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List of Primal

Acid Grip <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
legacy_name: Acid Arrow
range: 120
saving_throw: Reflex
source: Player Core pg. 314
spell_type: Spell
target: 1 creature
tradition: ArcanePrimal
type: Spell

An ephemeral, taloned hand grips the target, burning it with magical acid. The target takes 2d8 acid damage plus 1d6 persistent acid damage depending on its Reflex save. A creature taking persistent damage from this spell takes a –10-foot status bonus to its Speeds.

Critical Success The creature is unaffected.
Success The creature takes half damage and no persistent damage, and the claw moves it up to 5 feet in a direction of your choice.
Failure The creature takes full damage and persistent damage, and the claw moves it up to 10 feet in a direction of your choice.
Critical Failure The creature takes double damage and full persistent damage, and the claw moves it up to 20 feet in a direction of your choice.

Heightened (+2) The initial damage increases by 2d8, and the persistent acid damage increases by 1d6.

Aerial Form <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
duration: 1 min.
source: Player Core pg. 314
spell_type: Spell
tradition: ArcanePrimal
type: Spell

You harness your mastery of the sky to reshape your body into a Medium flying animal battle form. When you Cast this Spell, choose a listed battle form. You can decide the specific type of animal (such as an owl or eagle for bird), but this has no effect on the form’s Size or statistics. While in this form, you gain the animal trait. You can Dismiss the spell.
You gain specific abilities based on the animal you choose:

  • AC = 18 + your level. Ignore your armor’s check penalty and Speed reduction.
  • 5 temporary Hit Points.
  • Low-light vision.
  • One or more unarmed melee attacks specific to the battle form you choose, which are the only attacks you can Strike with. You’re trained with them. Your attack modifier is +16, and your damage bonus is +5. These attacks are Dexterity based (for the purpose of the clumsy condition, for example). If your attack modifier for Dexterity-based unarmed attacks is higher, you can use it instead.
  • Acrobatics modifier of +16, unless your own is higher.
You also gain specific abilities based on the form you choose:

  • Bat Speed 20 feet, fly 30 feet; precise echolocation 40 feet; Melee fangs, Damage 2d8 piercing; Melee wing (agile), Damage 2d6 bludgeoning.
  • Bird Speed 10 feet, fly 50 feet; Melee beak, Damage 2d8 piercing; Melee talon (agile), Damage 1d10 slashing.
  • Pterosaur Speed 10 feet, fly 40 feet; imprecise scent 30 feet; Melee beak, Damage 3d6 piercing.
  • Wasp Speed 20 feet, fly 40 feet; Melee stinger, Damage 1d8 piercing plus 1d6 persistent poison.

Heightened (5th) Your battle form is Large and your fly Speed gains a +10-foot status bonus. You instead gain 10 temporary HP, attack modifier +18, damage bonus +8, and Acrobatics +20.

Heightened (6th) Your battle form is Huge, your fly Speed gains a +15-foot status bonus, and your attacks have 10-foot reach. You instead gain AC = 21 + your level, 15 temporary HP, attack modifier +21, damage bonus +4 and double damage dice (including persistent damage), and Acrobatics +23.

Air Bubble <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.3em" viewBox="0 0 128 128" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.902" fill="#f6f6f6" d="M 127.5,46.5 C 127.5,51.5 127.5,56.5 127.5,61.5C 121.903,77.9355 110.903,89.4355 94.5,96C 88.9518,98.0716 83.2852,99.7383 77.5,101C 80.2801,103.898 82.2801,107.232 83.5,111C 82.8651,114.634 80.6985,116.468 77,116.5C 57.3159,112.704 37.8159,108.204 18.5,103C 15.7797,99.1247 16.4463,95.7914 20.5,93C 37.6159,82.3615 54.7826,71.8615 72,61.5C 75.5791,62.1444 77.4124,64.311 77.5,68C 76.247,72.494 75.4137,76.994 75,81.5C 92.5897,69.2681 93.7563,55.7681 78.5,41C 58.5674,29.134 38.234,28.4674 17.5,39C 13.8683,41.6298 10.535,44.6298 7.5,48C 4.2253,48.9818 1.55863,48.1485 -0.5,45.5C -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5 -0.5,39.5C 7.8569,23.6692 20.8569,13.5025 38.5,9C 67.8746,1.05501 94.0413,6.88834 117,26.5C 121.854,32.5444 125.354,39.2111 127.5,46.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 50.5,11.5 C 72.8385,8.99216 92.8385,14.4922 110.5,28C 126.992,47.4521 125.658,65.7854 106.5,83C 95.0503,90.8721 82.3837,95.0388 68.5,95.5C 68.3505,96.552 68.5172,97.552 69,98.5C 72.0453,102.756 75.212,106.923 78.5,111C 59.9079,107.034 41.2413,103.034 22.5,99C 38.3308,88.5836 54.3308,78.4169 70.5,68.5C 70.8333,69 71.1667,69.5 71.5,70C 69.5942,76.7897 67.9275,83.623 66.5,90.5C 79.8437,87.3251 89.0104,79.3251 94,66.5C 96.1665,54.3323 92.3332,44.499 82.5,37C 59.9162,22.4848 36.9162,21.8181 13.5,35C 10.7198,36.8123 8.21984,38.979 6,41.5C 5.83333,41.1667 5.66667,40.8333 5.5,40.5C 9.9731,31.5269 16.6398,24.6936 25.5,20C 33.5783,16.0302 41.9116,13.1969 50.5,11.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
duration: 1 min.
element: Air
range: 60
source: Player Core pg. 314
spell_type: Spell
target: the triggering creature
tradition: ArcaneDivinePrimal
trigger: A creature within range enters an environment where it can't breathe.
type: Spell

A bubble of pure air appears around the target’s head, allowing it to breathe normally. The effect ends as soon as the target returns to an environment where it can breathe normally.

Alarm 10 min.

PFS: Standard
area: 20-foot burst
component: 10 minutes
duration: 8 hrs.
source: Player Core pg. 314
spell_type: Spell
tradition: ArcaneDivineOccultPrimal
type: Spell

You ward an area to alert you when creatures enter without your permission. When you cast alarm, select a password. Whenever a Small or larger corporeal creature enters the spell’s area without speaking the password, alarm sends your choice of a mental alert (in which case the spell gains the mental trait) or an audible alarm with the sound and volume of a hand bell (in which case the spell gains the auditory trait). Either option automatically awakens you, and the bell allows each creature in the area to attempt a DC 15 Perception check to wake up. A creature aware of the alarm must succeed at a Stealth check against the spell’s DC or trigger the spell when moving into the area.

Heightened (3rd) You can specify a trigger for which types of creatures sound the alarm spell, as described in Setting Triggers on page 303.

Animal Form <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
deity: Lamashtu
duration: 1 min.
source: Player Core pg. 315
spell_type: Spell
tradition: Primal
type: Spell

You call upon primal energy to transform yourself into a Medium animal battle form. When you Cast this Spell, choose a listed battle form. You can decide the specific type of animal (such as lion or snow leopard for cat), but this has no effect on the form’s Size or statistics. While in this form, you gain the animal trait. You can Dismiss the spell.

You gain specific abilities based on the animal you choose:

  • AC = 16 + your level. Ignore your armor’s check penalty and Speed reduction.
  • 5 temporary Hit Points.
  • Low-light vision and imprecise scent 30 feet.
  • One or more unarmed melee attacks specific to the battle form you choose, which are the only attacks you can Strike with. You’re trained with them. Your attack modifier is +9, and your damage bonus is +1. These attacks are Strength based (for the purpose of the enfeebled condition, for example). If your unarmed attack bonus is higher, you can use it instead.
  • Athletics modifier of +9, unless your own is higher.
You also gain specific abilities based on the animal you choose:

  • Ape Speed 25 feet, climb 20 feet; Melee fist, Damage 2d6 bludgeoning.
  • Bear Speed 30 feet; Melee jaws, Damage 2d8 piercing; Melee claw (agile), Damage 1d8 slashing.
  • Bull Speed 30 feet; Melee horn, Damage 2d8 piercing.
  • Canine Speed 40 feet; Melee jaws, Damage 2d8 piercing.
  • Cat Speed 40 feet; Melee jaws, Damage 2d6 piercing; Melee claw (agile), Damage 1d10 slashing.
  • Deer Speed 50 feet; Melee antler, Damage 2d6 piercing.
  • Frog Speed 25 feet, swim 25 feet; Melee jaws, Damage 2d6 bludgeoning; Melee tongue (reach 15 feet), Damage 2d4 bludgeoning.
  • Shark swim 35 feet; Melee jaws, Damage 2d8 piercing; breathe underwater but not in air.
  • Snake Speed 20 feet, climb 20 feet, swim 20 feet; Melee fangs, Damage 2d4 piercing plus 1d6 poison.

Heightened (3rd) You instead gain 10 temporary HP, AC = 17 + your level, attack modifier +14, damage bonus +5, and Athletics +14.

Heightened (4th) Your battle form is Large and your attacks have 10-foot reach. You instead gain 15 temporary HP, AC = 18 + your level, attack modifier +16, damage bonus +9, and Athletics +16.

Heightened (5th) Your battle form is Huge and your attacks have 15-foot reach. You instead gain 20 temporary HP, AC = 18 + your level, attack modifier +18, damage bonus +7 and double the number of damage dice, and Athletics +20.

Animal Messenger 1 min.

PFS: Standard
component: 1 minute
range: 120
source: Player Core pg. 315
spell_type: Spell
tradition: Primal
type: Spell

You offer food, and an ordinary Tiny animal within range approaches to eat it. You imprint the image, direction, and distance of an obvious place or landmark well known to you within the animal. You can also attach a small object or note up to light Bulk to it. The animal does its best to reach the destination; if it makes it there, it waits nearby and allows nonhostile creatures to approach and remove the attached object. The spell ends after the message is delivered or after 24 hours, whichever comes first. If there are no Tiny wild animals in range, the spell is lost.

Ant Haul <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
area: 1 creature
duration: 8 hrs.
source: Player Core pg. 315
spell_type: Spell
tradition: ArcanePrimal
type: Spell

You reinforce the target’s musculoskeletal system to bear more weight. The target can carry 3 more Bulk than normal before becoming encumbered and up to a maximum of 6 more Bulk.

Aqueous Orb <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
duration: 1 min.
element: Water
range: 60
saving_throw: Reflex
source: Player Core pg. 315
spell_type: Spell
tradition: ArcanePrimal
type: Spell

A sphere of water 10 feet in diameter forms in an unoccupied space in range, either on the ground or on the surface of a liquid. When you Cast this Spell and each time you Sustain it, you can roll the orb, moving it up to 10 feet along the ground or the surface of a liquid. The orb can move through the spaces of any creatures or obstacles that wouldn’t stop the flow of water. It extinguishes non-magical fires it moves through of its size or smaller, and it attempts to counteract any magical fires it moves through. If it fails to counteract a given fire, it can’t counteract that fire for the duration of the spell.

The orb can engulf Large or smaller creatures it moves through, and it can contain as many creatures as fit in its space. The orb can try to engulf the same creature only once per turn, even if you roll it onto a creature’s space more than once. Any Large or smaller creature whose space the orb tries to move through can attempt a Reflex save.

Success The creature can either let the orb pass (remaining in its space or moving out of the orb’s path into a space of the creature’s choice) or allow itself to be pushed in front of the orb to the end of the orb’s movement.
Failure The creature is engulfed in the orb. It moves along with the orb and must hold its breath or begin suffocating (unless it can breathe in water). An engulfed Medium or smaller creature and anyone trying to affect that creature follow the normal rules for aquatic battles. An engulfed Large creature is usually big enough that parts of it stick out from the water, and it can reach out of the water.
The creature can get free either by Swimming with a successful DC 10 Athletics check or by Escaping against your spell DC. A freed creature exits the orb’s space and can immediately breathe.
Critical Failure As failure, but the creature can’t Swim to get free.

Arctic Rift <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
area: 120-foot line
legacy_name: Polar Ray
saving_throw: Fortitude
source: Player Core pg. 316
spell_type: Spell
tradition: ArcanePrimal
type: Spell

A jagged crack opens in the air, dealing 12d8 cold damage as it draws away warmth. Each creature along the rift must attempt a Fortitude save.

Critical Success The creature is unaffected.
Success The creature takes half damage.
Failure The creature takes full damage and is slowed 1 until the start of your next turn.
Critical Failure The creature takes double damage, is immobilized by a layer of ice, and is slowed 1 as long as its immobilized. The ice is an object with 60 Hit Points, Hardness 5, immunity to cold damage, and vulnerability 10 to fire. It has object immunities (page 269) and is destroyed if the target Escapes.

Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 1d8 and the ice’s Hit Points increase by 5.

Banishment <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
area: 1 creature that isn't on its home plane
range: 30
saving_throw: Will
source: Player Core pg. 317
spell_type: Spell
tradition: ArcaneDivineOccultPrimal
type: Spell

You send the target back to its home plane. The target must attempt a Will save. You can spend an extra action while Casting this Spell and add a cost to the spell to give the creature a –2 circumstance penalty to its save. The cost must be a specially gathered object that is anathema to the creature. This spell fails if you aren’t on your home plane when you cast it.

Critical Success The target resists being banished and you are stunned 1.
Success The target resists being banished.
Failure The target is banished.
Critical Failure The target is banished and can’t return by any means to the plane it’s banished from for 1 week.

Heightened (9th) You can target up to 10 creatures. The extra cost affects targets to which it is anathema.

Blazing Bolt <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.3em" viewBox="0 0 128 128" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.896" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 60.5,-0.5 C 62.1667,-0.5 63.8333,-0.5 65.5,-0.5C 85.1366,18.9716 104.303,38.9716 123,59.5C 125.295,63.692 124.628,67.3586 121,70.5C 102.63,89.369 84.4629,108.369 66.5,127.5C 64.1667,127.5 61.8333,127.5 59.5,127.5C 50.5395,117.37 41.3729,107.37 32,97.5C 31.6905,96.2341 31.1905,95.0674 30.5,94C 31.1905,92.9326 31.6905,91.7659 32,90.5C 35.1117,87.8991 37.6117,84.8991 39.5,81.5C 40.1667,81.5 40.5,81.1667 40.5,80.5C 46.2981,75.2029 51.9647,69.7029 57.5,64C 50.6619,55.9954 43.3285,48.4954 35.5,41.5C 33.6567,38.8111 31.9901,35.9777 30.5,33C 31.1905,31.9326 31.6905,30.7659 32,29.5C 41.3944,19.2755 50.8944,9.27549 60.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#020202" d="M 62.5,4.5 C 81.848,23.5148 100.515,43.1815 118.5,63.5C 100.549,83.6194 82.0493,103.286 63,122.5C 54.1667,113 45.3333,103.5 36.5,94C 46.0175,83.9833 55.3509,73.8167 64.5,63.5C 55.3509,53.1833 46.0175,43.0167 36.5,33C 45.3731,23.6297 54.0398,14.1297 62.5,4.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:0.889" fill="#f8f8f8" d="M 35.5,41.5 C 40.069,47.5755 45.2356,53.2422 51,58.5C 53.603,61.3257 53.9364,64.3257 52,67.5C 47.5642,71.4276 43.7308,75.7609 40.5,80.5C 39.8333,80.5 39.5,80.8333 39.5,81.5C 36.0934,85.0766 32.26,88.0766 28,90.5C 20.0919,84.5978 12.7585,77.9312 6,70.5C 2.37155,67.3586 1.70488,63.692 4,59.5C 10.1349,52.364 16.6349,45.5307 23.5,39C 28.1447,36.6957 32.1447,37.529 35.5,41.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 27.5,42.5 C 34.1174,49.4531 40.7841,56.4531 47.5,63.5C 40.8163,70.3496 34.3163,77.3496 28,84.5C 20.9489,77.9512 14.4489,70.9512 8.5,63.5C 14.4857,56.1812 20.8191,49.1812 27.5,42.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
element: Fire
legacy_name: Scorching Ray
range: 60
saving_throw: AC
source: Player Core pg. 318
spell_type: Spell
target: 1 or more creatures
tradition: ArcanePrimal
type: Spell

You fire a ray of heat and flame. Make a spell attack roll against a single creature. On a hit, the target takes 2d6 fire damage, and on a critical hit, the target takes double damage.

For each additional action you use when Casting the Spell, you can fire an additional ray at a different target, to a maximum of three rays targeting three different targets for 3 actions.

These attacks each increase your multiple attack penalty, but you don’t increase your multiple attack penalty until after you make all the spell attack rolls for blazing bolt. If you spend 2 or more actions Casting the Spell, the damage increases to 4d6 fire damage on a hit, and it still deals double damage on a critical hit.

Heightened (+1) The damage to each target increases by 1d6 for the 1-action version, or by 2d6 for the 2- and 3-action versions.

Blindness <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
range: 30
saving_throw: Fortitude
source: Player Core pg. 318
spell_type: Spell
target: 1 creature
tradition: ArcaneDivineOccultPrimal
type: Spell

You blind the target. The effect is determined by the target’s Fortitude save. The target then becomes temporarily immune for 1 minute.

Critical Success The target is unaffected.
Success The target is blinded until its next turn begins.
Failure The target is blinded for 1 minute.
Critical Failure The target is blinded permanently.

Breathe Fire <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
area: 15-foot cone
deity: RovagugSarenrae
element: Fire
legacy_name: Burning Hands
saving_throw: basic Reflex
source: Player Core pg. 319
spell_type: Spell
tradition: ArcanePrimal
type: Spell

A gout of flame sprays from your mouth. You deal 2d6 fire damage to creatures in the area with a basic Reflex save.

Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 2d6.

Cataclysm <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
area: 60-foot burst
element: AirEarthFireWater
range: 1000
saving_throw: basic Reflex
source: Player Core pg. 319
spell_type: Spell
tradition: ArcanePrimal
type: Spell

You call upon the unimaginable power of world-ending cataclysms, ripping a small piece of each cataclysm and combining them together into one horrifically powerful attack. The following effects come down upon all creatures in the area. Treat the resistances of creatures in the area as if they were 10 lower for the purpose of determining the cataclysm’s damage. Each creature attempts one basic Reflex save that applies to all five types of damage.

  • Flesh-dissolving acid rain deals 3d10 acid damage.
  • A roaring earthquake shakes and bludgeons creatures on the ground, dealing 3d10 bludgeoning damage.
  • A blast of freezing wind deals 3d10 cold damage.
  • Incredible lightning lashes the area, dealing 3d10 electricity damage.
  • Beating winds churn across the sky, dealing 3d10 bludgeoning damage to creatures flying in the area.
  • An instant tsunami sweeps over creatures in the area, dealing 3d10 bludgeoning damage (doubled for creatures swimming in the area).
  • A massive wildfire burns in a sudden inferno, dealing 3d10 fire damage.

Chain Lightning <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
range: 500
saving_throw: basic Reflex
source: Player Core pg. 319
spell_type: Spell
target: 1 creature, plus any number of additional creatures
tradition: ArcanePrimal
type: Spell

You discharge a powerful bolt of lightning at the target, dealing 8d12 electricity damage. The target must attempt a basic Reflex save. The electricity then arcs to another creature within 30 feet of the first target, jumps to another creature within 30 feet of that target, and so on. You can end the chain at any point. You can’t target the same creature more than once, and you must have line of effect to all targets. Roll the damage only once and apply it to each target (halving or doubling as appropriate for its saving throw outcome). The chain ends if any one of the targets critically succeeds at its save.

Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 1d12.

