divine insight just before performing an act that would be anathema to your deity.
Success As critical success, but the creature gains no special insight regarding its subsequent actions.
Failure The creature does not receive absolution and must continue to meditate and redress its misdeeds. Any future atone rituals for the same misdeeds cost half as much and gain a +4 circumstance bonus to primary and secondary checks.
Critical Failure The creature offends your deity and is permanently cast out from the faith. The creature can’t rejoin your religion without a more direct intervention.

Heightened (+1) Increase the maximum target level by 2 and the base cost by 20 gp.

Awaken Animal 1 days.

PFS: Standard
cost: herbs, 1/5 the value on Creature Creation Rituals
range: 10
source: Player Core pg. 390
target: 1 animal of up to the level on the table
type: Ritual
primary_check: Nature (master)
secondary_casters: 3
secondary_check: Lore (any), Society , Survival

You grant intelligence to the target, transforming it into a beast. If it was previously an animal companion or minion, it can no longer serve as one.

Creature Creation Rituals

Creature LevelRitual RankRequired Cost
–1 or 0215 gp
1260 gp
23105 gp
33180 gp
44300 gp
54480 gp
65750 gp
751,080 gp
861,500 gp
962,100 gp
1073,000 gp
1174,200 gp
1286,000 gp
1389,000 gp
14913,500 gp
15919,500 gp
161030,000 gp
171045,000 gp

Critical Success The target’s Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma modifiers each increase to +2 if they were lower, and it becomes helpful to you for awakening it.
Success The target’s Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma modifiers increase to +0 if they were lower and it becomes friendly to you for awakening it.
Failure You fail to awaken the target.
Critical Failure You accidentally awaken the target with a pure bestial hatred toward you. The target’s Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma modifiers increase to –2 if they were lower. It becomes hostile to you, attempting to destroy you.

Binding Circle 1 days.

PFS: Standard
cost: warding circle ingredients worth a total value of 2 gp × the spell rank × the target’s level
source: Player Core pg. 391
target: 1 extraplanar creature
type: Ritual
primary_check: Arcana (master) or Occultism (master)
secondary_casters: 3
secondary_check: Diplomacy or Intimidation ; Arcana or Occultism (whichever isn’t used for the primary check)

You call forth an extraplanar creature of a level no greater than double that of the binding circle ritual’s rank and attempt to bargain with it, generally to perform a task for you in exchange for payment.

You conjure the extraplanar creature within your circle and negotiate a deal with it. A creature that doesn’t wish to negotiate at all can attempt a Will save to stay on its home plane. Most extraplanar creatures feel that they have something better to do than cater to the whims of mortals and require a significant gift, especially if your task poses major risks. Fiends and similarly wicked extraplanar creatures are more likely to accept a bargain for a lower cost as long as it allows them to wreak havoc on the Universe or inflict evil upon the world along the way.

Monetary prices usually range from the cost of a consumable item of the creature’s level for a short and simple task to a permanent magic item of the creature’s level or more to persuade the creature to fight alongside you. However, some extraplanar creatures may want payments other than money, such as permission to cast a geas on you to fulfill an unspecified later favor or obtain ownership of your soul via an infernal contract.

You can add an additional secondary caster to create a warding circle that prevents the extraplanar creature from attacking or leaving the circle during the bargain. This uses the Crafting skill and has the same DC as a secondary check would. This protection ends if you use a hostile action against the extraplanar creature or the warding circle breaks.

Critical Success You call the extraplanar creature and can prevent it from returning home for up to a full day, potentially allowing you to negotiate a better deal by threatening to leave it in the wards for the duration.
Success You call the extraplanar creature and must make your case succinctly, after which the creature can return home at any time.
Failure You fail to call the extraplanar creature.
Critical Failure You call something vile and horrible, unbound by your wards, and it immediately attempts to destroy you.

Blight 1 days.

PFS: Standard
area: 1/2-mile-radius circle centered on you
source: Player Core pg. 391
type: Ritual
primary_check: Nature (expert)
secondary_casters: 1
secondary_check: Survival

You twist and stunt plants in the area, causing them to wither. In addition to other dangers from failing plant life, this decreases the crop yield for farms. If you cast this ritual in an area affected by plant growth, blight attempts to counteract plant growth instead of producing its usual effect.