Charm <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
deity: AsmodeusCalistria
duration: 1 hrs.
range: 30
saving_throw: Will
source: Player Core pg. 320
spell_type: Spell
target: 1 creature
tradition: ArcaneOccultPrimal
type: Spell

To the target, your words are honey and your visage seems bathed in a dreamy haze. It must attempt a Will save, with a +4 circumstance bonus if you or your allies recently threatened it or used hostile actions against it.

You can Dismiss the spell. If you use hostile actions against the target, the spell ends. When the spell ends, the target doesn’t necessarily realize it was charmed unless its friendship with you or the actions you convinced it to take clash with its expectations, meaning you could potentially convince the target to continue being your friend via mundane means.

Critical Success The target is unaffected and aware you tried to charm it.
Success The target is unaffected but thinks your spell was something harmless instead of charm, unless it identifies the spell (see Identifying Spells on page 303).
Failure The target’s attitude becomes friendly toward you. If it was friendly, it becomes helpful. It can’t use hostile actions against you.
Critical Failure The target’s attitude becomes helpful toward you, and it can’t use hostile actions against you.

Heightened (4th) The duration lasts until your next daily preparations.

Heightened (8th) The duration lasts until your next daily preparations, and you can target up to 10 creatures.

Cleanse Affliction <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
legacy_name: Neutralize Poison
source: Player Core pg. 320
spell_type: Spell
target: 1 willing creature
tradition: DivineOccultPrimal
type: Spell

Gentle restorative magic pushes back the effects of toxins and more complex maladies. Choose an affliction on the target, such as a curse, disease, or poison. If it has advanced past stage one, reduce the stage by one. This reduction can be applied only once to a given case of an affliction, with the case ending when it’s completely cured. Although the reduction can’t occur again, heightened versions of this spell attempt to counteract with each casting.

Heightened (3rd) Attempt to counteract the affliction if it is a disease or poison.

Heightened (4th) Attempt to counteract the affliction if it is a curse, disease, or poison.

Cleanse Cuisine <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
area: 1 cubic foot
legacy_name: Purify Food and Drink
range: 10
source: Player Core pg. 320
spell_type: Spell
tradition: DivinePrimal
type: Spell

You transform all food and beverages in the area into delicious fare, changing water into wine or another fine beverage, or enhancing the food’s taste and ingredients to make it a gourmet treat. You can also choose to remove all toxins and contaminations from the food. This spell doesn’t prevent future contamination, natural decay, or spoilage, nor does it make the food any more nutritious.

Heightened (+2) Add another cubic foot to the area, which must be contiguous with the rest.

Clear Mind <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
legacy_name: Remove Fear
source: Player Core pg. 320
spell_type: Spell
target: 1 willing creature
tradition: DivineOccultPrimal
type: Spell

You drive mental contamination from the target’s mind. Attempt to counteract an effect of your choice imposing one of these conditions on the target: fleeing, frightened, and stupefied. If you failed to counteract the effect but you would have if its counteract rank were 2 lower, instead suppress the effect until the beginning of your next turn. The effect’s duration doesn’t elapse while it’s suppressed. This spell can’t counteract or suppress conditions that are part of curses, diseases, or a natural state of the target.

Heightened (4th) Add confused, controlled, and slowed to the list of conditions.

Heightened (6th) Add doomed to the list of conditions.

Heightened (8th) Add stunned to the list of conditions.

Control Water <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
area: 50 feet long by 50 feet wide
deity: Gozreh
duration: 1 hrs.
element: Water
range: 500
saving_throw: Fortitude (see text)
source: Player Core pg. 321
spell_type: Spell
tradition: ArcanePrimal
type: Spell

By imposing your will upon the water, you can raise or lower the level of water in the chosen area by 10 feet. Creatures that have the water trait and that are in the area when you Cast the Spell must attempt a Fortitude save, with the effects of the slow spell.

Create Food 1 hrs.

PFS: Standard
component: 1 hour
range: 30
source: Player Core pg. 321
spell_type: Spell
tradition: ArcaneDivinePrimal
type: Spell

You create enough food to feed six Medium creatures for a day. This food is bland and unappealing, but it is nourishing. After 1 day, if no one has eaten the food, it decays and becomes inedible. Most Small creatures eat one-quarter as much as a Medium creature (one-sixteenth as much for most Tiny creatures), and most Large creatures eat 10 times as much (100 times as much for Huge creatures and so on).

Heightened (4th) You can feed 12 Medium creatures.

Heightened (6th) You can feed 50 Medium creatures.

Heightened (8th) You can feed 200 Medium creatures.

Create Water <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
element: Water
source: Player Core pg. 322
spell_type: Spell
tradition: ArcaneDivinePrimal
type: Spell

As you cup your hands, water begins to flow forth from them. You create 2 gallons of water. If no one drinks it, it evaporates after 1 day.

Creation 1 min.

PFS: Standard
component: 1 minute
deity: AbadarShelynTorag
duration: 1 hrs.
source: Player Core pg. 322
spell_type: Spell
tradition: ArcanePrimal
type: Spell

You conjure a temporary object from magical energy. It must consist of earthen or plant-derived matter (such as wood, paper, brick, or stone) and be 5 cubic feet or smaller. It can’t rely on intricate artistry or complex moving parts, never fulfills a cost or the like, and can’t be made of precious materials or materials with a rarity of uncommon or higher. It is obviously temporarily conjured, and thus can’t be sold or passed off as a genuine item. The spell gains the appropriate trait for the item created, typically earth, plant, or wood.

Heightened (5th) The item is metal and can include common minerals, like feldspar or quartz. The spell gains the metal trait if used to create a metal object.

Cursed Metamorphosis <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
legacy_name: Baleful Polymorph
range: 30
saving_throw: Fortitude
source: Player Core pg. 322
spell_type: Spell
target: 1 creature
tradition: ArcaneOccultPrimal
type: Spell

You transform the target creature into a harmless animal appropriate to the area, with effects based on its Fortitude save.

Critical Success The target is unaffected.
Success The target’s body gains minor features of the harmless animal. Its insides churn as they partially transform, causing it to be sickened 1. When it recovers from the sickened condition, its features revert to normal.
Failure The target transforms for 1 minute but keeps its mind. If it spends all its actions on its turn concentrating on its original form, it can attempt a Will save to end the effect immediately.
Critical Failure The target is transformed into the chosen harmless animal, body and mind, for an unlimited duration.

Darkness <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 71" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.916" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 29.5,-0.5 C 31.8333,-0.5 34.1667,-0.5 36.5,-0.5C 41.8396,5.17254 47.1729,10.8392 52.5,16.5C 57.3185,12.1819 61.9852,7.68193 66.5,3C 68.9712,2.2937 71.3046,2.62703 73.5,4C 78.7,8.86527 83.5334,14.0319 88,19.5C 91.5,16 95,12.5 98.5,9C 100.695,7.62703 103.029,7.2937 105.5,8C 113.063,15.3952 120.397,22.8952 127.5,30.5C 127.5,32.8333 127.5,35.1667 127.5,37.5C 120.005,44.1622 113.005,51.3289 106.5,59C 105.234,59.3095 104.067,59.8095 103,60.5C 97.752,57.0931 92.9187,53.0931 88.5,48.5C 82.9822,53.1842 77.9822,58.3508 73.5,64C 72.1279,64.4017 70.7946,64.9017 69.5,65.5C 63.2763,61.949 57.943,57.2823 53.5,51.5C 47.6491,56.5172 42.3158,62.0172 37.5,68C 34.7887,69.8048 32.1221,69.8048 29.5,68C 25,63.5 20.5,59 16,54.5C 14.9914,52.9751 14.4914,51.3084 14.5,49.5C 8.21925,46.2197 3.21925,41.553 -0.5,35.5C -0.5,34.5 -0.5,33.5 -0.5,32.5C 3.45146,26.5485 8.45146,21.5485 14.5,17.5C 18.7696,10.8965 23.7696,4.89652 29.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 32.5,4.5 C 41.9372,14.4382 51.6039,24.2716 61.5,34C 52.3637,44.1371 42.8637,53.9705 33,63.5C 28.5,59 24,54.5 19.5,50C 24.1798,44.6551 28.8465,39.3218 33.5,34C 29.213,28.7107 24.5463,23.7107 19.5,19C 23.6703,13.9977 28.0036,9.16435 32.5,4.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#050505" d="M 68.5,8.5 C 69.2389,8.36899 69.9056,8.53566 70.5,9C 78.5142,16.8805 86.1809,25.0471 93.5,33.5C 85.8397,42.4931 77.8397,51.1597 69.5,59.5C 64.9185,56.0885 61.2518,51.9218 58.5,47C 62.1192,42.3781 66.1192,38.0448 70.5,34C 66.399,29.1431 62.0657,24.4764 57.5,20C 61.3705,16.2977 65.0371,12.4643 68.5,8.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#060606" d="M 101.5,13.5 C 109.117,19.449 116.117,26.1156 122.5,33.5C 115.806,40.5264 109.139,47.5264 102.5,54.5C 99.5,51.1667 96.5,47.8333 93.5,44.5C 96.8333,40.8333 100.167,37.1667 103.5,33.5C 100.167,29.8333 96.8333,26.1667 93.5,22.5C 96.189,19.4802 98.8556,16.4802 101.5,13.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#080808" d="M 13.5,24.5 C 14.552,24.3505 15.552,24.5172 16.5,25C 18.9787,28.3132 21.6454,31.4798 24.5,34.5C 21.516,37.9846 18.3493,41.318 15,44.5C 11.6507,41.318 8.48403,37.9846 5.5,34.5C 8.57025,31.4362 11.2369,28.1029 13.5,24.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
area: 20-foot burst
duration: 1 min.
range: 120
source: Player Core pg. 322
spell_type: Spell
tradition: ArcaneDivineOccultPrimal
type: Spell

You create a shroud of darkness that prevents light from penetrating or emanating within the area. Light does not enter the area and any non-magical light sources, such as a torch or lantern, do not emanate any light while inside the area, even if their light radius would extend beyond the darkness. This also suppresses magical light of your darkness spell’s rank or lower. Light can’t pass through, so creatures in the area can’t see outside. From outside, it appears as a globe of pure darkness.

Heightened (4th) Even creatures with darkvision (but not greater darkvision) can barely see through the darkness. They treat targets seen through the darkness as concealed.

Darkvision <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
duration: 1 hrs.
source: Player Core pg. 322
spell_type: Spell
tradition: ArcaneDivineOccultPrimal
type: Spell

You grant yourself supernatural sight in areas of darkness. You gain darkvision.

Heightened (3rd) The spell’s range is touch and it targets 1 willing creature.

Heightened (5th) The spell’s range is touch and it targets 1 willing creature. The duration is until your next daily preparations.

Deafness <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
range: 30
saving_throw: Fortitude
source: Player Core pg. 322
spell_type: Spell
target: 1 creature
tradition: ArcaneDivineOccultPrimal
type: Spell

The target loses its hearing. It must attempt a Fortitude save, and it is then temporarily immune for 1 minute.

Critical Success The target is unaffected.
Success The target is deafened for 1 round.
Failure The target is deafened for 10 minutes.
Critical Failure The target is deafened permanently.

Desiccate <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
legacy_name: Horrid Wilting
range: 500
saving_throw: basic Fortitude
source: Player Core pg. 323
spell_type: Spell
target: any number of living creatures
tradition: ArcanePrimal
type: Spell

You pull the moisture from the targets’ bodies, dealing 10d10 void damage. Creatures made of water (such as water elementals) and plant creatures use the outcome for one degree of success worse than the result of their saving throw. Creatures whose bodies contain no significant moisture (such as earth elementals) are immune to desiccate.

Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 1d10.

Detect Poison <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
range: 30
source: Player Core pg. 323
spell_type: Spell
target: 1 object or creature
tradition: DivinePrimal
type: Spell

You detect whether a creature is venomous or poisonous, or if an object is poison or has been poisoned. You do not ascertain whether the target is poisonous in multiple ways, nor do you learn the type or types of poison. Certain substances, like lead and alcohol, are poisons and so mask other poisons.

Heightened (2nd) You learn the number and types of poison.

Detonate Magic <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
deity: Nethys
legacy_name: Disjunction
range: 120
saving_throw: basic Reflex (see text)
source: Player Core pg. 324
spell_type: Spell
target: 1 magic item or spell effect
tradition: ArcanePrimal
type: Spell

You cause the magic within the target to dissipate in a destructive explosion. You attempt to counteract the target. If the attempt succeeds, an explosion of magical force deals 8d6 force damage with a basic Reflex save. If you successfully counteract the magic of an item, it’s deactivated for 1 week (or destroyed on a critical success) and the explosion is a 5-foot emanation from the item. If you successfully counteract a spell, the effect ends and the explosion affects either all creatures in the spells’ area or the target of the spell and all creatures in a 5-foot emanation around it.

Dinosaur Form <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
duration: 1 min.
source: Player Core pg. 324
spell_type: Spell
tradition: Primal
type: Spell

You channel the primal forces of nature to transform into a Large animal battle form, specifically that of a powerful and terrifying dinosaur. When you Cast this Spell, choose a listed battle form. You can decide the specific type of animal, but this has no effect on the form’s Size or statistics. While in this form, you gain the animal and dinosaur traits. You can Dismiss the spell.

You gain the following statistics and abilities regardless of which battle form you choose:

  • AC = 18 + your level. Ignore your armor’s check penalty and Speed reduction.
  • 15 temporary Hit Points.
  • Low-light vision and imprecise scent 30 feet.
  • One or more unarmed melee attacks specific to the battle form you choose, which are the only attacks you can Strike with. You’re trained with them. Your attack modifier is +16, and your damage bonus is +9. These attacks are Strength based (for the purpose of the enfeebled condition, for example). If your unarmed attack modifier is higher, you can use it instead.
  • Athletics modifier of +18, unless your own is higher.
You also gain specific abilities based on the form you choose:

  • Ankylosaurus Speed 25 feet; Melee tail (backswing, reach 10 feet), Damage 2d6 bludgeoning; Melee foot, Damage 2d6 bludgeoning.
  • Brontosaurus Speed 25 feet; Melee tail (reach 15 feet), Damage 2d6 bludgeoning; Melee foot, Damage 2d8 bludgeoning.
  • Deinonychus Speed 40 feet; Melee talon (agile), Damage 2d4 piercing plus 1 persistent bleed; Melee jaws, Damage 1d10 piercing.
  • Stegosaurus Speed 30 feet; Melee tail (reach 10 feet), Damage 2d8 piercing.
  • Triceratops Speed 30 feet; Melee horn, Damage 2d8 piercing, plus 1d6 persistent bleed on a critical hit; Melee foot, Damage 2d6 bludgeoning.
  • Tyrannosaurus Speed 30 feet; Melee jaws (deadly d12, reach 10 feet), Damage 1d12 piercing; Melee tail (reach 10 feet), Damage 1d10 bludgeoning.

Heightened (5th) Your battle form is Huge and your attacks have 15-foot reach, or 20-foot reach if they started with 15-foot reach. You instead gain 20 temporary HP, an attack modifier of +18, a damage bonus of +6, double the damage dice, and Athletics +21.

Heightened (7th) Your battle form is Gargantuan and your attacks have 20-foot reach, or 25-foot reach if they started with 15-foot reach. You instead gain AC = 21 + your level, 25 temporary HP, an attack modifier of +25, a damage bonus of +15, double the damage dice, and Athletics +25.

Dispel Magic <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
range: 120
source: Player Core pg. 325
spell_type: Spell
target: 1 spell effect or unattended magic item
tradition: ArcaneDivineOccultPrimal
type: Spell

You unravel the magic behind a spell or effect. Attempt a counteract check against the target. If you successfully counteract a magic item, it becomes a mundane item of its type for 10 minutes. This doesn’t change the item’s non-magical properties. If the target is an artifact or similar item, you automatically fail.

Dragon Form <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
duration: 1 min.
source: Player Core pg. 326
spell_type: Spell
tradition: ArcaneDivineOccultPrimal
type: Spell

Calling upon powerful magic, you gain a Large dragon battle form. When you Cast this Spell, choose one type of common dragon or another type to which your GM allows access. While in this form, you gain the dragon trait. You have hands in this battle form and can take manipulate actions. You can Dismiss the spell.

You gain the following statistics and abilities regardless of which battle form you choose:

  • AC = 18 + your level. Ignore your armor’s check penalty and Speed reduction.
  • 10 temporary Hit Points.
  • Speed 40 feet, fly 100 feet. You gain any of the following Speeds the chosen dragon has, but with the listed amount: burrow 20 feet, climb 40 feet, swim 60 feet.
  • Resistance 10 against the damage type of your Dragon Breath (see below).
  • Darkvision and imprecise scent 60 feet.
  • The following unarmed melee attacks, which are the only attacks you can Strike with. You’re trained with them. Your attack modifier is +22, and your damage bonus is +6. These attacks are Strength based (for the purpose of the enfeebled condition, for example). If your unarmed attack modifier is higher, you can use it instead. See below for more on these attacks. Melee jaws, Damage 2d12 piercing plus 2d6 damage of the same damage type as your Dragon Breath (see below); Melee claw (agile), Damage 3d10 slashing; Melee tail (reach 10 feet), Damage 3d10 bludgeoning.
  • Athletics modifier of +23, unless your own is higher.
  • Dragon Breath You exhale deadly magical energy in an area, dealing 10d6 damage to each creature in the area with a basic save against your spell DC. The shape, damage type, and save type match that of your chosen dragon’s breath. If the chosen dragon’s breath can deal more than one type of damage, choose one when you cast dragon form. The shape is a 30-foot cone or a 100- foot line. Once activated, Dragon Breath can’t be used again for 1d4 rounds. Dragon Breath has the tradition trait matching the type of dragon and the damage trait matching the type of damage it deals, if applicable.
  • Tradition Resistance If the dragon’s magical tradition matches that of your dragon form spell, you gain the listed ability. Arcane resistance 5 against magic; divine resistance 10 to spirit, vitality, and void; occult resistance 10 to mental; primal resistance 5 to physical damage.

Heightened (8th) Your battle form is Huge, you gain a +20-foot status bonus to your fly Speed, and your attacks have 10-foot reach (or 15-foot reach if they previously had 10-foot reach). You instead gain AC = 21 + your level, 15 temporary HP, an attack modifier of +28, a damage bonus of +12, and Athletics +28. Your Dragon Breath deals an additional 4d6 damage.

Monster Core Dragons The dragons from Monster Core use the following specifications for dragon form.

Dragon Form

DragonTraditionSpeedsDragon Breath
AdamantinePrimalBurrowCone of bludgeoning
ConspiratorOccultClimbCone of poison
DiabolicDivineCone of fire
EmpyrealDivineCone of spirit
FortuneArcaneCone of force
HornedPrimalSwimCone of poison
MirageArcaneClimb Cone of mental
OmenOccultCone of mental

Earthbind <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
deity: Torag
element: Earth
range: 120
saving_throw: Fortitude
source: Player Core pg. 327
spell_type: Spell
target: 1 flying creature
tradition: ArcanePrimal
type: Spell

Using the weight of earth, you hamper a target’s flight, with effects based on its Fortitude save. If the creature reaches the ground safely, it doesn’t take falling damage.

Critical Success The target is unaffected.
Success The target falls safely up to 120 feet.
Failure The target falls safely up to 120 feet. If it hits the ground, it can’t Fly, levitate, or otherwise leave the ground for 1 round.
Critical Failure The target falls safely up to 120 feet. If it hits the ground, it can’t Fly, levitate, or otherwise leave the ground for 1 minute.

Earthquake <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
area: 60-foot burst
duration: 1 round
element: Earth
range: 500
source: Player Core pg. 327
spell_type: Spell
tradition: ArcanePrimal
type: Spell

You shake the ground, topple creatures into fissures, and collapse structures. The GM might add additional effects in certain areas. Cliffs might collapse, causing creatures to fall, or a lake might drain as fissures open up below its surface, leaving a morass of quicksand.

  • Shaking Ground The ground is difficult terrain, and creatures on it take a –2 circumstance penalty to attack rolls, AC, and skill checks.
  • Fissures Each creature on the ground must attempt a Reflex save at the start of its turn to keep its footing and avoid falling into 40-foot-deep fissures that open beneath it. The fissures are permanent, and their sides require successful DC 15 Athletics checks to Climb.
  • Collapse Structures and ceilings might collapse. The GM rolls a flat check for each (DC 16 for a sturdy structure, DC 14 for an average structure and most natural formations, DC 9 for a shoddy structure, all adjusted higher or lower as the GM sees fit). A collapse deals 11d6 bludgeoning damage to each creature caught in it with a basic Reflex save. A creature falls prone unless it critically succeeds and falls into a fissure if it critically fails.

Heightened (10th) You create a massive earthquake that can devastate a settlement. The range increases to half a mile and the area to a quarter-mile burst.

Eclipse Burst <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
area: 60-foot burst
range: 500
saving_throw: Reflex
source: Player Core pg. 328
spell_type: Spell
tradition: ArcaneDivinePrimal
type: Spell

A globe of freezing darkness explodes in the area, dealing 8d10 cold damage to creatures in the area, plus an additional 8d4 void damage to living creatures. Each creature in the area must attempt a Reflex save.

If the globe overlaps with an area of magical light or affects a creature affected by magical light, eclipse burst attempts to counteract the light effect.

Critical Success The creature is unaffected.
Success The creature takes half damage.
Failure The creature takes full damage.
Critical Failure The creature takes double damage and becomes blinded by the darkness for an unlimited duration.

Heightened (+1) The cold damage increases by 1d10 and the void damage against the living increases by 1d4.

Elemental Form <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
duration: 1 min.
source: Player Core pg. 328
spell_type: Spell
tradition: ArcanePrimal
type: Spell

You call upon the power of the planes to transform into a Medium elemental battle form. When you Cast this Spell, choose a listed element. While in this form, you gain the corresponding trait and the elemental trait. You have hands in this battle form and can take manipulate actions. You can Dismiss the spell.

You gain the following statistics and abilities regardless of which battle form you choose:

  • AC = 19 + your level. Ignore your armor’s check penalty and Speed reduction.
  • 10 temporary Hit Points.
  • Darkvision.
  • One or more unarmed melee attacks specific to the battle form you choose, which are the only attacks you can Strike with. You’re trained with them. Your attack modifier is +18, and your damage bonus is +9. These are Dexterity based (air, fire, or metal) or Strength based (earth, water, or wood). If your corresponding unarmed attack modifier is higher, you can use it instead.
  • Acrobatics (air, fire, or metal) or Athletics (earth, water, or wood) modifier of +20; ignore this change if your own modifier is higher.
You gain specific abilities based on the element you choose:

  • Air fly 80 feet, movement doesn’t trigger reactions; Melee gust, Damage 1d4 bludgeoning.
  • Earth Speed 20 feet, burrow 20 feet; Melee boulder, Damage 2d10 bludgeoning.
  • Fire Speed 50 feet; fire resistance 10, weakness 5 to cold and 5 to water; Melee tendril, Damage 1d8 fire plus 1d4 persistent fire.
  • Metal Speed 40 feet, fly 20 feet; Melee blade (versatile piercing), Damage 1d8 slashing plus 1d4 electricity.
  • Water Speed 20 feet, swim 60 feet; fire resistance 5; Melee wave, Damage 1d12 bludgeoning, and you can spend an action immediately after a hit to push the target 5 feet with the effects of a successful Shove.
  • Wood Speed 20 feet, climb 30 feet; Melee branch, Damage 2d10 bludgeoning.

Heightened (6th) Your battle form is Large and your attacks have 10-foot reach. You instead gain AC = 22 + your level, 15 temporary HP, an attack modifier of +23, a damage bonus of +13, and Acrobatics or Athletics +23.

Heightened (7th) Your battle form is Huge and your attacks have 15-foot reach. You instead gain AC = 22 + your level, 20 temporary HP, an attack modifier of +25, a damage bonus of +11, double the number of damage dice (including persistent damage), and Acrobatics or Athletics +25.

Energy Aegis 1 min.

PFS: Standard
component: 1 minute
source: Player Core pg. 328
spell_type: Spell
target: 1 creature
tradition: ArcaneDivineOccultPrimal
type: Spell

You protect the target with a powerful, long-lasting energy barrier. The target gains resistance 5 to acid, cold, electricity, fire, force, sonic, vitality, and void damage.

Heightened (9th) The resistances increase to 10.

Enlarge <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
deity: GorumIomedaeRovagug
duration: 5 min.
range: 30
source: Player Core pg. 329
spell_type: Spell
target: 1 willing creature
tradition: ArcanePrimal
type: Spell

Bolstered by magical power, the target grows to size Large. Its equipment grows with it but returns to natural size if removed. The creature is clumsy 1. Its reach increases by 5 feet (or by 10 feet if it started out Tiny), and it gains a +2 status bonus to melee damage. This spell has no effect on a Large or larger creature.

Heightened (4th) The creature instead grows to size Huge. The status bonus to melee damage is +4 and the creature’s reach increases by 10 feet (or 15 feet if the creature started out Tiny). The spell has no effect on a Huge or larger creature.

Heightened (6th) Choose either the 2nd-rank or 4th-rank version of this spell and apply its effects to up to 10 willing creatures.

Entangling Flora <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
area: all squares in a 20-foot burst
duration: 1 min.
element: Wood
legacy_name: Entangle
range: 120
source: Player Core pg. 329
spell_type: Spell
tradition: ArcanePrimal
type: Spell

Plants and fungi burst out or quickly grow, entangling creatures. All surfaces in the area are difficult terrain. Each round that a creature starts its turn in the area, it must attempt a Reflex save. On a failure, it takes a –10-foot circumstance penalty to its Speeds until it leaves the area, and on a critical failure, it’s also immobilized for 1 round. Creatures can attempt to Escape to remove these effects.

Environmental Endurance 10 min.

PFS: Standard
component: 10 minutes
legacy_name: Endure Elements
source: Player Core pg. 329
spell_type: Spell
target: 1 willing creature
tradition: ArcaneDivinePrimal
type: Spell

You shield the target against dangerous temperatures. Choose severe cold or heat. The target is protected from the temperature you chose (but not extreme cold or heat).

Heightened (3rd) The target is protected from severe cold and severe heat.

Heightened (5th) The target is protected from severe cold, severe heat, extreme cold, and extreme heat.

Everlight <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 71" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.916" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 29.5,-0.5 C 31.8333,-0.5 34.1667,-0.5 36.5,-0.5C 41.8396,5.17254 47.1729,10.8392 52.5,16.5C 57.3185,12.1819 61.9852,7.68193 66.5,3C 68.9712,2.2937 71.3046,2.62703 73.5,4C 78.7,8.86527 83.5334,14.0319 88,19.5C 91.5,16 95,12.5 98.5,9C 100.695,7.62703 103.029,7.2937 105.5,8C 113.063,15.3952 120.397,22.8952 127.5,30.5C 127.5,32.8333 127.5,35.1667 127.5,37.5C 120.005,44.1622 113.005,51.3289 106.5,59C 105.234,59.3095 104.067,59.8095 103,60.5C 97.752,57.0931 92.9187,53.0931 88.5,48.5C 82.9822,53.1842 77.9822,58.3508 73.5,64C 72.1279,64.4017 70.7946,64.9017 69.5,65.5C 63.2763,61.949 57.943,57.2823 53.5,51.5C 47.6491,56.5172 42.3158,62.0172 37.5,68C 34.7887,69.8048 32.1221,69.8048 29.5,68C 25,63.5 20.5,59 16,54.5C 14.9914,52.9751 14.4914,51.3084 14.5,49.5C 8.21925,46.2197 3.21925,41.553 -0.5,35.5C -0.5,34.5 -0.5,33.5 -0.5,32.5C 3.45146,26.5485 8.45146,21.5485 14.5,17.5C 18.7696,10.8965 23.7696,4.89652 29.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 32.5,4.5 C 41.9372,14.4382 51.6039,24.2716 61.5,34C 52.3637,44.1371 42.8637,53.9705 33,63.5C 28.5,59 24,54.5 19.5,50C 24.1798,44.6551 28.8465,39.3218 33.5,34C 29.213,28.7107 24.5463,23.7107 19.5,19C 23.6703,13.9977 28.0036,9.16435 32.5,4.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#050505" d="M 68.5,8.5 C 69.2389,8.36899 69.9056,8.53566 70.5,9C 78.5142,16.8805 86.1809,25.0471 93.5,33.5C 85.8397,42.4931 77.8397,51.1597 69.5,59.5C 64.9185,56.0885 61.2518,51.9218 58.5,47C 62.1192,42.3781 66.1192,38.0448 70.5,34C 66.399,29.1431 62.0657,24.4764 57.5,20C 61.3705,16.2977 65.0371,12.4643 68.5,8.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#060606" d="M 101.5,13.5 C 109.117,19.449 116.117,26.1156 122.5,33.5C 115.806,40.5264 109.139,47.5264 102.5,54.5C 99.5,51.1667 96.5,47.8333 93.5,44.5C 96.8333,40.8333 100.167,37.1667 103.5,33.5C 100.167,29.8333 96.8333,26.1667 93.5,22.5C 96.189,19.4802 98.8556,16.4802 101.5,13.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#080808" d="M 13.5,24.5 C 14.552,24.3505 15.552,24.5172 16.5,25C 18.9787,28.3132 21.6454,31.4798 24.5,34.5C 21.516,37.9846 18.3493,41.318 15,44.5C 11.6507,41.318 8.48403,37.9846 5.5,34.5C 8.57025,31.4362 11.2369,28.1029 13.5,24.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
legacy_name: Continual Flame
source: Player Core pg. 329
spell_type: Spell
target: a gemstone worth 6 gp or more
tradition: ArcaneDivineOccultPrimal
type: Spell

The gemstone you touch glows, spreading bright light with a color of your choice in a 20-foot radius (and dim light for the next 20 feet). The spell ends immediately if the gemstone is broken.

Execute <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
legacy_name: Finger of Death
range: 30
saving_throw: basic Fortitude
source: Player Core pg. 329
spell_type: Spell
target: 1 creature
tradition: DivinePrimal
type: Spell

You point at a creature and invoke the demise of all things. The target takes 70 void damage with a basic Fortitude save. If the target is undead or otherwise has void healing, the spell loses the death and void traits and gains the vitality trait, and the target takes 70 vitality damage with a basic Fortitude save.

Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 10.

Falling Stars <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
area: 4 40-foot bursts
legacy_name: Meteor Swarm
range: 500
saving_throw: basic Reflex
source: Player Core pg. 330
spell_type: Spell
tradition: ArcanePrimal
type: Spell

You reach into the skies and call down an array of falling stars that explode upon colliding with the ground. Choose for the falling stars to be airbursts (sonic), asteroids (fire), comets (cold), or plasma (electricity). The spell gains the trait of the falling star type you chose. The four stars’ central 10-foot bursts can’t overlap. Each falling star deals 6d10 bludgeoning damage to each creature in the 10-foot burst at the center of its area of effect before exploding, dealing 14d6 energy damage of the type you chose to each creature in its 40-foot burst. A creature in any of the areas attempts one basic Reflex save against the spell no matter how many overlapping explosions it’s caught in and can take each type of damage only once.

Heightened (+1) The bludgeoning damage increases by 1d10, and the energy damage increases by 2d6.

Fear <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
patron_theme: Starless Shadow
range: 30
saving_throw: Will
source: Player Core pg. 331
spell_type: Spell
target: 1 creature
tradition: ArcaneDivineOccultPrimal
type: Spell

You plant fear in the target; it must attempt a Will save.

Critical Success The target is unaffected.
Success The target is frightened 1.
Failure The target is frightened 2.
Critical Failure The target is frightened 3 and fleeing for 1 round.

Heightened (3rd) You can target up to five creatures.

Feet to Fins <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
duration: 10 min.
source: Player Core pg. 331
spell_type: Spell
target: 1 willing creature
tradition: ArcanePrimal
type: Spell

The target’s feet transform into fins, improving mobility in the water but reducing it on land. The target gains a swim Speed equal to its normal land Speed, but its land Speed becomes 5 feet.

Heightened (6th) The spell lasts until your next daily preparations.

Field of Life <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
area: 20-foot burst
duration: 1 min.
lesson: Lesson of Renewal
range: 30
source: Player Core pg. 331
spell_type: Spell
tradition: DivinePrimal
type: Spell

A field of life energy fills the area, exuding warmth and rejuvenating those within. Each living creature that starts its turn in the area regains 1d8 Hit Points, and any undead creature that starts its turn in the area takes 1d8 vitality damage.

Heightened (8th) The healing and damage increase to 1d10.

Heightened (9th) The healing and damage increase to 1d12.

Fiery Body <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
duration: 1 min.
element: Fire
source: Player Core pg. 331
spell_type: Spell
tradition: ArcanePrimal
type: Spell

You become living flame, giving you fire immunity, resistance 10 to precision damage, and weakness 5 to cold and to water. Any creature that touches you or damages you with an unarmed attack or non-reach melee weapon takes 3d6 fire damage.

Your unarmed attacks deal an additional 1d4 fire damage, and your fire spells deal one additional die of fire damage (of the same damage die the spell uses). You can cast ignite as an innate spell; the casting is reduced from 2 actions to 1. In fire form, you have a fly Speed of 40 feet and don’t need to breathe.

Heightened (9th) Creatures touching you take 4d6 fire damage instead of 3d6, your unarmed attacks deal an additional 2d4 fire damage, and you have a fly Speed of 60 feet.

Fire Shield <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
deity: Iomedae
duration: 1 min.
element: Fire
source: Player Core pg. 331
spell_type: Spell
tradition: ArcanePrimal
type: Spell

You create a hovering shield made of fire. As long as the shield persists, its heat grants you cold resistance 5 and makes you immune to mild and severe environmental cold. You can Raise a Shield with the fire shield as a normal shield to gain a +1 circumstance bonus to AC. You can use the Shield Block reaction with the fire shield, which has Hardness 10, is immune to fire, and has 40 HP (with no Broken Threshold), and its Hardness is halved against effects that have the water trait. If you Shield Block a melee attack that is either an unarmed attack or made by an adjacent attacker, the attacker takes 2d6 fire damage.

Heightened (+2) The cold resistance increases by 5, the HP increase by 10, and the fire damage increases by 1d6.

Fireball <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
area: 20-foot burst
deity: Sarenrae
element: Fire
range: 500
saving_throw: basic Reflex
source: Player Core pg. 331
spell_type: Spell
tradition: ArcanePrimal
type: Spell

A roaring blast of fire detonates at a spot you designate, dealing 6d6 fire damage.

Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 2d6.

Fleet Step <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
deity: Cayden Cailean
duration: 1 min.
source: Player Core pg. 332
spell_type: Spell
tradition: ArcanePrimal
type: Spell

You gain a +30-foot status bonus to your Speed.

Floating Flame <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
area: 1 5-foot square
duration: 1 min.
element: Fire
legacy_name: Flaming Sphere
range: 30
saving_throw: Reflex
source: Player Core pg. 332
spell_type: Spell
tradition: ArcanePrimal
type: Spell

You create a fire that burns without fuel and moves to your commands. The flame deals 3d6 fire damage to each creature in the square in which it appears, with a basic Reflex save. When you Sustain this spell, you can levitate the flame up to 10 feet. It then deals damage to each creature whose space it shared at any point during its flight. This uses the same damage and save, and you roll the damage once each time you Sustain. A given creature can take damage from floating flame only once per round.

Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 1d6.

Fly <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
duration: 5 min.
source: Player Core pg. 332
spell_type: Spell
target: 1 creature
tradition: ArcaneDivineOccultPrimal
type: Spell

The target can soar through the air, gaining a fly Speed equal to its Speed or 20 feet, whichever is greater.

Heightened (7th) The duration increases to 1 hour.

Gecko Grip <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
legacy_name: Spider Climb
source: Player Core pg. 333
spell_type: Spell
target: 1 creature
tradition: ArcanePrimal
type: Spell

Tiny clinging hairs sprout across the creature’s hands and feet, offering purchase on nearly any surface. The target gains a climb Speed equal to its Speed.

Heightened (5th) The duration increases to 1 hour.

Gentle Landing <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.3em" viewBox="0 0 128 128" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.902" fill="#f6f6f6" d="M 127.5,46.5 C 127.5,51.5 127.5,56.5 127.5,61.5C 121.903,77.9355 110.903,89.4355 94.5,96C 88.9518,98.0716 83.2852,99.7383 77.5,101C 80.2801,103.898 82.2801,107.232 83.5,111C 82.8651,114.634 80.6985,116.468 77,116.5C 57.3159,112.704 37.8159,108.204 18.5,103C 15.7797,99.1247 16.4463,95.7914 20.5,93C 37.6159,82.3615 54.7826,71.8615 72,61.5C 75.5791,62.1444 77.4124,64.311 77.5,68C 76.247,72.494 75.4137,76.994 75,81.5C 92.5897,69.2681 93.7563,55.7681 78.5,41C 58.5674,29.134 38.234,28.4674 17.5,39C 13.8683,41.6298 10.535,44.6298 7.5,48C 4.2253,48.9818 1.55863,48.1485 -0.5,45.5C -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5 -0.5,39.5C 7.8569,23.6692 20.8569,13.5025 38.5,9C 67.8746,1.05501 94.0413,6.88834 117,26.5C 121.854,32.5444 125.354,39.2111 127.5,46.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 50.5,11.5 C 72.8385,8.99216 92.8385,14.4922 110.5,28C 126.992,47.4521 125.658,65.7854 106.5,83C 95.0503,90.8721 82.3837,95.0388 68.5,95.5C 68.3505,96.552 68.5172,97.552 69,98.5C 72.0453,102.756 75.212,106.923 78.5,111C 59.9079,107.034 41.2413,103.034 22.5,99C 38.3308,88.5836 54.3308,78.4169 70.5,68.5C 70.8333,69 71.1667,69.5 71.5,70C 69.5942,76.7897 67.9275,83.623 66.5,90.5C 79.8437,87.3251 89.0104,79.3251 94,66.5C 96.1665,54.3323 92.3332,44.499 82.5,37C 59.9162,22.4848 36.9162,21.8181 13.5,35C 10.7198,36.8123 8.21984,38.979 6,41.5C 5.83333,41.1667 5.66667,40.8333 5.5,40.5C 9.9731,31.5269 16.6398,24.6936 25.5,20C 33.5783,16.0302 41.9116,13.1969 50.5,11.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
duration: 1 min.
element: Air
legacy_name: Feather Fall
range: 60
source: Player Core pg. 333
spell_type: Spell
target: 1 falling creature
tradition: ArcanePrimal
trigger: A creature within range is falling
type: Spell

You raise a magical updraft to arrest a fall. The target’s fall slows to 60 feet per round, and the portion of the fall during the spell’s duration doesn’t count when calculating falling damage. If the target reaches the ground while the spell is in effect, it takes no damage from the fall. The spell ends as soon as the target lands.

Goblin Pox <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
deity: Urgathoa
saving_throw: Fortitude
source: Player Core pg. 333
spell_type: Spell
target: 1 creature
tradition: ArcanePrimal
type: Spell

Your touch afflicts the target with goblin pox, an irritating allergenic rash. The target must attempt a Fortitude save.

Critical Success The target is unaffected.
Success The target is sickened 1.
Failure The target is afflicted with goblin pox at stage 1.
Critical Failure The target is afflicted with goblin pox at stage 2.