Critical Success Completely spoil the crop yield in the area, or decrease the yield by half in an area with up to a 1-mile radius.
Success Decease the crop yield in the area by half.
Failure The ritual has no effect.
Critical Failure The flora in the area changes in an unexpected way, determined by the GM but generally as contradictory to your true desires as possible (for instance, enriching crops when you would prefer to blight them).

Call Spirit 1 hrs.

PFS: Standard
cost: rare candles and incense worth a total value of 50 gp
duration: 10 min.
source: Player Core pg. 391
type: Ritual
primary_check: Occultism (expert) or Religion (expert)
secondary_casters: 1
secondary_check: Occultism or Religion (whichever isn’t used for the primary check)

You tear the veil to the afterlife and call a spirit from its final resting place. You must call the spirit by name, and you must provide a connection to the spirit, such as a possession, a garment, or a piece of its corpse. A spirit unwilling to heed your call can attempt a Will save to avoid it; on a critical success, a trickster spirit Impersonates the spirit you meant to call. The DC of the Will save is 2 lower if you haven’t met the spirit in life. Either way, the spirit appears as a wispy form of the creature you meant to call. Each minute of the duration, you can ask the spirit a question. It can answer how it pleases or even refuse to answer. If the spirit isn’t in the afterlife (such as if it’s an undead), all results other than critical failures use the failure effect.

Critical Success The spirit is particularly cooperative, and even if it has strong reasons to deceive you, it takes a –2 circumstance penalty to its Deception checks.
Success You call the spirit.
Failure You fail to call a spirit.
Critical Failure One or more evil spirits appear and attack.

Collective Memories 1 days.

PFS: Standard
cost: rare incense worth a total value of 300 gp
legacy_name: Legend Lore
source: Player Core pg. 391
type: Ritual
primary_check: Occultism (master)
secondary_casters: 2
secondary_check: Performance , Society

You tap into other mortals’ memories, knowledge, legends, tales, and lore about a subject. The subject must be an important person, place, or thing. If the subject is present, increase the degree of success of your primary skill check by one step. If you have only vague information about the subject before attempting the ritual, decrease the degree of success of your primary skill check by one step. These modifiers cancel each other out if you have a subject present with little to no baseline information.

Critical Success For 1 hour after the ritual ends, you sort through memories that are mostly coherent, emphasizing more accurate or useful information over misremembered knowledge or exaggerated tales.
Success For 1 hour after the ritual ends, you learn useful information for further inquiry that remains generally incomplete or enigmatic. As is the nature of mortal memory and stories, you are likely to learn multiple contradictory versions.
Failure You fail to learn any useful legends.
Critical Failure Your mind becomes overwhelmed with the vast array of knowledge at your disposal. You can’t sense or respond to anything in the present for 1 week except to perform necessities like breathing and sleeping. When you recover, however, you can retrain one of your skills into a Lore based on the knowledge of a subject you were accessing, as if you had spent 1 week retraining.

Commune 1 days.

PFS: Standard
cost: rare incense worth a total value of 150 gp
duration: 10 min.
source: Player Core pg. 301
type: Ritual
primary_check: Nature (master), Occultism (master), or Religion (master)
secondary_casters: 1
secondary_check: Nature, Occultism, or Religion (whichever is used for the primary check)

You call upon an unknown, powerful being to answer questions. The being varies depending on the skill used for the primary check.

  • Nature Primal spirits of nature, which know about animals, beasts, fey, fungi, plants, topography, and natural resources within a 3-mile radius.
  • Occultism Planar and other mysterious entities such as elementals, forgotten spirits, and monitors, which know about forgotten knowledge, the planes, obscure secrets, and other esoterica.
  • Religion Divine beings like celestials and fiends that know about the gods they serve and the god’s respective purview; these are typically a servitor of your deity if you have one.
You can ask up to seven questions that could be answered with “Yes” or “No.” The entity answers with one-word answers such as “Yes,” “No,” “Likely,” and “Unknown,” though its answers always reflect its own agenda and could be deceptive.

Critical Success You contact a more powerful entity aligned strongly with your interests, possibly even your deity. The entity won’t attempt to deceive you, though it still might not know the answers. When it’s important to provide clarity, the entity will answer your questions with up to five words, such as “If you leave immediately” or “That was true once.”
Success You can ask your questions and receive answers.
Failure You fail to contact an appropriate being.
Critical Failure You are exposed to the enormity of the cosmos and are stupefied 4 for 1 week (can’t remove by any means).