Goblin Pox (disease) Level 1; Creatures that have the goblin trait and goblin dogs are immune; Stage 1 sickened 1 (1 round); Stage 2 sickened 1 and slowed 1 (1 round); Stage 3 sickened 1 and the creature can’t reduce its sickened value below 1 (1 day)

Grease <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
area: 4 contiguous 5-foot squares or
duration: 1 min.
range: 30
source: Player Core pg. 333
spell_type: Spell
target: 1 object of 1 Bulk or less
tradition: ArcanePrimal
type: Spell

You conjure grease, choosing an area or target.

  • Area All solid ground in the area is covered with grease. Each creature standing on the greasy surface must succeed at a Reflex save or an Acrobatics check against your spell DC or fall prone. Creatures using an action to move onto the greasy surface during the spell’s duration must attempt either a Reflex save or an Acrobatics check to Balance. A creature that Steps or Crawls doesn’t have to attempt a check or save.
  • Target If you Cast the Spell on an unattended object, anyone trying to pick up the object must succeed at an Acrobatics check or Reflex save against your spell DC to do so. If you target an attended object, the creature that has the object must attempt an Acrobatics check or Reflex save. On a failure, the holder or wielder takes a –2 circumstance penalty to all checks that involve using the object; on a critical failure, the holder or wielder releases the item. The object lands in an adjacent square of the GM’s choice. If you Cast this Spell on a worn object, the wearer gains a +2 circumstance bonus to Fortitude saves against attempts to grapple them.

Gust of Wind <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
area: 60-foot line
deity: Gozreh
element: Air
patron_theme: Silence in Snow
saving_throw: Fortitude
source: Player Core pg. 334
spell_type: Spell
tradition: ArcanePrimal
type: Spell

A violent wind issues forth from your palm, blowing from the point where you are when you Cast the Spell to the line’s opposite end. The wind extinguishes small non-magical fires, disperses fog and mist, blows objects of light Bulk or less around, and pushes larger objects. Large or smaller creatures in the area must attempt a Fortitude save. Large or smaller creatures that later move into the gust must attempt the save on entering.

Critical Success The creature is unaffected.
Success The creature can’t move against the wind.
Failure The creature is knocked prone. If it was flying, it takes the effects of critical failure instead.
Critical Failure The creature is pushed 30 feet in the wind’s direction, knocked prone, and takes 2d6 bludgeoning damage.

Haste <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
deity: Irori
duration: 1 min.
range: 30
source: Player Core pg. 335
spell_type: Spell
target: 1 creature
tradition: ArcaneOccultPrimal
type: Spell

Magic empowers the target to act faster. It gains the quickened condition and can use the extra action each round for only Strike and Stride actions.

Heightened (7th) You can target up to 6 creatures.

Heal <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.3em" viewBox="0 0 128 128" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.896" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 60.5,-0.5 C 62.1667,-0.5 63.8333,-0.5 65.5,-0.5C 85.1366,18.9716 104.303,38.9716 123,59.5C 125.295,63.692 124.628,67.3586 121,70.5C 102.63,89.369 84.4629,108.369 66.5,127.5C 64.1667,127.5 61.8333,127.5 59.5,127.5C 50.5395,117.37 41.3729,107.37 32,97.5C 31.6905,96.2341 31.1905,95.0674 30.5,94C 31.1905,92.9326 31.6905,91.7659 32,90.5C 35.1117,87.8991 37.6117,84.8991 39.5,81.5C 40.1667,81.5 40.5,81.1667 40.5,80.5C 46.2981,75.2029 51.9647,69.7029 57.5,64C 50.6619,55.9954 43.3285,48.4954 35.5,41.5C 33.6567,38.8111 31.9901,35.9777 30.5,33C 31.1905,31.9326 31.6905,30.7659 32,29.5C 41.3944,19.2755 50.8944,9.27549 60.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#020202" d="M 62.5,4.5 C 81.848,23.5148 100.515,43.1815 118.5,63.5C 100.549,83.6194 82.0493,103.286 63,122.5C 54.1667,113 45.3333,103.5 36.5,94C 46.0175,83.9833 55.3509,73.8167 64.5,63.5C 55.3509,53.1833 46.0175,43.0167 36.5,33C 45.3731,23.6297 54.0398,14.1297 62.5,4.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:0.889" fill="#f8f8f8" d="M 35.5,41.5 C 40.069,47.5755 45.2356,53.2422 51,58.5C 53.603,61.3257 53.9364,64.3257 52,67.5C 47.5642,71.4276 43.7308,75.7609 40.5,80.5C 39.8333,80.5 39.5,80.8333 39.5,81.5C 36.0934,85.0766 32.26,88.0766 28,90.5C 20.0919,84.5978 12.7585,77.9312 6,70.5C 2.37155,67.3586 1.70488,63.692 4,59.5C 10.1349,52.364 16.6349,45.5307 23.5,39C 28.1447,36.6957 32.1447,37.529 35.5,41.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 27.5,42.5 C 34.1174,49.4531 40.7841,56.4531 47.5,63.5C 40.8163,70.3496 34.3163,77.3496 28,84.5C 20.9489,77.9512 14.4489,70.9512 8.5,63.5C 14.4857,56.1812 20.8191,49.1812 27.5,42.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
source: Player Core pg. 335
spell_type: Spell
target: 1 willing living creature or 1 undead creature
tradition: DivinePrimal
type: Spell

You channel vital energy to heal the living or damage the undead. If the target is a willing living creature, you restore 1d8 Hit Points. If the target is undead, you deal that amount of vitality damage to it, and it gets a basic Fortitude save. The number of actions you spend when Casting this Spell determines its targets, range, area, and other parameters.

The spell has a range of touch.
(concentrate) The spell has a range of 30 feet. If you’re healing a living creature, increase the Hit Points restored by 8.
(concentrate) You disperse vital energy in a 30-foot emanation. This targets all living and undead creatures in the burst.

Heightened (+1) The amount of healing or damage increases by 1d8, and the extra healing for the 2-action version increases by 8.

Holy Light <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
element: Fire
legacy_name: Searing Light
range: 120
saving_throw: AC
source: Player Core pg. 335
spell_type: Spell
target: 1 creature
tradition: DivinePrimal
type: Spell

You shine a blazing ray of light tinged with holy energy. Make a ranged spell attack. The ray deals 5d6 fire damage. If the target has the unholy trait, you deal an extra 5d6 spirit damage.

Critical Success The target takes double damage.
Success The target takes full damage.

If the light passes through an area of magical darkness or targets a creature affected by magical darkness, holy light attempts to counteract the darkness. If you need to determine whether the light passes through an area of darkness, draw a line between yourself and the spell’s target.

Heightened (+1) The fire damage increases by 2d6, and the spirit damage against unholy creatures increases by 2d6.

Howling Blizzard <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
area: varies
element: Air
legacy_name: Cone of Cold
saving_throw: Reflex
source: Player Core pg. 335
spell_type: Spell
tradition: ArcanePrimal
type: Spell

Freezing winds extend from your hands, pushing away from you with great force. If you Cast this Spell with 2 actions, it has an area of a 60-foot cone; if you Cast this Spell with 3 actions, it has a range of 500 feet and an area of a 30-foot burst. Each creature in the area takes 10d6 cold damage with a basic Reflex save. Snowdrifts and icy gales fill the area until the start of your next turn, making the area difficult terrain.

Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 2d6.

Humanoid Form <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
duration: 10 min.
source: Player Core pg. 335
spell_type: Spell
tradition: ArcaneOccultPrimal
type: Spell

You transform your appearance to that of a Small or Medium humanoid, such as a dwarf, elf, goblin, halfling, human, or orc. You gain the humanoid trait in addition to your other traits while in this form, as well as any trait related to the creature’s kind (such as goblin or human). If this transformation reduces your size, it reduces your reach accordingly (typically to 5 feet). This transformation doesn’t change your statistics in any way, and you don’t gain any special abilities of the humanoid form you assume. You can still wear and use your gear, which changes size (if necessary) to match your new form. If items leave your person, they return to their usual size.

Humanoid form grants you a +4 status bonus to Deception checks to pass as a generic member of the chosen ancestry, and you add your level even if you’re untrained, but you can’t make yourself look like a specific person. If you want to Impersonate an individual, you still need to create a disguise, though the GM won’t factor in the difference in ancestry when determining the DC of your Deception check. You can Dismiss this spell.

Heightened (3rd) You gain darkvision or low-light vision if the form you assume has that ability.

Heightened (5th) You can take on the appearance of a Large humanoid. If this increases your size, you gain the effects of the enlarge spell.

Hydraulic Push <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
element: Water
range: 60
saving_throw: AC
source: Player Core pg. 336
spell_type: Spell
target: 1 creature or unattended object
tradition: ArcanePrimal
type: Spell

You call forth a powerful blast of pressurized water that bludgeons the target and knocks it back. Make a ranged spell attack roll.

Critical Success The target takes 6d6 bludgeoning damage and is knocked back 10 feet.
Success The target takes 3d6 bludgeoning damage and is knocked back 5 feet.

Heightened (+1) The bludgeoning damage increases by 2d6.

Hydraulic Torrent <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
area: 60-foot line
element: Water
saving_throw: Fortitude
source: Player Core pg. 336
spell_type: Spell
tradition: Primal
type: Spell

A swirling torrent of water manifests along a straight line, battering creatures and unattended objects in its path and possibly pushing them away from you. The torrent deals 8d6 bludgeoning damage. Each creature in the area must attempt a basic Fortitude save; unattended objects automatically fail. Creatures and objects that fail are also knocked back 5 feet (10 feet on a critical failure).

Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 2d6.

Impaling Spike <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
duration: 1 min.
element: Metal
range: 30
saving_throw: Reflex
source: Player Core pg. 338
spell_type: Spell
target: 1 creature
tradition: ArcanePrimal
type: Spell

You conjure a spike that thrusts up from the earth beneath a target creature, potentially impaling it. The spike is made of cold iron and deals 8d6 piercing damage. The target must attempt a Reflex save.

Critical Success The target dodges the spike and is unaffected.
Success The target is struck by the spike and takes half damage.
Failure The target is impaled through a leg or another non-vital body part. The creature takes full damage and, if it’s standing on solid ground, becomes immobilized. It can attempt to Escape (the DC is your spell DC). While it remains impaled, it takes damage from any weakness to cold iron it has at the end of each of its turns.
Critical Failure As failure, but the creature is impaled through a vital organ or its center of mass, taking double damage, and it is off-guard as long as it’s impaled.

Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 2d6.

Implosion <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
duration: 1 min.
range: 30
saving_throw: basic Fortitude
source: Player Core pg. 338
spell_type: Spell
target: 1 corporeal creature
tradition: ArcanePrimal
type: Spell

You crush the target by causing it to collapse in on itself, dealing 75 damage. The first time each round you Sustain the spell, you must choose a new target to be subject to the same effect; the same creature can never be targeted more than once with a single casting of this spell. You also can’t affect more than one creature per turn with implosion. You can’t target a creature that’s incorporeal, gaseous, or liquid, or otherwise lacking a solid form.

Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 10.

Indestructibility <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
source: Player Core pg. 338
spell_type: Spell
tradition: ArcaneDivineOccultPrimal
type: Spell

You sever yourself from cause and effect. For the duration of the spell, you are immune to any effect or damage that would harm you, excluding effects caused by artifacts, deific power, and similarly powerful sources. You can selectively allow yourself to be affected by anything you’re willing to have affect you.

Insect Form <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
duration: 1 min.
source: Player Core pg. 338
spell_type: Spell
tradition: ArcanePrimal
type: Spell

You envision a simple bug and transform into a Medium animal battle form. When you Cast this Spell, choose a listed battle form. You can decide the specific type of animal (such as such as a ladybug or scarab for beetle), but this has no effect on the form’s Size or statistics. While in this form, you gain the animal trait. You can Dismiss this spell.

You gain the following statistics and abilities regardless of which battle form you choose:

  • AC = 18 + your level. Ignore your armor’s check penalty and Speed reduction.
  • 10 temporary Hit Points.
  • Low-light vision.
  • One or more attacks specific to the battle form you choose, which are the only attacks you can Strike with. You’re trained with them. Your attack modifier is +13, and your damage bonus is +2. These attacks are Strength based (for the purpose of the enfeebled condition). If your unarmed attack modifier is higher, you can use it instead.
  • Athletics modifier of +13, unless your own is higher.
You gain specific abilities based on the form you choose:

  • Beetle Speed 25 feet; Melee mandibles, Damage 2d10 bludgeoning.
  • Centipede Speed 25 feet, climb 25 feet; darkvision; Melee mandibles, Damage 1d8 piercing plus 1d4 persistent poison.
  • Mantis Speed 40 feet; imprecise scent 30 feet; Melee foreleg, Damage 2d8 piercing.
  • Scorpion Speed 40 feet; darkvision, imprecise tremorsense 60 feet; Melee stinger, Damage 1d8 piercing plus 1d4 persistent poison; Melee pincer (agile), Damage 1d6 bludgeoning.
  • Spider Speed 25 feet, climb 25 feet; darkvision; Melee fangs, Damage 1d6 piercing plus 1d4 persistent poison; Ranged web (range increment 20 feet), Damage entangles the target for 1 round.
  • Ant Speed 30 feet, climb 30 feet; Melee mandibles, Damage 2d6 bludgeoning.

Heightened (4th) Your battle form is Large, and your attacks have 10-foot reach. You instead gain 15 temporary HP, attack modifier +16, damage bonus +6, and Athletics +16.

Heightened (5th) Your battle form is Huge, and your attacks have 15-foot reach. You instead gain 20 temporary HP, attack modifier +18, damage bonus +2 and double damage dice (including persistent damage), and Athletics +20.

Interplanar Teleport 10 min.

PFS: Standard
component: 10 minutes
legacy_name: Plane Shift
range: 5
requirement: You have a planar key for the destination plane, used as a locus
source: Player Core pg. 339
spell_type: Spell
target: up to 8 willing creatures
tradition: ArcaneDivineOccultPrimal
type: Spell

You and your allies traverse the barriers between planes of existence. The targets move to another plane, such as the Plane of Fire, the Netherworld, or the Outer Rifts. You must know the destination plane exists and use a magic planar key created from material from that plane as a locus for the spell. While the planar keys for most prominent planes are uncommon, just like the spell interplanar teleport, more obscure planes and demiplanes often have rare or possibly even unique planar keys.

The spell is highly imprecise, and you appear 1d20×25 miles from the last place one of the targets (of your choice) was located the last time that target traveled to the plane. If it’s the first time traveling to a particular plane for all targets, you appear at a random location on the plane. Interplanar teleport doesn’t provide a means of return travel, though casting interplanar teleport again allows you to return to your previous plane unless there are extenuating circumstances.

Jump <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.3em" viewBox="0 0 128 128" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.896" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 60.5,-0.5 C 62.1667,-0.5 63.8333,-0.5 65.5,-0.5C 85.1366,18.9716 104.303,38.9716 123,59.5C 125.295,63.692 124.628,67.3586 121,70.5C 102.63,89.369 84.4629,108.369 66.5,127.5C 64.1667,127.5 61.8333,127.5 59.5,127.5C 50.5395,117.37 41.3729,107.37 32,97.5C 31.6905,96.2341 31.1905,95.0674 30.5,94C 31.1905,92.9326 31.6905,91.7659 32,90.5C 35.1117,87.8991 37.6117,84.8991 39.5,81.5C 40.1667,81.5 40.5,81.1667 40.5,80.5C 46.2981,75.2029 51.9647,69.7029 57.5,64C 50.6619,55.9954 43.3285,48.4954 35.5,41.5C 33.6567,38.8111 31.9901,35.9777 30.5,33C 31.1905,31.9326 31.6905,30.7659 32,29.5C 41.3944,19.2755 50.8944,9.27549 60.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#020202" d="M 62.5,4.5 C 81.848,23.5148 100.515,43.1815 118.5,63.5C 100.549,83.6194 82.0493,103.286 63,122.5C 54.1667,113 45.3333,103.5 36.5,94C 46.0175,83.9833 55.3509,73.8167 64.5,63.5C 55.3509,53.1833 46.0175,43.0167 36.5,33C 45.3731,23.6297 54.0398,14.1297 62.5,4.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:0.889" fill="#f8f8f8" d="M 35.5,41.5 C 40.069,47.5755 45.2356,53.2422 51,58.5C 53.603,61.3257 53.9364,64.3257 52,67.5C 47.5642,71.4276 43.7308,75.7609 40.5,80.5C 39.8333,80.5 39.5,80.8333 39.5,81.5C 36.0934,85.0766 32.26,88.0766 28,90.5C 20.0919,84.5978 12.7585,77.9312 6,70.5C 2.37155,67.3586 1.70488,63.692 4,59.5C 10.1349,52.364 16.6349,45.5307 23.5,39C 28.1447,36.6957 32.1447,37.529 35.5,41.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 27.5,42.5 C 34.1174,49.4531 40.7841,56.4531 47.5,63.5C 40.8163,70.3496 34.3163,77.3496 28,84.5C 20.9489,77.9512 14.4489,70.9512 8.5,63.5C 14.4857,56.1812 20.8191,49.1812 27.5,42.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
deity: Irori
source: Player Core pg. 340
spell_type: Spell
tradition: ArcanePrimal
type: Spell

Your legs surge with strength, ready to leap high and far. You jump 30 feet in any direction without touching the ground. You must land on a space of solid ground within 30 feet of you, or else you fall after using your next action.

Heightened (3rd) The range becomes touch, the target changes to one touched creature, and the duration becomes 1 minute, allowing the target to jump as described whenever it takes the Leap action.

Lightning Bolt <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
area: 120-foot line
deity: Gozreh
saving_throw: basic Reflex
source: Player Core pg. 341
spell_type: Spell
tradition: ArcanePrimal
type: Spell

A bolt of lightning strikes outward from your hand, dealing 4d12 electricity damage with a basic Reflex save.

Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 1d12.

Mad Monkeys <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
area: 5-foot burst
duration: 1 min.
lesson: Lesson of Mischief
range: 30
source: Player Core pg. 341
spell_type: Spell
tradition: Primal
type: Spell

Magical monkey spirits fill the area as they pile and climb on top of one another. Because the monkeys are magical spirits, they can’t be attacked or hurt. Casting calm or a similar effect over the monkeys makes them docile, causing them to cease making mischief for the duration of mad monkeys.

Choose the kind of mischief your monkeys make when you Cast the Spell. They produce the effect listed for that mischief when you Cast the Spell and the first time each round when you Sustain the spell. The first time each round when you Sustain the spell, you can move the area of the monkeys by 5 feet.

  • Flagrant Burglary The monkeys try to Steal any one item from one creature in the area. Use your spell DC – 10 as the monkeys’ Thievery modifier. Their attempt relies more on distraction than subtlety, so the victim knows what item the monkeys were trying to take and whether it was taken. Getting a stolen item from the monkeys— even for the caster—requires Stealing it from them or Disarming them, using your spell DC. When the spell ends, any stolen items fall to the ground in any square of the spell’s area you choose.
  • Raucous Din The monkeys screech loudly, potentially deafening creatures in the spell’s area. Each creature in the spell’s area must attempt a Fortitude save.

Critical Success The creature is unaffected and is temporarily immune for 10 minutes.
Success The creature is unaffected.
Failure The creature is deafened for 1 round.
Critical Failure The creature is deafened for 1 minute.

  • Tumultuous Gymnastics The monkeys jump and climb all over creatures in the spell’s area, interfering with complex movements. Each creature in the spell’s area must attempt a Reflex save.

Critical Success The creature is unaffected and is temporarily immune for 10 minutes.
Success The creature is unaffected.
Failure For 1 round, the creature must succeed at a DC 5 flat check whenever it attempts a manipulate action. If it fails this check, the action is disrupted.
Critical Failure As failure, but the monkeys cling to the creature tenaciously, and the effect lasts until the spell ends, even if the creature leaves the spell’s area.

Magic Passage <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
area: 5-foot-wide, 10-foot-tall, 10-foot-deep section of wooden, plaster, or stone wall
duration: 1 hrs.
element: Earth
legacy_name: Passwall
source: Player Core pg. 342
spell_type: Spell
tradition: ArcanePrimal
type: Spell

You create a visible tunnel through the wall in the chosen area, replacing the area with empty space. If the wall is thicker than 10 feet, the tunnel ends 10 feet in. Even a small layer of metal in the wall prevents this spell from functioning. This spell doesn’t reduce the integrity of the structure. When the spell ends, anyone inside the tunnel is shunted to the nearest exit.

Heightened (7th) The tunnel can be up to 20 feet deep. The areas of the wall that contain your tunnel’s entrance appear completely normal (unless viewed with truesight or a similar effect), despite the tunnel’s existence. The tunnel’s entrance functions as a solid wall, but you can specify a password or a trigger (page 303), allowing creatures to enter freely.

Manifestation <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 71" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.916" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 29.5,-0.5 C 31.8333,-0.5 34.1667,-0.5 36.5,-0.5C 41.8396,5.17254 47.1729,10.8392 52.5,16.5C 57.3185,12.1819 61.9852,7.68193 66.5,3C 68.9712,2.2937 71.3046,2.62703 73.5,4C 78.7,8.86527 83.5334,14.0319 88,19.5C 91.5,16 95,12.5 98.5,9C 100.695,7.62703 103.029,7.2937 105.5,8C 113.063,15.3952 120.397,22.8952 127.5,30.5C 127.5,32.8333 127.5,35.1667 127.5,37.5C 120.005,44.1622 113.005,51.3289 106.5,59C 105.234,59.3095 104.067,59.8095 103,60.5C 97.752,57.0931 92.9187,53.0931 88.5,48.5C 82.9822,53.1842 77.9822,58.3508 73.5,64C 72.1279,64.4017 70.7946,64.9017 69.5,65.5C 63.2763,61.949 57.943,57.2823 53.5,51.5C 47.6491,56.5172 42.3158,62.0172 37.5,68C 34.7887,69.8048 32.1221,69.8048 29.5,68C 25,63.5 20.5,59 16,54.5C 14.9914,52.9751 14.4914,51.3084 14.5,49.5C 8.21925,46.2197 3.21925,41.553 -0.5,35.5C -0.5,34.5 -0.5,33.5 -0.5,32.5C 3.45146,26.5485 8.45146,21.5485 14.5,17.5C 18.7696,10.8965 23.7696,4.89652 29.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 32.5,4.5 C 41.9372,14.4382 51.6039,24.2716 61.5,34C 52.3637,44.1371 42.8637,53.9705 33,63.5C 28.5,59 24,54.5 19.5,50C 24.1798,44.6551 28.8465,39.3218 33.5,34C 29.213,28.7107 24.5463,23.7107 19.5,19C 23.6703,13.9977 28.0036,9.16435 32.5,4.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#050505" d="M 68.5,8.5 C 69.2389,8.36899 69.9056,8.53566 70.5,9C 78.5142,16.8805 86.1809,25.0471 93.5,33.5C 85.8397,42.4931 77.8397,51.1597 69.5,59.5C 64.9185,56.0885 61.2518,51.9218 58.5,47C 62.1192,42.3781 66.1192,38.0448 70.5,34C 66.399,29.1431 62.0657,24.4764 57.5,20C 61.3705,16.2977 65.0371,12.4643 68.5,8.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#060606" d="M 101.5,13.5 C 109.117,19.449 116.117,26.1156 122.5,33.5C 115.806,40.5264 109.139,47.5264 102.5,54.5C 99.5,51.1667 96.5,47.8333 93.5,44.5C 96.8333,40.8333 100.167,37.1667 103.5,33.5C 100.167,29.8333 96.8333,26.1667 93.5,22.5C 96.189,19.4802 98.8556,16.4802 101.5,13.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#080808" d="M 13.5,24.5 C 14.552,24.3505 15.552,24.5172 16.5,25C 18.9787,28.3132 21.6454,31.4798 24.5,34.5C 21.516,37.9846 18.3493,41.318 15,44.5C 11.6507,41.318 8.48403,37.9846 5.5,34.5C 8.57025,31.4362 11.2369,28.1029 13.5,24.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
source: Player Core pg. 342
spell_type: Spell
tradition: ArcaneDivineOccultPrimal
type: Spell

You spin secrets from the fundaments of magic, shaping them into a power with nearly unlimited potential. You duplicate a spell of 9th rank or lower of the tradition from which you cast manifestation, or a spell of 7th rank or lower from any tradition. Though you can normally choose only spells that are common or to which you have access, the GM might allow broader options.

Mariner's Curse <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
saving_throw: Will
source: Player Core pg. 342
spell_type: Spell
target: 1 creature
tradition: ArcaneOccultPrimal
type: Spell

You afflict the target with the curse of the roiling, unforgiving sea. The target must attempt a Will save.

Critical Success The target is unaffected.
Success The target becomes sickened 1. Reducing its sickened condition to 0 ends the curse.
Failure The target becomes sickened 1 and can’t reduce its sickened condition below 1 while the curse remains. The curse can be lifted by 4th-rank cleanse affliction or similar magic. Whenever the target is sickened and on the water at least a mile from shore, it is also slowed 1.
Critical Failure As failure, but the target becomes sickened 2.

Marvelous Mount 10 min.

PFS: Standard
component: 10 minutes
duration: 8 hrs.
legacy_name: Phantom Steed
range: 30
source: Player Core pg. 342
spell_type: Spell
target: 1 creature
tradition: ArcaneDivineOccultPrimal
type: Spell

You conjure a Large fantastical creature to serve as a mount for the target. The mount is the target’s minion, has a Speed of 40 feet, and can bear the target with any carried possessions. It can’t carry any other creature. The mount uses the target’s AC and saves, but it’s destroyed if it takes more than 10 damage at one time, ending the spell.

Heightened (3rd) The mount can walk on water, but it must end its turn on solid ground or sink.

Heightened (4th) The mount has a Speed of 60 feet and can walk on water.

Heightened (5th) The mount has a Speed of 60 feet and can walk on water. It also has a fly Speed of 60 feet, but it must end its turn on a surface or fall.

Heightened (6th) The mount has a Speed and fly Speed of 80 feet.

Mask of Terror <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
deity: Urgathoa
duration: 1 min.
range: 30
school: illusion
source: Player Core pg. 342
spell_type: Spell
target: 1 creature
tradition: ArcaneOccultPrimal
type: Spell

The target appears to be a gruesome and terrifying creature. The effect is unique to each observer, so a human viewing the target might see a demon with bloody fangs, but a demon observing the target might see a glowing angelic visage.

When any creature attempts a hostile action against the target, the creature must attempt a Will save. It is then temporarily immune until the end of its next turn.

Success The creature is unaffected.
Failure The creature becomes frightened 2 before using its action.
Critical Failure The creature becomes frightened 2, and its action fails and is wasted.

Heightened (8th) You can target up to 5 creatures. If a creature uses a hostile action or reaction that affects multiple targets simultaneously, it needs to attempt only one save against mask of terror.

Massacre <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
area: 60-foot line
saving_throw: Fortitude
source: Player Core pg. 342
spell_type: Spell
tradition: ArcaneDivinePrimal
type: Spell

You unleash a wave of death to snuff out the life force of those in its path. Each living creature of 17th level or lower in the line must attempt a Fortitude save. If the damage from massacre reduces a creature to 0 Hit Points, that creature dies instantly. If massacre doesn’t kill even a single creature, the void energy hungrily turns backward toward you, dealing an additional 30 void damage to every living creature in the line (even those above 17th level) and 30 void damage to you.

Critical Success The creature is unaffected.
Success The creature takes 9d6 void damage.
Failure The creature takes 100 void damage.
Critical Failure The creature dies.

Heightened (10th) The spell can affect living creatures up to 19th level. Increase the damage to 10d6 on a success, and to 115 on a failure.

Mending 10 min.

PFS: Standard
component: 10 minutes
source: Player Core pg. 343
spell_type: Spell
target: non-magical object of light Bulk or less
tradition: ArcaneDivineOccultPrimal
type: Spell

You repair the target item. You restore 5 Hit Points per spell rank to the target, potentially removing the broken condition if this repairs it past the item’s Broken Threshold. You can’t replace lost pieces or repair an object that’s been completely destroyed.

Heightened (2nd) You can target a non-magical object of 1 Bulk or less.

Heightened (3rd) You can target a non-magical object of 2 Bulk or less, or a magical object of 1 Bulk or less.

Metamorphosis <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
duration: 1 min.
legacy_name: Shapechange
source: Player Core pg. 343
spell_type: Spell
tradition: ArcanePrimal
type: Spell

Harnessing your mastery of transformative magic, you hide forms within forms. You transform yourself into any form you could choose with a polymorph spell in your spell repertoire or that you could prepare of 8th-rank or lower (including any 8th-rank or lower heightened versions of spells you know). You gain 40 temporary Hit Points rather than the amount normally granted by the form.

You can Sustain the spell to enter a new form you haven’t used during this metamorphosis. This replenishes your temporary Hit Points from this spell.

Migration <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
duration: 8 hrs.
legacy_name: Wind Walk
range: 20
source: Player Core pg. 343
spell_type: Spell
target: you and up to 5 willing creatures
tradition: Primal
type: Spell

The targets naturally take on animal forms most fitting their movement and environment. Each target gains a land, burrow, climb, fly, and swim Speed of 40 feet, and can transform into a Tiny or Small animal most appropriate for a given movement and environment. It also gains immunity to mild, severe, and extreme cold and heat, along with any other immunities common to the local wildlife, at the GM’s discretion. In exploration mode, a target can move much faster, at a travel Speed of 20 miles per hour.

A target can’t Strike, cast spells, or use most manipulate actions in animal form, but it can resume its normal shape by Sustaining the spell. It can Sustain the spell again to resume animal form.

Mirage 10 min.

PFS: Standard
area: 50-foot burst
component: 10 minutes
legacy_name: Hallucinatory Terrain
range: 500
school: illusion
source: Player Core pg. 344
spell_type: Spell
tradition: ArcaneOccultPrimal
type: Spell

You create an illusion that causes natural terrain to look, sound, feel, and smell like a different kind of terrain. This doesn’t disguise any structures or creatures in the area.

Any creature that touches the illusion or uses the Seek action to examine it can attempt to disbelieve your illusion.

Heightened (5th) Your image can also disguise structures or create illusory structures (but still doesn’t disguise creatures).

Mist <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 71" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.916" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 29.5,-0.5 C 31.8333,-0.5 34.1667,-0.5 36.5,-0.5C 41.8396,5.17254 47.1729,10.8392 52.5,16.5C 57.3185,12.1819 61.9852,7.68193 66.5,3C 68.9712,2.2937 71.3046,2.62703 73.5,4C 78.7,8.86527 83.5334,14.0319 88,19.5C 91.5,16 95,12.5 98.5,9C 100.695,7.62703 103.029,7.2937 105.5,8C 113.063,15.3952 120.397,22.8952 127.5,30.5C 127.5,32.8333 127.5,35.1667 127.5,37.5C 120.005,44.1622 113.005,51.3289 106.5,59C 105.234,59.3095 104.067,59.8095 103,60.5C 97.752,57.0931 92.9187,53.0931 88.5,48.5C 82.9822,53.1842 77.9822,58.3508 73.5,64C 72.1279,64.4017 70.7946,64.9017 69.5,65.5C 63.2763,61.949 57.943,57.2823 53.5,51.5C 47.6491,56.5172 42.3158,62.0172 37.5,68C 34.7887,69.8048 32.1221,69.8048 29.5,68C 25,63.5 20.5,59 16,54.5C 14.9914,52.9751 14.4914,51.3084 14.5,49.5C 8.21925,46.2197 3.21925,41.553 -0.5,35.5C -0.5,34.5 -0.5,33.5 -0.5,32.5C 3.45146,26.5485 8.45146,21.5485 14.5,17.5C 18.7696,10.8965 23.7696,4.89652 29.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 32.5,4.5 C 41.9372,14.4382 51.6039,24.2716 61.5,34C 52.3637,44.1371 42.8637,53.9705 33,63.5C 28.5,59 24,54.5 19.5,50C 24.1798,44.6551 28.8465,39.3218 33.5,34C 29.213,28.7107 24.5463,23.7107 19.5,19C 23.6703,13.9977 28.0036,9.16435 32.5,4.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#050505" d="M 68.5,8.5 C 69.2389,8.36899 69.9056,8.53566 70.5,9C 78.5142,16.8805 86.1809,25.0471 93.5,33.5C 85.8397,42.4931 77.8397,51.1597 69.5,59.5C 64.9185,56.0885 61.2518,51.9218 58.5,47C 62.1192,42.3781 66.1192,38.0448 70.5,34C 66.399,29.1431 62.0657,24.4764 57.5,20C 61.3705,16.2977 65.0371,12.4643 68.5,8.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#060606" d="M 101.5,13.5 C 109.117,19.449 116.117,26.1156 122.5,33.5C 115.806,40.5264 109.139,47.5264 102.5,54.5C 99.5,51.1667 96.5,47.8333 93.5,44.5C 96.8333,40.8333 100.167,37.1667 103.5,33.5C 100.167,29.8333 96.8333,26.1667 93.5,22.5C 96.189,19.4802 98.8556,16.4802 101.5,13.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#080808" d="M 13.5,24.5 C 14.552,24.3505 15.552,24.5172 16.5,25C 18.9787,28.3132 21.6454,31.4798 24.5,34.5C 21.516,37.9846 18.3493,41.318 15,44.5C 11.6507,41.318 8.48403,37.9846 5.5,34.5C 8.57025,31.4362 11.2369,28.1029 13.5,24.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
area: 20-foot burst
duration: 1 min.
element: Water
legacy_name: Obscuring Mist
range: 120
source: Player Core pg. 344
spell_type: Spell
tradition: ArcanePrimal
type: Spell

You call forth a cloud of mist. All creatures within the mist become concealed, and all creatures outside the mist become concealed to creatures within it. You can Dismiss the cloud.

Moment of Renewal <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
source: Player Core pg. 344
spell_type: Spell
target: up to 6 creatures
tradition: DivinePrimal
type: Spell

The targets experience a day’s worth of recovery in an instant. Any detrimental effects that would be gone after 24 hours end, though this doesn’t shorten the duration of any active spells affecting the targets. The targets regain Hit Points and recover from conditions as if they had taken 24 hours of rest, but they do not make their daily preparations again or gain any benefits of rest other than healing. The targets are then temporarily immune for 1 day.

Monstrosity Form <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
duration: 1 min.
source: Player Core pg. 344
spell_type: Spell
tradition: ArcanePrimal
type: Spell

You transform into the shape of a legendary monster, assuming a Huge battle form. When you Cast this Spell, choose phoenix, cave worm, or sea serpent. While in this form, you gain the beast trait (for phoenix) or the animal trait (for cave worm or sea serpent). You can Dismiss the spell.

You gain the following statistics and abilities regardless of which battle form you choose:

  • AC = 20 + your level. Ignore your armor’s check penalty and Speed reduction.
  • 20 temporary Hit Points.
  • Darkvision.
  • One or more unarmed melee attacks specific to the battle form you choose, which are the only attacks you can Strike with. You’re trained with them. Your attack modifier is +28, and you use the listed damage. These attacks are Strength based (for the purpose of the enfeebled condition, for example). If your unarmed attack modifier is higher, you can use it instead.
  • Athletics modifier of +30, unless your own is higher.
You gain specific abilities based on the monster you choose:

  • Phoenix Speed 30 feet, fly 90 feet; Melee beak (reach 15 feet), Damage 2d6+12 piercing plus 2d4 fire and 2d4 persistent fire; Melee talon (agile, reach 15 feet), Damage 2d8+12 slashing; Shroud of Flame (aura, fire, primal) 20 feet. You gain an aura of fire that extends out from you. A creature that enters or ends its turn within the aura takes 2d6 fire damage. A creature can take this damage only once per turn. You can activate or deactivate this aura with a Sustain action.
  • Cave Worm Speed 40 feet, burrow 30 feet, swim 20 feet; Melee jaws (reach 10 feet), Damage 2d12+20 piercing; Melee stinger (agile, reach 10 feet), Damage 2d8+15 piercing plus 2d6 persistent poison; Melee body (reach 10 feet) Damage 2d8+20 bludgeoning; Inexorable You automatically recover from the paralyzed, slowed, and stunned conditions at the end of each of your turns. You’re also immune to being immobilized and ignore difficult terrain and greater difficult terrain.
  • Sea Serpent Speed 20 feet, swim 90 feet; Melee jaws (reach 15 feet), Damage 2d12+20 piercing; Melee tail (reach 25 feet), Damage 2d8+20 bludgeoning; Spine Rake (move) You extend your spines and Swim or Stride. Each creature you’re adjacent to at any point during your movement takes 4d8+10 slashing damage (basic Reflex against your spell DC).

Heightened (9th) You instead gain AC = 22 + your level, 25 temporary HP, attack modifier +31, increase damage by one damage die, and Athletics +33.

Moon Frenzy <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
duration: 1 min.
range: 30
source: Player Core pg. 345
spell_type: Spell
target: up to 5 willing creatures
tradition: Primal
type: Spell

A feral aspect overcomes the targets, filling them with strength and ferocity. Targets gain 5 temporary Hit Points, a +10-foot status bonus to their Speeds, and weakness 5 to silver. They also grow vicious fangs and claws, which are unarmed attacks. The fangs deal 2d8 piercing damage; the claws deal 2d6 slashing damage and have the agile and finesse traits. The targets use their highest weapon or unarmed attack proficiency with these attacks, and if they have weapon specialization or greater weapon specialization, they add this damage as well. On a critical hit with one of these unarmed attacks, the creature struck takes 1d4 persistent bleed damage.

The targets can’t use concentrate actions unless those actions also have the rage trait, with the exception of Seek. A creature can attempt to end the spell’s effect on itself by using a single action, which has the rage trait, to attempt a Will save against your spell DC; on a success, it ends the spell’s effect on itself.

If a target is in the light of a full moon, it also grows by one size if it were Medium or smaller. This increases the reach of a Medium or Tiny creature by 5 feet.

Heightened (6th) The temporary Hit Points increase to 10, the silver weakness to 10, and the damage dealt by the attacks to three dice.

Heightened (10th) The temporary Hit Points increase to 20, the silver weakness to 20, and the damage dealt by the attacks to four dice.

Mountain Resilience <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
deity: Irori
duration: 20 min.
element: Earth
legacy_name: Stoneskin
source: Player Core pg. 346
spell_type: Spell
target: 1 creature
tradition: ArcanePrimal
type: Spell

The target’s skin hardens like the stone of a mountain face. It gains resistance 5 to physical damage, except adamantine. Each time the target is hit by a bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing attack, mountain resilience’s duration decreases by 1 minute.

Heightened (6th) The resistance increases to 10.

Heightened (8th) The resistance increases to 15.

Heightened (10th) The resistance increases to 20.

Mystic Armor <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
legacy_name: Mage Armor
lesson: Lesson of Protection
source: Player Core pg. 346
spell_type: Spell
tradition: ArcaneDivineOccultPrimal
type: Spell

You ward yourself with shimmering magical energy, gaining a +1 item bonus to AC and a maximum Dexterity modifier of +5. While wearing mystic armor, you use your unarmored proficiency to calculate your AC.