Consecrate 3 days.

PFS: Standard
area: 40-foot-radius burst around an immobile altar, shrine, or fixture of your deity
cost: rare incense and offerings worth a total value of 20 gp × the spell rank
range: 40
source: Player Core pg. 392
type: Ritual
primary_check: Religion
secondary_casters: 2
secondary_check: Crafting , Performance

You consecrate a site to your deity, chanting praises and creating a sacred space. While within the area, worshippers of your deity gain a +1 status bonus to attack rolls, skill checks, saving throws, and Perception checks, and creatures anathema to your deity (such as undead for Pharasma or Sarenrae) take a –1 status penalty to those rolls. If your deity’s divine sanctification allows you to choose holy or unholy, you can choose to make the consecrated site holy or unholy as well. If the deity’s sanctification must be holy or unholy, you must make the site match that sanctification. Strikes made by worshippers of your deity within the area gain the site’s sanctification trait, if any.

Critical Success The consecration succeeds, and it either lasts for 10 years instead of 1 or covers an area with twice the radius. Occasionally, with your deity’s favor, this might produce an even more amazing effect, such as a permanently consecrated area or the effect covering an entire cathedral.
Success The consecration succeeds.
Failure The consecration fails.
Critical Failure The consecration fails spectacularly and angers your deity, who sends a sign of displeasure. For at least 1 year, further attempts to consecrate the site fail.

Heightened (7th) The consecrated area also gains the effects of the planar seal spell, but the effect doesn’t attempt to counteract teleportation by worshippers of your deity. The cost increases to 200 gp × the spell level.

Control Weather 1 days.

PFS: Standard
area: 2-mile-radius circle centered on you
duration: 12 hrs.
source: Player Core pg. 392
type: Ritual
primary_check: Nature (master)
secondary_casters: 1
secondary_check: Survival

You alter the weather, making it calm and normal for the season or choosing up to two effects based on the season.
You can’t specifically control the manifestations, such as the exact path of a tornado or the targets of lightning strikes.

  • Summer drizzle, heat, hurricane, sleet, thunderstorm, tornado
  • Spring drizzle, downpour, extreme heat, hail, heat
  • Autumn cold weather, fog, mild heat, sleet
  • Winter blizzard, mild cold, extreme cold, thaw

Critical Success You change the weather as desired and can affect a larger area (up to a 5-mile-radius circle), or a longer duration (any number of additional d12 hours, up to 16d12).
Success You change the weather as desired.
Failure You fail to change the weather as desired.
Critical Failure The weather changes in an unanticipated way, determined by the GM but generally as contradictory to your true desires as possible (for instance, a terrible storm emerges when you would prefer good weather).

Heightened (9th) You can create unseasonable weather and contradictory weather effects, such as extreme cold and a hurricane. You can make the weather calm and normal weather for a different season or choose weather effects from any season’s list.

Create Undead 1 days.

PFS: Standard
cost: black onyx, see Creature Creation Rituals
range: 10
source: Player Core pg. 393
target: 1 dead creature
type: Ritual
primary_check: Arcana (expert), Occultism (expert), or Religion (expert)
secondary_casters: 1
secondary_check: Religion

You transform the target into an undead creature with a level up to that allowed in the Creature Creation Rituals table. There are many versions of this ritual, each specific to a particular type of undead (one ritual for all zombies, one for skeletons, one for ghouls, and so on), and the rituals that create rare undead are also rare. Some forms of undead, such as liches, form using their own unique methods and can’t be created with a version of create undead.

Creature Creation Rituals

Creature LevelRitual RankRequired Cost
–1 or 0215 gp
1260 gp
23105 gp
33180 gp
44300 gp
54480 gp
65750 gp
751,080 gp
861,500 gp
962,100 gp
1073,000 gp
1174,200 gp
1286,000 gp
1389,000 gp
14913,500 gp
15919,500 gp
161030,000 gp
171045,000 gp

Critical Success The target becomes an undead creature of the appropriate type. If it’s at least 4 levels lower than you, you can make it a minion. This gives it the minion trait, meaning it can use 2 actions when you command it, and commanding it is a single action that has the auditory and concentrate traits. You can have a maximum of four minions under your control. If it’s intelligent and doesn’t become a minion, the undead is helpful to you for awakening it, though it’s still a horrid and evil creature. If it’s unintelligent and doesn’t become a minion, you can give it one simple command. It pursues that goal single-mindedly, ignoring any of your subsequent commands.
Success As critical success, except an intelligent undead that doesn’t become your minion is only friendly to you, and an unintelligent undead that doesn’t become your minion leaves you alone unless you attack it. It marauds the local area rather than following your command.
Failure You fail to create the undead.
Critical Failure You create the undead, but its soul, tortured by your foul necromancy, is full of nothing but hatred for you. It attempts to destroy you.