Heightened (4th) You gain a +1 item bonus to saving throws.

Heightened (6th) The item bonus to AC increases to +2, and you gain a +1 item bonus to saving throws.

Heightened (8th) The item bonus to AC increases to +2, and you gain a +2 item bonus to saving throws.

Heightened (10th) The item bonus to AC increases to +3, and you gain a +3 item bonus to saving throws.

Nature Incarnate <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
duration: 1 min.
source: Player Core pg. 346
spell_type: Spell
tradition: Primal
type: Spell

The primal power of the world flows through you. You transform into an incarnation of nature, either a green man or a kaiju. Your battle form is Medium for a green man or Gargantuan (30-foot-by-30-foot space) for a kaiju. While in this form, you gain the plant trait (for a green man) or the beast trait (for a kaiju). You can Dismiss the spell.

You gain the following statistics and abilities regardless of which battle form you choose:

  • AC = 25 + your level. Ignore your armor’s check penalty and Speed reduction.
  • 30 temporary Hit Points.
  • Darkvision.
  • One or more attacks specific to the battle form you choose, which are the only attacks you can Strike with. You’re trained with them. Your attack modifier is +34, and you use the listed damage. These attacks are Strength based (for the purpose of the enfeebled condition, for example). If your unarmed attack modifier is higher, you can use it instead.
  • Athletics modifier of +36, unless your own is higher.
You gain specific abilities based on the incarnation you choose:

  • Green Man Speed 40 feet, climb 40 feet; Melee vines (reach 30 feet, versatile P), Damage 6d8+12 bludgeoning; Ranged thorns (range 100 feet), Damage 6d6+6 piercing; Green Caress (aura, primal) 60 feet. Enemies other than plants must succeed at a Fortitude save against your spell DC or become clumsy 1 for 1 round (clumsy 2 on a critical failure).
  • Kaiju Speed 50 feet; resistance 5 to physical damage; Melee jaws (reach 30 feet), Damage 6d10+10 piercing; Melee claws (agile, reach 30 feet), Damage 6d8+8 slashing; Melee foot (agile, reach 15 feet), Damage 6d6+10 bludgeoning; Unstoppable You are immune to being immobilized and ignore difficult terrain and greater difficult terrain; Trample You move up to double your Speed and move through the spaces of Huge or smaller creatures, trampling each creature whose space you enter. A trampled creature takes foot damage with a basic Reflex save against your spell DC.

Nature's Pathway 1 min.

PFS: Standard
component: 1 minute
deity: Erastil
legacy_name: Tree Stride
source: Player Core pg. 346
spell_type: Spell
tradition: Primal
type: Spell

You step into a living tree with a trunk big enough for you to fit inside it and instantly teleport to any tree within 5 miles that also has a sufficiently large trunk. Once you enter the first tree, you instantly know the rough locations of other sufficiently large trees within range and can exit from the original tree, if you prefer. You can’t carry extradimensional spaces with you; if you attempt to do so, the spell fails.

Heightened (6th) The tree you exit can be up to 50 miles away.

Heightened (8th) The tree you exit can be up to 500 miles away.

Heightened (9th) The tree you exit can be anywhere on the same planet.

Oaken Resilience <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
duration: 10 min.
element: Wood
legacy_name: Barkskin
source: Player Core pg. 347
spell_type: Spell
target: 1 willing creature
tradition: ArcanePrimal
type: Spell

The target’s skin becomes tough, with a consistency like bark or wood. The target gains resistance 2 to bludgeoning and piercing damage and weakness 3 to fire. After the target takes fire damage, it can Dismiss the spell as a free action triggered by taking the damage; doing so doesn’t reduce the fire damage the target was dealt.

Heightened (+2) The resistances increase by 2, and the weakness increases by 3.

One with Plants <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
duration: 10 min.
element: Wood
legacy_name: Tree Shape
source: Player Core pg. 347
spell_type: Spell
tradition: Primal
type: Spell

You can either transform into a plant or merge with plant matter. While transformed, you can’t move or affect anything outside the plant, but you can cast spells as long as they don’t require line of effect beyond the plant. You can Dismiss this spell.

  • Merge with Plants The spell’s duration is 10 minutes. While casting the spell, you must touch a plant with enough volume to fit you and your possessions or the spell is disrupted. While merged, you can hear, but not see, what’s going on outside the plant. If the plant takes damage while you’re inside it, you’re expelled from the plant and take 10d6 damage. Magic passage expels you without dealing damage. The spell ends if you’re ever outside the plant.
  • Turn into a Plant The spell’s duration is 8 hours. You become a Large plant—typically a tree. Perception checks don’t reveal your true nature, but a successful Nature or Survival check against your spell DC reveals that you appear to be a plant that is strangely new to the area. While in this form, you can observe everything around you, using your normal senses. As a plant, your AC is 20, and only status bonuses, status penalties, circumstance bonuses, and circumstance penalties affect you. Any successes and critical successes you roll on Reflex saves are failures.

One with Stone <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
duration: 10 min.
element: Earth
legacy_name: Meld into Stone
source: Player Core pg. 347
spell_type: Spell
tradition: ArcanePrimal
type: Spell

You can either transform into a stone or merge with stone. This spell has the same effects as one with plants, but lets you merge with or turn into stone. A stone you turn into has AC 23. You can Dismiss this spell.

Peaceful Rest <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
legacy_name: Gentle Repose
source: Player Core pg. 348
spell_type: Spell
target: 1 corpse
tradition: ArcaneDivineOccultPrimal
type: Spell

The targeted corpse doesn’t decay, nor can it be transformed into an undead. If the corpse is subject to a spell that requires the corpse to have died within a certain amount of time (for example, raise dead), do not count the duration of peaceful rest against that time. This spell also prevents ordinary bugs and pests (such as maggots) from consuming the body.

Heightened (5th) The spell’s duration is unlimited, but the spell takes one more action to cast and requires a cost (embalming fluid worth 6 gp).

Pest Form <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
duration: 10 min.
source: Player Core pg. 348
spell_type: Spell
tradition: ArcanePrimal
type: Spell

You transform into the battle form of a Tiny animal, such as a cat, insect, lizard, or rat. You can decide the specific type of animal (such as a rat or praying mantis), but this has no effect on your Size or statistics. While in this form, you gain the animal trait, and you can’t make Strikes. You can Dismiss the spell.

You gain the following statistics and abilities:

  • AC = 15 + your level. Ignore your armor’s check penalty and Speed reduction.
  • Speed 20 feet.
  • Weakness 5 to physical damage. (If you take physical damage in this form, you take 5 additional damage.)
  • Low-light vision and imprecise scent 30 feet.
  • Acrobatics and Stealth modifiers of +10, unless your own is higher; Athletics modifier –4.

Heightened (4th) You can turn into a flying creature, such as a bird, which grants you a fly Speed of 20 feet.

Pet Cache <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.3em" viewBox="0 0 128 128" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.896" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 60.5,-0.5 C 62.1667,-0.5 63.8333,-0.5 65.5,-0.5C 85.1366,18.9716 104.303,38.9716 123,59.5C 125.295,63.692 124.628,67.3586 121,70.5C 102.63,89.369 84.4629,108.369 66.5,127.5C 64.1667,127.5 61.8333,127.5 59.5,127.5C 50.5395,117.37 41.3729,107.37 32,97.5C 31.6905,96.2341 31.1905,95.0674 30.5,94C 31.1905,92.9326 31.6905,91.7659 32,90.5C 35.1117,87.8991 37.6117,84.8991 39.5,81.5C 40.1667,81.5 40.5,81.1667 40.5,80.5C 46.2981,75.2029 51.9647,69.7029 57.5,64C 50.6619,55.9954 43.3285,48.4954 35.5,41.5C 33.6567,38.8111 31.9901,35.9777 30.5,33C 31.1905,31.9326 31.6905,30.7659 32,29.5C 41.3944,19.2755 50.8944,9.27549 60.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#020202" d="M 62.5,4.5 C 81.848,23.5148 100.515,43.1815 118.5,63.5C 100.549,83.6194 82.0493,103.286 63,122.5C 54.1667,113 45.3333,103.5 36.5,94C 46.0175,83.9833 55.3509,73.8167 64.5,63.5C 55.3509,53.1833 46.0175,43.0167 36.5,33C 45.3731,23.6297 54.0398,14.1297 62.5,4.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:0.889" fill="#f8f8f8" d="M 35.5,41.5 C 40.069,47.5755 45.2356,53.2422 51,58.5C 53.603,61.3257 53.9364,64.3257 52,67.5C 47.5642,71.4276 43.7308,75.7609 40.5,80.5C 39.8333,80.5 39.5,80.8333 39.5,81.5C 36.0934,85.0766 32.26,88.0766 28,90.5C 20.0919,84.5978 12.7585,77.9312 6,70.5C 2.37155,67.3586 1.70488,63.692 4,59.5C 10.1349,52.364 16.6349,45.5307 23.5,39C 28.1447,36.6957 32.1447,37.529 35.5,41.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 27.5,42.5 C 34.1174,49.4531 40.7841,56.4531 47.5,63.5C 40.8163,70.3496 34.3163,77.3496 28,84.5C 20.9489,77.9512 14.4489,70.9512 8.5,63.5C 14.4857,56.1812 20.8191,49.1812 27.5,42.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
duration: 8 hrs.
source: Player Core pg. 348
spell_type: Spell
target: 1 willing creature that is your companion
tradition: ArcaneDivineOccultPrimal
type: Spell

You open your cloak or create a gap with your hands, drawing the target into a pocket dimension just large enough for its basic comfort. No other creature can enter this extradimensional space, and the target can bring along objects only if they were designed to be worn by a creature of its kind. The space has enough air, food, and water to sustain the target for the duration.

You can Dismiss the spell. The spell also ends if you die or enter an extradimensional space. When the spell ends, the target reappears in the nearest unoccupied space (outside of any extradimensional space you may have entered).

Petrify <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
element: Earth
legacy_name: Flesh to Stone
range: 120
saving_throw: Fortitude
source: Player Core pg. 349
spell_type: Spell
target: 1 creature made of organic material
tradition: ArcanePrimal
type: Spell

The target’s body slowly turns into a stone statue. The target must attempt a Fortitude save.

Critical Success The target is unaffected.
Success The target is slowed 1 for 1 round as stone begins to form on their body.
Failure The target is slowed 1 and must attempt a Fortitude save at the end of each of its turns; this ongoing save has the incapacitation trait. On a failed save, the slowed condition increases by 1 (or 2 on a critical failure) as stone growths creep across their body. A successful save reduces the slowed condition by 1. When a creature becomes fully unable to act due to the slowed condition from petrify, the spell then ends in a flash of gray light, leaving the target petrified permanently as they become a statue. The spell also ends if the slowed condition is removed, which causes the stone to break off harmlessly.
Critical Failure As failure, but the target is initially slowed 2.

Plant Form <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
duration: 1 min.
element: Wood
source: Player Core pg. 350
spell_type: Spell
tradition: Primal
type: Spell

Taking inspiration from verdant creatures, you transform into a Large plant battle form. When you Cast this Spell, choose a listed battle form. You can substitute a similar specific plant to turn into (such as a pitcher plant instead of a flytrap), but this has no effect on the form’s Size or statistics. While in this form, you gain the plant trait. You can Dismiss the spell.

You gain the following statistics and abilities regardless of which battle form you choose:

  • AC = 19 + your level. Ignore your armor’s check penalty and Speed reduction.
  • 12 temporary Hit Points.
  • Resistance 10 to poison.
  • Low-light vision.
  • One or more unarmed melee attacks specific to the battle form you choose, which are the only attacks you can Strike with. You’re trained with them. Your attack modifier is +17, and your damage bonus is +11. These attacks are Strength based (for the purpose of the enfeebled condition, for example). If your unarmed attack modifier is higher, you can use it instead.
  • Athletics modifier of +19, unless your own is higher.
You gain specific abilities based on the plant you choose:

  • Arboreal Speed 30 feet; Melee branch (reach 15 feet), Damage 2d10 bludgeoning; Melee foot, Damage 2d8 bludgeoning; you can speak in this form.
  • Flytrap Speed 15 feet; resistance 10 to acid; Melee leaf (reach 10 feet), Damage 2d8 piercing, and you can spend an action after a hit to Grab the target.

Heightened (6th) Your battle form is Huge, and the reach of your attacks increases by 5 feet. You instead gain AC = 22 + your level, 24 temporary HP, attack modifier +21, damage bonus +16, and Athletics +22.

Pummeling Rubble <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
area: 15-foot cone
element: Earth
saving_throw: Reflex
source: Player Core pg. 351
spell_type: Spell
tradition: ArcanePrimal
type: Spell

A spray of heavy rocks flies through the air in front of you. The rubble deals 2d4 bludgeoning damage to each creature in the area. Each creature must attempt a Reflex save.

Critical Success The creature is unaffected.
Success The creature takes half damage.
Failure The creature takes full damage and is pushed 5 feet away from you.
Critical Failure The creature takes double damage and is pushed 10 feet away from you.

Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 2d4.

Punishing Winds <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 71" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.916" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 29.5,-0.5 C 31.8333,-0.5 34.1667,-0.5 36.5,-0.5C 41.8396,5.17254 47.1729,10.8392 52.5,16.5C 57.3185,12.1819 61.9852,7.68193 66.5,3C 68.9712,2.2937 71.3046,2.62703 73.5,4C 78.7,8.86527 83.5334,14.0319 88,19.5C 91.5,16 95,12.5 98.5,9C 100.695,7.62703 103.029,7.2937 105.5,8C 113.063,15.3952 120.397,22.8952 127.5,30.5C 127.5,32.8333 127.5,35.1667 127.5,37.5C 120.005,44.1622 113.005,51.3289 106.5,59C 105.234,59.3095 104.067,59.8095 103,60.5C 97.752,57.0931 92.9187,53.0931 88.5,48.5C 82.9822,53.1842 77.9822,58.3508 73.5,64C 72.1279,64.4017 70.7946,64.9017 69.5,65.5C 63.2763,61.949 57.943,57.2823 53.5,51.5C 47.6491,56.5172 42.3158,62.0172 37.5,68C 34.7887,69.8048 32.1221,69.8048 29.5,68C 25,63.5 20.5,59 16,54.5C 14.9914,52.9751 14.4914,51.3084 14.5,49.5C 8.21925,46.2197 3.21925,41.553 -0.5,35.5C -0.5,34.5 -0.5,33.5 -0.5,32.5C 3.45146,26.5485 8.45146,21.5485 14.5,17.5C 18.7696,10.8965 23.7696,4.89652 29.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 32.5,4.5 C 41.9372,14.4382 51.6039,24.2716 61.5,34C 52.3637,44.1371 42.8637,53.9705 33,63.5C 28.5,59 24,54.5 19.5,50C 24.1798,44.6551 28.8465,39.3218 33.5,34C 29.213,28.7107 24.5463,23.7107 19.5,19C 23.6703,13.9977 28.0036,9.16435 32.5,4.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#050505" d="M 68.5,8.5 C 69.2389,8.36899 69.9056,8.53566 70.5,9C 78.5142,16.8805 86.1809,25.0471 93.5,33.5C 85.8397,42.4931 77.8397,51.1597 69.5,59.5C 64.9185,56.0885 61.2518,51.9218 58.5,47C 62.1192,42.3781 66.1192,38.0448 70.5,34C 66.399,29.1431 62.0657,24.4764 57.5,20C 61.3705,16.2977 65.0371,12.4643 68.5,8.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#060606" d="M 101.5,13.5 C 109.117,19.449 116.117,26.1156 122.5,33.5C 115.806,40.5264 109.139,47.5264 102.5,54.5C 99.5,51.1667 96.5,47.8333 93.5,44.5C 96.8333,40.8333 100.167,37.1667 103.5,33.5C 100.167,29.8333 96.8333,26.1667 93.5,22.5C 96.189,19.4802 98.8556,16.4802 101.5,13.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#080808" d="M 13.5,24.5 C 14.552,24.3505 15.552,24.5172 16.5,25C 18.9787,28.3132 21.6454,31.4798 24.5,34.5C 21.516,37.9846 18.3493,41.318 15,44.5C 11.6507,41.318 8.48403,37.9846 5.5,34.5C 8.57025,31.4362 11.2369,28.1029 13.5,24.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
area: 30-foot radius, 100-foot-tall cylinder
duration: 1 min.
element: Air
range: 100
source: Player Core pg. 351
spell_type: Spell
tradition: Primal
type: Spell

Violent winds and a powerful downdraft fill the area, forming a cyclone. All flying creatures in the area descend 40 feet. The entire area is greater difficult terrain for Flying creatures, and difficult terrain for creatures on the ground or Climbing. Any creature that ends its turn Flying within the area descends 20 feet. Any creature pushed into a surface by this spell’s winds takes bludgeoning damage as though it had fallen.

The squares at the outside vertical edges of the cylinder prevent creatures from leaving. These squares are greater difficult terrain, and a creature attempting to push through must succeed at an Athletics check or Acrobatics check to Maneuver in Flight against your spell DC to get through. A creature that fails ends its current action but can try again.

Regenerate <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
duration: 1 min.
source: Player Core pg. 352
spell_type: Spell
target: 1 willing living creature
tradition: DivinePrimal
type: Spell

An infusion of vital energy grants a creature continuous healing. The target temporarily gains regeneration 15, which restores 15 Hit Points to it at the start of each of its turns. While it has regeneration, the target can’t die from taking Hit Point damage and its dying condition can’t increase to a value that would kill it (this stops most creatures’ dying condition at dying 3), though if its wounded value becomes 4 or higher, it stays unconscious until its wounds are treated. If the target takes acid or fire damage, its regeneration deactivates until after the end of its next turn.

Each time the creature regains Hit Points from regeneration, it also regrows one damaged or ruined organ (if any). During the spell’s duration, the creature can also reattach severed body parts by spending an Interact action to hold the body part to the area it was severed from.

Heightened (9th) The regeneration increases to 20.

Remake 1 hrs.

PFS: Standard
component: 1 hour
cost: a remnant of the item
range: 5
source: Player Core pg. 352
spell_type: Spell
tradition: ArcaneDivineOccultPrimal
type: Spell

You fully re-create an object from nothing, even if the object was destroyed. To do so, you must be able to picture the object in your mind. The remnant of the item can be small or insignificant (even a speck of dust that remains from disintegrate is enough). The spell fails if your imagination relied on too much guesswork; if the object would be too large to fit in a 5-foot cube; if the object still exists and you were simply not aware of it; or if the object is an artifact, has a level over 20, or has similar vast magical power.

The item reassembles in perfect condition. Even if your mental image was of a damaged or weathered object, the new one is in this perfected form. If the object was magical, this spell typically restores its constant magical properties, but not any temporary ones, such as charges or one-time uses. An item with charges or uses per day has all of its uses expended when remade, but it replenishes them normally thereafter.

Resist Energy <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
duration: 10 min.
source: Player Core pg. 353
spell_type: Spell
target: 1 creature
tradition: ArcaneDivineOccultPrimal
type: Spell

A shield of elemental energy protects a creature against one type of energy damage. Choose acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic damage. The target and its gear gain resistance 5 against the damage type you chose.

Heightened (4th) The resistance increases to 10, and you can target up to two creatures.

Heightened (7th) The resistance increases to 15, and you can target up to five creatures.

Revealing Light <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
area: 10-foot burst
legacy_name: Glitterdust
range: 120
saving_throw: Reflex
source: Player Core pg. 353
spell_type: Spell
tradition: ArcaneDivineOccultPrimal
type: Spell

A wave of magical light washes over the area. You choose the appearance of the light, such as colorful, heatless flames or sparkling motes. A creature affected by revealing light is dazzled. If the creature was invisible, it becomes concealed instead. If the creature was already concealed for any other reason, it is no longer concealed.