Geas 1 days.

PFS: Standard
range: 10
source: Player Core pg. 393
target: 1 creature of a level no greater than double the geas ritual’s rank
type: Ritual
primary_check: Arcana (expert), Occultism (expert), or Religion (expert);
secondary_casters: 1
secondary_check: Society or Legal Lore

You enforce a magic rule on a willing target, forcing it to either perform or refrain from carrying out a certain act. A geas to perform an act is usually conditional, such as, “Always offer hospitality to strangers seeking a place to stay.” An unconditional geas to perform a certain act doesn’t require the target to perform that act exclusively, though it must prioritize the task above all leisurely pursuits. The most common geas to refrain from carrying out an act is a specification to avoid violating a contract. In those cases, the secondary caster usually takes charge of making sure the wording of the contract is attuned correctly with the ritual’s magic. Because the target is willing, geas can have a duration that lasts for as long as the target agrees to. If the target is unable to fulfill the geas, it becomes sickened 1, and the sickened condition increases by 1 for each consecutive day it is prevented from following the geas, to a maximum of sickened 4. The sickened condition ends immediately when it follows the geas again; it can’t remove the sickened condition in any other way. Only powerful magic such as a wish ritual can remove the effects of geas from a willing target.

Critical Success The geas succeeds, and the target receives a +1 status bonus to skill checks that directly uphold the geas (at the GM’s discretion).
Success The geas succeeds.
Failure The geas fails.
Critical Failure The geas fails, and you are instead affected by the geas you were attempting to place on the target. You are considered an unwilling target, so the geas can be counteracted with a cleanse affliction spell.

Heightened (5th) You can use geas on an unwilling creature; it can attempt a Will save to negate the effect. If the target fails this Will save, the geas lasts up to 1 week. A cleanse affliction spell can counteract a geas on an unwilling creature, in addition to powerful magic such as a wish spell. A clever unwilling creature can subvert the geas by contriving situations that prevent it from complying, but in that case it becomes sickened (as described above).

Heightened (7th) As 5th level, but the geas lasts for up to 1 year on an unwilling creature.

Heightened (9th) As 5th level, but the geas lasts for a duration you choose (even unlimited) on an unwilling creature.

Planar Displacement 1 days.

PFS: Standard
area: 20-foot burst
cost: rare incense, precious metals, and purified chalk worth 500 gp
range: 20
requirement: planar key for the destination plane used as a locus
source: Player Core pg. 393
type: Ritual
primary_check: Arcana (master), Nature (master), Occultism (master), or Religion (master)
secondary_casters: 2
secondary_check: Lore (related to the destination plane), Survival

You draw a ritual circle, and when the ritual is complete, you shift all creatures in the area to a different plane of existence. The skill you use for the primary check must be one that can be used to make a Recall Knowledge check about the intended destination, such as Arcana or Nature for the Plane of Fire or Occultism for the Astral Plane.

A secondary caster can be located at the exact site of the destination, instead of with you at the point of origin. If a secondary caster at the destination succeeds at its check and you roll a success, the ritual is a critical success instead.

Critical Success You arrive on the intended plane at the last place one of the targets (of your choice) was located the last time the target traveled to that plane. If it’s the first time traveling to a particular plane for all targets, you appear at a random location on the plane. The circle remains active for 1 minute, during which time any creature the ritual transported can return to the origin point with a single action, which has the concentrate trait.
Success As critical success, but you arrive 1d10×25 miles from your destination.
Failure Your attempt is unsuccessful.
Critical Failure The ritual fails, and the GM determines whether you travel to the wrong plane or are barred from planar travel for 1 week.

Planar Servitor 1 days.

PFS: Standard
cost: t rare incense and offerings worth a total value of 2 gp × the spell rank × the target’s level, see text for more details
legacy_name: Planar Ally
source: Player Core pg. 394
type: Ritual
primary_check: Religion (expert)
secondary_casters: 2
secondary_check: Diplomacy

You call upon a deity (or other divine power) to grant you aid in the form of a divine servitor of your deity’s choice, with a level no greater than double the ritual’s spell rank. The secondary casters explain what sort of assistance you need and why you need it; if the task is incredibly fitting to the deity, the GM can grant a circumstance bonus to the secondary Diplomacy check or rule that the check is automatically a critical success. If you use the ritual without good reason, the result is automatically a critical failure.

If the ritual succeeds, you must offer the servitor payment depending on factors such as the duration and danger of the task. Payment always costs at least as much as a consumable item of the creature’s level, and often costs as much as a permanent magic item of the creature’s level to persuade a creature to fight alongside you. Your offerings should align with the personal tastes of the deity.

You can alternatively name a being native to the deity’s realm that you know personally, with the same level restriction. Such a creature might request something they personally want as payment.

Critical Success The deity sends a servitor, and the servitor’s payment costs only half as much as normal. If you ask for a particular servitor by name, the deity is likely to send that servitor unless the servitor is busy.
Success Your deity sends a servitor.
Failure Your deity does not send a servitor.
Critical Failure The deity is offended and sends a sign of displeasure or possibly even a servitor to scold or attack you, depending on your deity’s nature. A deity might also opt to strip divine powers from its followers who participated until they atone.

Plant Growth 1 days.

PFS: Standard
area: 1/2-mile-radius circle centered on you
element: Wood
source: Player Core pg. 394
type: Ritual
primary_check: Nature (expert)
secondary_casters: 1
secondary_check: Farming Lore or Survival

You cause the plants within the area to be healthier and more fruitful. In addition to other benefits of healthy plants, this increases the crop yield for farms, depending on your success. If you cast it in the area of a blight, plant growth attempts to counteract the blight instead of producing its usual effect.

Critical Success Double the crop yield in the area, or increase the area to a 1-mile radius.
Success Increase the crop yield in the area by one-third.
Failure The ritual has no effect.
Critical Failure The flora in the area changes in an unanticipated way, determined by the GM but generally as contradictory to your true desires as possible (for instance, blighting crops when you would prefer to enrich them).

Primal Call 1 days.

PFS: Standard
cost: faerie circle ingredients worth a total value of 1 gp × the spell rank × the target’s level
range: 528000
source: Player Core pg. 394
target: 1 animal , beast , fey , fungus , or plant
type: Ritual
primary_check: Nature (master)
secondary_casters: 4
secondary_check: Crafting , Diplomacy , Survival

This functions as planar servitor except you craft a faerie circle and call an animal, beast, fey <%END>, fungus, or plant from within 100 miles.

Critical Success You resurrect the target. They return to life with full Hit Points and the same spells prepared and points in their pools they had when they died, and still suffering from any long-term debilitations of the old body. The target meets an agent of their deity during the resurrection who inspires them, granting them a +1 status bonus to attack rolls, Perception, saving throws, and skill checks for 1 week. The target is also permanently changed in some way by their time in the afterlife, such as gaining a slight personality shift, a streak of white in the hair, or a strange new birthmark.
Success As critical success, except the target returns to life with 1 Hit Point and no spells prepared or points in any pools, and still is affected by any long-term debilitations of the old body. Instead of inspiring them, the character’s time in the Boneyard has left them temporarily debilitated. The target is clumsy 1, drained 1, and enfeebled 1 for 1 week; these conditions can’t be removed or reduced by any means until the week has passed.
Failure Your attempt is unsuccessful.
Critical Failure Something goes horribly wrong—an evil spirit possesses the body, the body transforms into a special kind of undead, or some worse fate befalls the target.

Resurrect 1 days.

PFS: Standard
cost: gemstones worth a total value of 75 gp × the target’s level
range: 10
source: Player Core pg. 394
target: 1 dead creature of up to 10th level
type: Ritual
primary_check: Religion (expert)
secondary_casters: 2
secondary_check: Medicine , Society

You attempt to call forth the target’s soul and return it to its body. This requires the target’s body to be present and relatively intact. The target must have died within the past year. If Pharasma has decided that the target’s time has come or the target doesn’t wish to return, this ritual automatically fails, but you discover this after the successful Religion check and can end the ritual without paying the cost.