Critical Success The target is unaffected.
Success The light affects the creature for 2 rounds.
Failure The light affects the creature for 1 minute.
Critical Failure The light affects the creature for 10 minutes.

Revival <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
duration: 1 min.
range: 30
source: Player Core pg. 353
spell_type: Spell
target: dead creatures and living creatures of your choice within range
tradition: DivinePrimal
type: Spell

A burst of healing energy soothes living creatures and temporarily rouses those recently slain. All living targets regain 10d8+40 Hit Points. You return any number of dead targets to life temporarily, with the same effects and limitations as raise dead. The raised creatures have a number of temporary Hit Points equal to the Hit Points you gave living creatures, but no normal Hit Points. The raised creatures can’t regain Hit Points or gain temporary Hit Points in other ways, and once revival’s duration ends, they lose all temporary Hit Points and die. Revival can’t resurrect creatures killed by disintegrate or a death effect. It has no effect on undead.

Runic Body <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
duration: 1 min.
legacy_name: Magic Fang
source: Player Core pg. 354
spell_type: Spell
target: 1 willing creature
tradition: ArcaneDivineOccultPrimal
type: Spell

Glowing runes appear on the target’s body. All its unarmed attacks become +1 striking unarmed attacks, gaining a +1 item bonus to attack rolls and increasing the number of damage dice to two.

Heightened (6th) The unarmed attacks are +2 greater striking.

Heightened (9th) The unarmed attacks are +3 major striking.

Runic Weapon <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
duration: 1 min.
legacy_name: Magic Weapon
patron_theme: The Inscribed One
source: Player Core pg. 354
spell_type: Spell
target: 1 weapon that is unattended or wielded by a willing creature
tradition: ArcaneDivineOccultPrimal
type: Spell

The weapon glimmers with magic as temporary runes carve down its length. The target becomes a +1 striking weapon, gaining a +1 item bonus to attack rolls and increasing the number of weapon damage dice to two.

Heightened (6th) The weapon is +2 greater striking.

Heightened (9th) The weapon is +3 major striking.

Shape Stone <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
element: Earth
source: Player Core pg. 356
spell_type: Spell
target: cube of stone 10 feet across or smaller
tradition: ArcanePrimal
type: Spell

You shape the stone into a rough shape of your choice. The shaping process is too crude to produce intricate parts, fine details, moving pieces, or the like. Any creatures standing atop the stone when you reshape it must each attempt a Reflex save or Acrobatics check.

Success The creature is unaffected.
Failure The creature falls prone atop the stone.
Critical Failure The creature falls off the stone (if applicable) and lands prone.

Shape Wood <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
element: Wood
source: Player Core pg. 356
spell_type: Spell
target: an unworked piece of wood up to 20 cubic feet in volume
tradition: ArcanePrimal
type: Spell

You shape the wood into a rough shape of your choice. The shaping power is too crude to produce with intricate parts, fine details, moving pieces, or the like. You can’t use this spell to enhance the value of the wooden object you are shaping.

Shatter <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
range: 30
source: Player Core pg. 356
spell_type: Spell
target: 1 unattended object
tradition: OccultPrimal
type: Spell

A high-frequency sonic attack shatters a nearby object. You deal 2d10 sonic damage to the object, ignoring the object’s Hardness if it is 4 or lower.

Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 1d10, and the Hardness the spell ignores increases by 2.

Shrink <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
duration: 5 min.
range: 30
source: Player Core pg. 356
spell_type: Spell
target: 1 willing creature
tradition: ArcanePrimal
type: Spell

You warp space to make a creature smaller. The target shrinks to become Tiny in size. Its equipment shrinks with it but returns to its original size if removed. The creature’s reach changes to 0 feet. This spell has no effect on a Tiny creature.

Heightened (+6) The spell can target up to 10 creatures.

Slow <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
range: 30
saving_throw: Fortitude
source: Player Core pg. 357
spell_type: Spell
target: 1 creature
tradition: ArcaneOccultPrimal
type: Spell

You dilate the flow of time around the target, slowing its actions.

Critical Success The target is unaffected.
Success The target is slowed 1 for 1 round.
Failure The target is slowed 1 for 1 minute.
Critical Failure The target is slowed 2 for 1 minute.

Heightened (6th) You can target up to 10 creatures.

Sound Body <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
legacy_name: Restore Senses
source: Player Core pg. 357
spell_type: Spell
target: 1 willing creature
tradition: DivineOccultPrimal
type: Spell

You send a surge of healing energy to restore the target’s body. Attempt to counteract an effect of your choice imposing one of these conditions on the target: blinded, dazzled, deafened, enfeebled, or sickened. If you didn’t counteract the effect, but you would have if its counteract rank were 2 lower, instead suppress the effect until the beginning of your next turn. The effect’s duration doesn’t elapse while it’s suppressed. This spell can’t counteract or suppress curses, diseases, or conditions that are part of the target’s normal state.

Heightened (4th) Add drained and slowed to the list of conditions.

Heightened (8th) Add stunned to the list of conditions.

Speak with Animals <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
duration: 1 hrs.
source: Player Core pg. 358
spell_type: Spell
tradition: Primal
type: Spell

You can ask questions of, receive answers from, and use the Diplomacy skill with animals. The spell doesn’t make them more friendly than normal. Cunning animals are likely to be terse and evasive, while less intelligent ones often make inane comments.

Speak with Plants <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
duration: 1 hrs.
element: Wood
source: Player Core pg. 358
spell_type: Spell
tradition: DivineOccultPrimal
type: Spell

You can ask questions of and receive answers from plants and fungi, but the spell doesn’t make them more friendly or intelligent than normal. Most normal plants and fungi have a distinctive view of the world around them, so they don’t recognize details about creatures or know anything about the world beyond their immediate vicinity. Cunning plant or fungus monsters are likely to be terse and evasive, while less intelligent ones often make inane comments.

Heightened (4th) The duration is 8 hours.

Speak with Stones <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
duration: 1 hrs.
element: Earth
legacy_name: Stone Tell
source: Player Core pg. 358
spell_type: Spell
tradition: DivineOccultPrimal
type: Spell

You can ask questions of and receive answers from natural or worked stone. While stone is not intelligent, you speak with the natural spirits of the stone, which have a personality colored by the type of stone, as well as by the type of structure the stone is part of, for worked stone. A stone’s perspective, perception, and knowledge give it a worldview different enough from a human’s that it doesn’t consider the same details important. Stones can mostly answer questions about creatures that touched them in the past and what is concealed beneath or behind them.

Heightened (6th) The duration is 8 hours.

Spider Sting <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
deity: Lamashtu
saving_throw: Fortitude
source: Player Core pg. 358
spell_type: Spell
target: 1 creature
tradition: ArcanePrimal
type: Spell

You magically duplicate a spider’s venomous sting. You deal 1d4 piercing damage to the touched creature and afflict it with spider venom. The target must attempt a Fortitude save.

Critical Success The target is unaffected.
Success The target takes 1d4 poison damage.
Failure The target is afflicted with spider venom at stage 1.
Critical Failure The target is afflicted with spider venom at stage 2. Spider Venom (poison) Level 1; Maximum Duration 4 rounds; Stage 1 1d4 poison damage and enfeebled 1 (1 round); Stage 2 1d4 poison damage and enfeebled 2 (1 round)

Status <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
source: Player Core pg. 359
spell_type: Spell
target: 1 willing living creature
tradition: DivineOccultPrimal
type: Spell

As long as you and the target are on the same plane of existence and both alive, you remain aware of its present state. You know the target’s direction from you, distance from you, and any conditions affecting it.

Heightened (4th) The spell’s range increases to 30 feet, and you can target up to 10 creatures.

Summon Animal <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 71" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.916" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 29.5,-0.5 C 31.8333,-0.5 34.1667,-0.5 36.5,-0.5C 41.8396,5.17254 47.1729,10.8392 52.5,16.5C 57.3185,12.1819 61.9852,7.68193 66.5,3C 68.9712,2.2937 71.3046,2.62703 73.5,4C 78.7,8.86527 83.5334,14.0319 88,19.5C 91.5,16 95,12.5 98.5,9C 100.695,7.62703 103.029,7.2937 105.5,8C 113.063,15.3952 120.397,22.8952 127.5,30.5C 127.5,32.8333 127.5,35.1667 127.5,37.5C 120.005,44.1622 113.005,51.3289 106.5,59C 105.234,59.3095 104.067,59.8095 103,60.5C 97.752,57.0931 92.9187,53.0931 88.5,48.5C 82.9822,53.1842 77.9822,58.3508 73.5,64C 72.1279,64.4017 70.7946,64.9017 69.5,65.5C 63.2763,61.949 57.943,57.2823 53.5,51.5C 47.6491,56.5172 42.3158,62.0172 37.5,68C 34.7887,69.8048 32.1221,69.8048 29.5,68C 25,63.5 20.5,59 16,54.5C 14.9914,52.9751 14.4914,51.3084 14.5,49.5C 8.21925,46.2197 3.21925,41.553 -0.5,35.5C -0.5,34.5 -0.5,33.5 -0.5,32.5C 3.45146,26.5485 8.45146,21.5485 14.5,17.5C 18.7696,10.8965 23.7696,4.89652 29.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 32.5,4.5 C 41.9372,14.4382 51.6039,24.2716 61.5,34C 52.3637,44.1371 42.8637,53.9705 33,63.5C 28.5,59 24,54.5 19.5,50C 24.1798,44.6551 28.8465,39.3218 33.5,34C 29.213,28.7107 24.5463,23.7107 19.5,19C 23.6703,13.9977 28.0036,9.16435 32.5,4.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#050505" d="M 68.5,8.5 C 69.2389,8.36899 69.9056,8.53566 70.5,9C 78.5142,16.8805 86.1809,25.0471 93.5,33.5C 85.8397,42.4931 77.8397,51.1597 69.5,59.5C 64.9185,56.0885 61.2518,51.9218 58.5,47C 62.1192,42.3781 66.1192,38.0448 70.5,34C 66.399,29.1431 62.0657,24.4764 57.5,20C 61.3705,16.2977 65.0371,12.4643 68.5,8.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#060606" d="M 101.5,13.5 C 109.117,19.449 116.117,26.1156 122.5,33.5C 115.806,40.5264 109.139,47.5264 102.5,54.5C 99.5,51.1667 96.5,47.8333 93.5,44.5C 96.8333,40.8333 100.167,37.1667 103.5,33.5C 100.167,29.8333 96.8333,26.1667 93.5,22.5C 96.189,19.4802 98.8556,16.4802 101.5,13.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#080808" d="M 13.5,24.5 C 14.552,24.3505 15.552,24.5172 16.5,25C 18.9787,28.3132 21.6454,31.4798 24.5,34.5C 21.516,37.9846 18.3493,41.318 15,44.5C 11.6507,41.318 8.48403,37.9846 5.5,34.5C 8.57025,31.4362 11.2369,28.1029 13.5,24.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
duration: 1 min.
range: 30
source: Player Core pg. 360
spell_type: Spell
tradition: ArcanePrimal
type: Spell

You summon a creature that has the animal trait and whose level is –1 to fight for you.

Heightened (2nd) Level 1.

Heightened (3rd) Level 2.

Heightened (4th) Level 3.

Heightened (5th) Level 5.

Heightened (6th) Level 7.

Heightened (7th) Level 9.

Heightened (8th) Level 11.

Heightened (9th) Level 13.

Heightened (10th) Level 15.

Summon Dragon <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 71" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.916" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 29.5,-0.5 C 31.8333,-0.5 34.1667,-0.5 36.5,-0.5C 41.8396,5.17254 47.1729,10.8392 52.5,16.5C 57.3185,12.1819 61.9852,7.68193 66.5,3C 68.9712,2.2937 71.3046,2.62703 73.5,4C 78.7,8.86527 83.5334,14.0319 88,19.5C 91.5,16 95,12.5 98.5,9C 100.695,7.62703 103.029,7.2937 105.5,8C 113.063,15.3952 120.397,22.8952 127.5,30.5C 127.5,32.8333 127.5,35.1667 127.5,37.5C 120.005,44.1622 113.005,51.3289 106.5,59C 105.234,59.3095 104.067,59.8095 103,60.5C 97.752,57.0931 92.9187,53.0931 88.5,48.5C 82.9822,53.1842 77.9822,58.3508 73.5,64C 72.1279,64.4017 70.7946,64.9017 69.5,65.5C 63.2763,61.949 57.943,57.2823 53.5,51.5C 47.6491,56.5172 42.3158,62.0172 37.5,68C 34.7887,69.8048 32.1221,69.8048 29.5,68C 25,63.5 20.5,59 16,54.5C 14.9914,52.9751 14.4914,51.3084 14.5,49.5C 8.21925,46.2197 3.21925,41.553 -0.5,35.5C -0.5,34.5 -0.5,33.5 -0.5,32.5C 3.45146,26.5485 8.45146,21.5485 14.5,17.5C 18.7696,10.8965 23.7696,4.89652 29.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 32.5,4.5 C 41.9372,14.4382 51.6039,24.2716 61.5,34C 52.3637,44.1371 42.8637,53.9705 33,63.5C 28.5,59 24,54.5 19.5,50C 24.1798,44.6551 28.8465,39.3218 33.5,34C 29.213,28.7107 24.5463,23.7107 19.5,19C 23.6703,13.9977 28.0036,9.16435 32.5,4.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#050505" d="M 68.5,8.5 C 69.2389,8.36899 69.9056,8.53566 70.5,9C 78.5142,16.8805 86.1809,25.0471 93.5,33.5C 85.8397,42.4931 77.8397,51.1597 69.5,59.5C 64.9185,56.0885 61.2518,51.9218 58.5,47C 62.1192,42.3781 66.1192,38.0448 70.5,34C 66.399,29.1431 62.0657,24.4764 57.5,20C 61.3705,16.2977 65.0371,12.4643 68.5,8.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#060606" d="M 101.5,13.5 C 109.117,19.449 116.117,26.1156 122.5,33.5C 115.806,40.5264 109.139,47.5264 102.5,54.5C 99.5,51.1667 96.5,47.8333 93.5,44.5C 96.8333,40.8333 100.167,37.1667 103.5,33.5C 100.167,29.8333 96.8333,26.1667 93.5,22.5C 96.189,19.4802 98.8556,16.4802 101.5,13.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#080808" d="M 13.5,24.5 C 14.552,24.3505 15.552,24.5172 16.5,25C 18.9787,28.3132 21.6454,31.4798 24.5,34.5C 21.516,37.9846 18.3493,41.318 15,44.5C 11.6507,41.318 8.48403,37.9846 5.5,34.5C 8.57025,31.4362 11.2369,28.1029 13.5,24.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
duration: 1 min.
range: 30
source: Player Core pg. 360
spell_type: Spell
tradition: ArcaneDivineOccultPrimal
type: Spell

You summon a creature that has the dragon trait and whose level is 5 or lower to fight for you. If the dragon has a magical tradition trait (arcane, divine, occult, or primal), you can summon it only if you’re using that tradition to cast summon dragon.

Heightened (6th) Level 7.

Heightened (7th) Level 9.

Heightened (8th) Level 11.

Heightened (9th) Level 13.

Heightened (10th) Level 15.

Summon Elemental <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 71" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.916" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 29.5,-0.5 C 31.8333,-0.5 34.1667,-0.5 36.5,-0.5C 41.8396,5.17254 47.1729,10.8392 52.5,16.5C 57.3185,12.1819 61.9852,7.68193 66.5,3C 68.9712,2.2937 71.3046,2.62703 73.5,4C 78.7,8.86527 83.5334,14.0319 88,19.5C 91.5,16 95,12.5 98.5,9C 100.695,7.62703 103.029,7.2937 105.5,8C 113.063,15.3952 120.397,22.8952 127.5,30.5C 127.5,32.8333 127.5,35.1667 127.5,37.5C 120.005,44.1622 113.005,51.3289 106.5,59C 105.234,59.3095 104.067,59.8095 103,60.5C 97.752,57.0931 92.9187,53.0931 88.5,48.5C 82.9822,53.1842 77.9822,58.3508 73.5,64C 72.1279,64.4017 70.7946,64.9017 69.5,65.5C 63.2763,61.949 57.943,57.2823 53.5,51.5C 47.6491,56.5172 42.3158,62.0172 37.5,68C 34.7887,69.8048 32.1221,69.8048 29.5,68C 25,63.5 20.5,59 16,54.5C 14.9914,52.9751 14.4914,51.3084 14.5,49.5C 8.21925,46.2197 3.21925,41.553 -0.5,35.5C -0.5,34.5 -0.5,33.5 -0.5,32.5C 3.45146,26.5485 8.45146,21.5485 14.5,17.5C 18.7696,10.8965 23.7696,4.89652 29.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 32.5,4.5 C 41.9372,14.4382 51.6039,24.2716 61.5,34C 52.3637,44.1371 42.8637,53.9705 33,63.5C 28.5,59 24,54.5 19.5,50C 24.1798,44.6551 28.8465,39.3218 33.5,34C 29.213,28.7107 24.5463,23.7107 19.5,19C 23.6703,13.9977 28.0036,9.16435 32.5,4.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#050505" d="M 68.5,8.5 C 69.2389,8.36899 69.9056,8.53566 70.5,9C 78.5142,16.8805 86.1809,25.0471 93.5,33.5C 85.8397,42.4931 77.8397,51.1597 69.5,59.5C 64.9185,56.0885 61.2518,51.9218 58.5,47C 62.1192,42.3781 66.1192,38.0448 70.5,34C 66.399,29.1431 62.0657,24.4764 57.5,20C 61.3705,16.2977 65.0371,12.4643 68.5,8.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#060606" d="M 101.5,13.5 C 109.117,19.449 116.117,26.1156 122.5,33.5C 115.806,40.5264 109.139,47.5264 102.5,54.5C 99.5,51.1667 96.5,47.8333 93.5,44.5C 96.8333,40.8333 100.167,37.1667 103.5,33.5C 100.167,29.8333 96.8333,26.1667 93.5,22.5C 96.189,19.4802 98.8556,16.4802 101.5,13.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#080808" d="M 13.5,24.5 C 14.552,24.3505 15.552,24.5172 16.5,25C 18.9787,28.3132 21.6454,31.4798 24.5,34.5C 21.516,37.9846 18.3493,41.318 15,44.5C 11.6507,41.318 8.48403,37.9846 5.5,34.5C 8.57025,31.4362 11.2369,28.1029 13.5,24.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
duration: 1 min.
range: 30
source: Player Core pg. 360
spell_type: Spell
tradition: ArcanePrimal
type: Spell

You summon a creature that has the elemental trait and whose level is 1 or lower to fight for you.

Heightened (3rd) Level 2.

Heightened (4th) Level 3.

Heightened (5th) Level 5.

Heightened (6th) Level 7.

Heightened (7th) Level 9.

Heightened (8th) Level 11.

Heightened (9th) Level 13.

Heightened (10th) Level 15.