Heightened (6th) You can resurrect a target of up to 12th level, and the base cost is 125 gp.

Heightened (7th) You can use resurrect even with only a small portion of the body; the ritual creates a new body on a success or critical success. The target must have died within the past decade. The ritual requires four secondary casters, each of whom must be at least half the target’s level. The target can be up to 14th level, and the base cost is 200 gp.

Heightened (8th) As 7th level, but the target can be up to 16th level and the base cost is 300 gp.

Heightened (9th) You can use resurrect even without the body as long as you know the target’s name and have touched a portion of its body at any time. The target must have died within the past century, and it doesn’t gain the negative conditions on a success. The ritual requires eight secondary casters, each of whom must be at least half the target’s level. The target can be up to 18th level, and the base cost is 600 gp.

Heightened (10th) As 9th level, except it doesn’t matter how long ago the target died. The ritual requires 16 secondary casters, each of whom must be at least half the target’s level. The target can be up to 20th level, and the ritual’s base cost is 1,000 gp.

Rune Trap 1 hrs.

PFS: Standard
cost: pigments and oils worth a total value of 5 gp × the rank of the spell to be stored
source: Player Core pg. 395
target: 1 object or a 10-foot-by-10-foot area
type: Ritual
primary_check: Arcana (expert), Nature (expert), Occultism (expert), or Religion (expert) as determined by the tradition of spell cast in the ritual
secondary_casters: 1
secondary_check: Crafting

You create a magical trap by binding a hostile spell into a rune. As part of performing this ritual, you also Cast a Spell to store in the rune. The stored spell must take 3 actions or fewer to cast, have a hostile effect, and target one creature or have an area. You can set a password, a trigger, or both for the rune. Any creature that moves, opens, or touches the target container or enters the target area that doesn’t speak the password or that matches the trigger activates the rune, releasing the harmful spell within.

Once a spell is stored in the rune, the rune gains all the traits of that spell. If the stored spell targets one or more creatures, it targets the creature that set off the rune. If it has an area, that area is centered on the creature that set off the rune. The rune is a magical trap, using your spell DC for both the Perception check to notice it and the Thievery check to disable it; both checks require the creature attempting them to be trained in order to succeed. You can Dismiss the rune you create with this ritual so long as you can see it.

Critical Success You create a particularly effective rune, granting a +2 circumstance bonus to the DC to notice and disable the rune.
Success You create the rune successfully.
Failure You fail to create the rune.
Critical Failure The rune backfires, dealing 4d6 force damage per rank of the rune’s spell to you, the secondary caster, and all creatures within 10 feet of the ritual’s area.

Wish 1 days.

PFS: Standard
cost: fine ash, magically imbued pigments, and a gem in a marquise cut worth 100,000 gp in total
range: 10
source: Player Core pg. 395
target: 1 creature
type: Ritual
primary_check: Arcana (legendary), Nature (legendary), Occultism (legendary), Religion (legendary)
secondary_casters: 2
secondary_check: Crafting , Diplomacy

You weave the fabric of reality itself to grant the target’s greatest desire. The target declares their wish in a loud voice at the start of the ritual and again at the end. The target’s wish can be anything, ranging from simpler wishes such as vast riches or the casting of a certain spell or ritual, to greater wishes like the destruction of an entire kingdom or ascension to divinity. The GM might decide a wish draws the attention of deities or other powerful creatures, leading to interference with the ritual or attempts to undo the wish. The power of the ritual alters reality to such a degree that even deities can’t outright undo the wish, but they can react to the wish by sending servitors to take away the newly acquired riches, for example.

Critical Success The wish is granted without complication or drawbacks.
Success The wish is granted, but with unintended consequences or side effects, such as taking riches from a well-known criminal, stirring a damaged kingdom to war, or angering rival gods.
Failure The wish fails and has no result. The GM can instead have the wish be partially granted, but to such a lesser degree that the target will be eternally unsatisfied.
Critical Failure The wish is corrupted, resulting in a cruel fulfillment. The GM determines the full results, but the outcome is generally ironic in some nature, such as becoming trapped in an underground vault full of riches, being transported to the kingdom as it’s destroyed, or achieving divinity within an inaccessible demiplane.