Summon Fey <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 71" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.916" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 29.5,-0.5 C 31.8333,-0.5 34.1667,-0.5 36.5,-0.5C 41.8396,5.17254 47.1729,10.8392 52.5,16.5C 57.3185,12.1819 61.9852,7.68193 66.5,3C 68.9712,2.2937 71.3046,2.62703 73.5,4C 78.7,8.86527 83.5334,14.0319 88,19.5C 91.5,16 95,12.5 98.5,9C 100.695,7.62703 103.029,7.2937 105.5,8C 113.063,15.3952 120.397,22.8952 127.5,30.5C 127.5,32.8333 127.5,35.1667 127.5,37.5C 120.005,44.1622 113.005,51.3289 106.5,59C 105.234,59.3095 104.067,59.8095 103,60.5C 97.752,57.0931 92.9187,53.0931 88.5,48.5C 82.9822,53.1842 77.9822,58.3508 73.5,64C 72.1279,64.4017 70.7946,64.9017 69.5,65.5C 63.2763,61.949 57.943,57.2823 53.5,51.5C 47.6491,56.5172 42.3158,62.0172 37.5,68C 34.7887,69.8048 32.1221,69.8048 29.5,68C 25,63.5 20.5,59 16,54.5C 14.9914,52.9751 14.4914,51.3084 14.5,49.5C 8.21925,46.2197 3.21925,41.553 -0.5,35.5C -0.5,34.5 -0.5,33.5 -0.5,32.5C 3.45146,26.5485 8.45146,21.5485 14.5,17.5C 18.7696,10.8965 23.7696,4.89652 29.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 32.5,4.5 C 41.9372,14.4382 51.6039,24.2716 61.5,34C 52.3637,44.1371 42.8637,53.9705 33,63.5C 28.5,59 24,54.5 19.5,50C 24.1798,44.6551 28.8465,39.3218 33.5,34C 29.213,28.7107 24.5463,23.7107 19.5,19C 23.6703,13.9977 28.0036,9.16435 32.5,4.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#050505" d="M 68.5,8.5 C 69.2389,8.36899 69.9056,8.53566 70.5,9C 78.5142,16.8805 86.1809,25.0471 93.5,33.5C 85.8397,42.4931 77.8397,51.1597 69.5,59.5C 64.9185,56.0885 61.2518,51.9218 58.5,47C 62.1192,42.3781 66.1192,38.0448 70.5,34C 66.399,29.1431 62.0657,24.4764 57.5,20C 61.3705,16.2977 65.0371,12.4643 68.5,8.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#060606" d="M 101.5,13.5 C 109.117,19.449 116.117,26.1156 122.5,33.5C 115.806,40.5264 109.139,47.5264 102.5,54.5C 99.5,51.1667 96.5,47.8333 93.5,44.5C 96.8333,40.8333 100.167,37.1667 103.5,33.5C 100.167,29.8333 96.8333,26.1667 93.5,22.5C 96.189,19.4802 98.8556,16.4802 101.5,13.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#080808" d="M 13.5,24.5 C 14.552,24.3505 15.552,24.5172 16.5,25C 18.9787,28.3132 21.6454,31.4798 24.5,34.5C 21.516,37.9846 18.3493,41.318 15,44.5C 11.6507,41.318 8.48403,37.9846 5.5,34.5C 8.57025,31.4362 11.2369,28.1029 13.5,24.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
duration: 1 min.
range: 30
source: Player Core pg. 360
spell_type: Spell
tradition: OccultPrimal
type: Spell

You summon a creature that has the fey trait and whose level is –1 to fight for you.

Heightened (2nd) Level 1.

Heightened (3rd) Level 2.

Heightened (4th) Level 3.

Heightened (5th) Level 5.

Heightened (6th) Level 7.

Heightened (7th) Level 9.

Heightened (8th) Level 11.

Heightened (9th) Level 13.

Heightened (10th) Level 15.

Summon Giant <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 71" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.916" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 29.5,-0.5 C 31.8333,-0.5 34.1667,-0.5 36.5,-0.5C 41.8396,5.17254 47.1729,10.8392 52.5,16.5C 57.3185,12.1819 61.9852,7.68193 66.5,3C 68.9712,2.2937 71.3046,2.62703 73.5,4C 78.7,8.86527 83.5334,14.0319 88,19.5C 91.5,16 95,12.5 98.5,9C 100.695,7.62703 103.029,7.2937 105.5,8C 113.063,15.3952 120.397,22.8952 127.5,30.5C 127.5,32.8333 127.5,35.1667 127.5,37.5C 120.005,44.1622 113.005,51.3289 106.5,59C 105.234,59.3095 104.067,59.8095 103,60.5C 97.752,57.0931 92.9187,53.0931 88.5,48.5C 82.9822,53.1842 77.9822,58.3508 73.5,64C 72.1279,64.4017 70.7946,64.9017 69.5,65.5C 63.2763,61.949 57.943,57.2823 53.5,51.5C 47.6491,56.5172 42.3158,62.0172 37.5,68C 34.7887,69.8048 32.1221,69.8048 29.5,68C 25,63.5 20.5,59 16,54.5C 14.9914,52.9751 14.4914,51.3084 14.5,49.5C 8.21925,46.2197 3.21925,41.553 -0.5,35.5C -0.5,34.5 -0.5,33.5 -0.5,32.5C 3.45146,26.5485 8.45146,21.5485 14.5,17.5C 18.7696,10.8965 23.7696,4.89652 29.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 32.5,4.5 C 41.9372,14.4382 51.6039,24.2716 61.5,34C 52.3637,44.1371 42.8637,53.9705 33,63.5C 28.5,59 24,54.5 19.5,50C 24.1798,44.6551 28.8465,39.3218 33.5,34C 29.213,28.7107 24.5463,23.7107 19.5,19C 23.6703,13.9977 28.0036,9.16435 32.5,4.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#050505" d="M 68.5,8.5 C 69.2389,8.36899 69.9056,8.53566 70.5,9C 78.5142,16.8805 86.1809,25.0471 93.5,33.5C 85.8397,42.4931 77.8397,51.1597 69.5,59.5C 64.9185,56.0885 61.2518,51.9218 58.5,47C 62.1192,42.3781 66.1192,38.0448 70.5,34C 66.399,29.1431 62.0657,24.4764 57.5,20C 61.3705,16.2977 65.0371,12.4643 68.5,8.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#060606" d="M 101.5,13.5 C 109.117,19.449 116.117,26.1156 122.5,33.5C 115.806,40.5264 109.139,47.5264 102.5,54.5C 99.5,51.1667 96.5,47.8333 93.5,44.5C 96.8333,40.8333 100.167,37.1667 103.5,33.5C 100.167,29.8333 96.8333,26.1667 93.5,22.5C 96.189,19.4802 98.8556,16.4802 101.5,13.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#080808" d="M 13.5,24.5 C 14.552,24.3505 15.552,24.5172 16.5,25C 18.9787,28.3132 21.6454,31.4798 24.5,34.5C 21.516,37.9846 18.3493,41.318 15,44.5C 11.6507,41.318 8.48403,37.9846 5.5,34.5C 8.57025,31.4362 11.2369,28.1029 13.5,24.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
duration: 1 min.
range: 30
source: Player Core pg. 361
spell_type: Spell
tradition: Primal
type: Spell

You summon a creature that has the giant trait and whose level is 5 or lower to fight for you.

Heightened (6th) Level 7.

Heightened (7th) Level 9.

Heightened (8th) Level 11.

Heightened (9th) Level 13.

Heightened (10th) Level 15.

Summon Plant or Fungus <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 71" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.916" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 29.5,-0.5 C 31.8333,-0.5 34.1667,-0.5 36.5,-0.5C 41.8396,5.17254 47.1729,10.8392 52.5,16.5C 57.3185,12.1819 61.9852,7.68193 66.5,3C 68.9712,2.2937 71.3046,2.62703 73.5,4C 78.7,8.86527 83.5334,14.0319 88,19.5C 91.5,16 95,12.5 98.5,9C 100.695,7.62703 103.029,7.2937 105.5,8C 113.063,15.3952 120.397,22.8952 127.5,30.5C 127.5,32.8333 127.5,35.1667 127.5,37.5C 120.005,44.1622 113.005,51.3289 106.5,59C 105.234,59.3095 104.067,59.8095 103,60.5C 97.752,57.0931 92.9187,53.0931 88.5,48.5C 82.9822,53.1842 77.9822,58.3508 73.5,64C 72.1279,64.4017 70.7946,64.9017 69.5,65.5C 63.2763,61.949 57.943,57.2823 53.5,51.5C 47.6491,56.5172 42.3158,62.0172 37.5,68C 34.7887,69.8048 32.1221,69.8048 29.5,68C 25,63.5 20.5,59 16,54.5C 14.9914,52.9751 14.4914,51.3084 14.5,49.5C 8.21925,46.2197 3.21925,41.553 -0.5,35.5C -0.5,34.5 -0.5,33.5 -0.5,32.5C 3.45146,26.5485 8.45146,21.5485 14.5,17.5C 18.7696,10.8965 23.7696,4.89652 29.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 32.5,4.5 C 41.9372,14.4382 51.6039,24.2716 61.5,34C 52.3637,44.1371 42.8637,53.9705 33,63.5C 28.5,59 24,54.5 19.5,50C 24.1798,44.6551 28.8465,39.3218 33.5,34C 29.213,28.7107 24.5463,23.7107 19.5,19C 23.6703,13.9977 28.0036,9.16435 32.5,4.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#050505" d="M 68.5,8.5 C 69.2389,8.36899 69.9056,8.53566 70.5,9C 78.5142,16.8805 86.1809,25.0471 93.5,33.5C 85.8397,42.4931 77.8397,51.1597 69.5,59.5C 64.9185,56.0885 61.2518,51.9218 58.5,47C 62.1192,42.3781 66.1192,38.0448 70.5,34C 66.399,29.1431 62.0657,24.4764 57.5,20C 61.3705,16.2977 65.0371,12.4643 68.5,8.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#060606" d="M 101.5,13.5 C 109.117,19.449 116.117,26.1156 122.5,33.5C 115.806,40.5264 109.139,47.5264 102.5,54.5C 99.5,51.1667 96.5,47.8333 93.5,44.5C 96.8333,40.8333 100.167,37.1667 103.5,33.5C 100.167,29.8333 96.8333,26.1667 93.5,22.5C 96.189,19.4802 98.8556,16.4802 101.5,13.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#080808" d="M 13.5,24.5 C 14.552,24.3505 15.552,24.5172 16.5,25C 18.9787,28.3132 21.6454,31.4798 24.5,34.5C 21.516,37.9846 18.3493,41.318 15,44.5C 11.6507,41.318 8.48403,37.9846 5.5,34.5C 8.57025,31.4362 11.2369,28.1029 13.5,24.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
duration: 1 min.
range: 30
source: Player Core pg. 361
spell_type: Spell
tradition: Primal
type: Spell

You summon a creature that has the plant or fungus trait and whose level is –1 to fight for you.

Heightened (2nd) Level 1.

Heightened (3rd) Level 2.

Heightened (4th) Level 3.

Heightened (5th) Level 5.

Heightened (6th) Level 7.

Heightened (7th) Level 9.

Heightened (8th) Level 11.

Heightened (9th) Level 13.

Heightened (10th) Level 15.

Sunburst <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
area: 60-foot burst
element: Fire
range: 500
saving_throw: Reflex
source: Player Core pg. 361
spell_type: Spell
tradition: DivinePrimal
type: Spell

A powerful globe of searing sunlight explodes in the area, dealing 8d10 fire damage to all creatures in the area, plus an additional 8d10 vitality damage to undead creatures. Each creature in the area must attempt a Reflex save.

Critical Success The creature is unaffected.
Success The creature takes half damage.
Failure The creature takes full damage.
Critical Failure The creature takes full damage and becomes blinded permanently. If the globe overlaps with an area of magical darkness, sunburst attempts to counteract the darkness effect.

Heightened (+1) The fire damage increases by 1d10, and the vitality damage against undead increases by 1d10.

Sure Footing <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
legacy_name: Remove Paralysis
source: Player Core pg. 361
spell_type: Spell
target: 1 willing creature
tradition: DivineOccultPrimal
type: Spell

You free the target’s limbs from ailments that impede mobility. Attempt to counteract an effect of your choice imposing one of these conditions on the target: clumsy, grabbed, or paralyzed. If you didn’t counteract the effect, but you would have if its counteract rank were 2 lower, instead suppress the effect until the beginning of your next turn. The effect’s duration doesn’t elapse while it’s suppressed.

This spell can’t counteract or suppress curses, diseases, or conditions that are part of the target’s normal state.

Heightened (4th) Add immobilized, slowed and restrained to the list of conditions.

Heightened (6th) Add petrified to the list of conditions.

Heightened (8th) Add stunned to the list of conditions.

Tailwind <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
duration: 1 hrs.
element: Air
legacy_name: Longstrider
source: Player Core pg. 362
spell_type: Spell
tradition: ArcanePrimal
type: Spell

The wind at your back pushes you to find new horizons. You gain a +10-foot status bonus to your Speed.

Heightened (2nd) The duration increases to 8 hours.

Tangling Creepers <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 71" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.916" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 29.5,-0.5 C 31.8333,-0.5 34.1667,-0.5 36.5,-0.5C 41.8396,5.17254 47.1729,10.8392 52.5,16.5C 57.3185,12.1819 61.9852,7.68193 66.5,3C 68.9712,2.2937 71.3046,2.62703 73.5,4C 78.7,8.86527 83.5334,14.0319 88,19.5C 91.5,16 95,12.5 98.5,9C 100.695,7.62703 103.029,7.2937 105.5,8C 113.063,15.3952 120.397,22.8952 127.5,30.5C 127.5,32.8333 127.5,35.1667 127.5,37.5C 120.005,44.1622 113.005,51.3289 106.5,59C 105.234,59.3095 104.067,59.8095 103,60.5C 97.752,57.0931 92.9187,53.0931 88.5,48.5C 82.9822,53.1842 77.9822,58.3508 73.5,64C 72.1279,64.4017 70.7946,64.9017 69.5,65.5C 63.2763,61.949 57.943,57.2823 53.5,51.5C 47.6491,56.5172 42.3158,62.0172 37.5,68C 34.7887,69.8048 32.1221,69.8048 29.5,68C 25,63.5 20.5,59 16,54.5C 14.9914,52.9751 14.4914,51.3084 14.5,49.5C 8.21925,46.2197 3.21925,41.553 -0.5,35.5C -0.5,34.5 -0.5,33.5 -0.5,32.5C 3.45146,26.5485 8.45146,21.5485 14.5,17.5C 18.7696,10.8965 23.7696,4.89652 29.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 32.5,4.5 C 41.9372,14.4382 51.6039,24.2716 61.5,34C 52.3637,44.1371 42.8637,53.9705 33,63.5C 28.5,59 24,54.5 19.5,50C 24.1798,44.6551 28.8465,39.3218 33.5,34C 29.213,28.7107 24.5463,23.7107 19.5,19C 23.6703,13.9977 28.0036,9.16435 32.5,4.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#050505" d="M 68.5,8.5 C 69.2389,8.36899 69.9056,8.53566 70.5,9C 78.5142,16.8805 86.1809,25.0471 93.5,33.5C 85.8397,42.4931 77.8397,51.1597 69.5,59.5C 64.9185,56.0885 61.2518,51.9218 58.5,47C 62.1192,42.3781 66.1192,38.0448 70.5,34C 66.399,29.1431 62.0657,24.4764 57.5,20C 61.3705,16.2977 65.0371,12.4643 68.5,8.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#060606" d="M 101.5,13.5 C 109.117,19.449 116.117,26.1156 122.5,33.5C 115.806,40.5264 109.139,47.5264 102.5,54.5C 99.5,51.1667 96.5,47.8333 93.5,44.5C 96.8333,40.8333 100.167,37.1667 103.5,33.5C 100.167,29.8333 96.8333,26.1667 93.5,22.5C 96.189,19.4802 98.8556,16.4802 101.5,13.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#080808" d="M 13.5,24.5 C 14.552,24.3505 15.552,24.5172 16.5,25C 18.9787,28.3132 21.6454,31.4798 24.5,34.5C 21.516,37.9846 18.3493,41.318 15,44.5C 11.6507,41.318 8.48403,37.9846 5.5,34.5C 8.57025,31.4362 11.2369,28.1029 13.5,24.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
area: 40-foot burst
duration: 10 min.
element: Wood
range: 500
source: Player Core pg. 362
spell_type: Spell
tradition: ArcanePrimal
type: Spell

Dense, twitching creepers sprout from every surface and fill any bodies of water in the area. Any creature moving on the land, or Climbing or Swimming within the creepers, takes a –10-foot circumstance penalty to its Speeds while in the area. Once per round, you can Sustain the spell to make a vine lash out from any square within the expanse of creepers. This vine has a 15- foot reach. Make a melee spell attack roll against the target; on a success, the vine pulls the target into the creepers and makes it immobilized for 1 round or until the creature Escapes (against your spell DC), whichever comes first.

Thunderstrike <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
legacy_name: Shocking Grasp
range: 120
saving_throw: basic Reflex
source: Player Core pg. 363
spell_type: Spell
target: 1 creature
tradition: ArcanePrimal
type: Spell

You call down a tendril of lightning that cracks with thunder, dealing 1d12 electricity damage and 1d4 sonic damage to the target with a basic Reflex save. A target wearing metal armor or made of metal takes a –1 circumstance bonus to its save, and if damaged by the spell is clumsy 1 for 1 round.

Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 1d12 electricity and 1d4 sonic.

Toxic Cloud <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 71" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.916" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 29.5,-0.5 C 31.8333,-0.5 34.1667,-0.5 36.5,-0.5C 41.8396,5.17254 47.1729,10.8392 52.5,16.5C 57.3185,12.1819 61.9852,7.68193 66.5,3C 68.9712,2.2937 71.3046,2.62703 73.5,4C 78.7,8.86527 83.5334,14.0319 88,19.5C 91.5,16 95,12.5 98.5,9C 100.695,7.62703 103.029,7.2937 105.5,8C 113.063,15.3952 120.397,22.8952 127.5,30.5C 127.5,32.8333 127.5,35.1667 127.5,37.5C 120.005,44.1622 113.005,51.3289 106.5,59C 105.234,59.3095 104.067,59.8095 103,60.5C 97.752,57.0931 92.9187,53.0931 88.5,48.5C 82.9822,53.1842 77.9822,58.3508 73.5,64C 72.1279,64.4017 70.7946,64.9017 69.5,65.5C 63.2763,61.949 57.943,57.2823 53.5,51.5C 47.6491,56.5172 42.3158,62.0172 37.5,68C 34.7887,69.8048 32.1221,69.8048 29.5,68C 25,63.5 20.5,59 16,54.5C 14.9914,52.9751 14.4914,51.3084 14.5,49.5C 8.21925,46.2197 3.21925,41.553 -0.5,35.5C -0.5,34.5 -0.5,33.5 -0.5,32.5C 3.45146,26.5485 8.45146,21.5485 14.5,17.5C 18.7696,10.8965 23.7696,4.89652 29.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 32.5,4.5 C 41.9372,14.4382 51.6039,24.2716 61.5,34C 52.3637,44.1371 42.8637,53.9705 33,63.5C 28.5,59 24,54.5 19.5,50C 24.1798,44.6551 28.8465,39.3218 33.5,34C 29.213,28.7107 24.5463,23.7107 19.5,19C 23.6703,13.9977 28.0036,9.16435 32.5,4.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#050505" d="M 68.5,8.5 C 69.2389,8.36899 69.9056,8.53566 70.5,9C 78.5142,16.8805 86.1809,25.0471 93.5,33.5C 85.8397,42.4931 77.8397,51.1597 69.5,59.5C 64.9185,56.0885 61.2518,51.9218 58.5,47C 62.1192,42.3781 66.1192,38.0448 70.5,34C 66.399,29.1431 62.0657,24.4764 57.5,20C 61.3705,16.2977 65.0371,12.4643 68.5,8.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#060606" d="M 101.5,13.5 C 109.117,19.449 116.117,26.1156 122.5,33.5C 115.806,40.5264 109.139,47.5264 102.5,54.5C 99.5,51.1667 96.5,47.8333 93.5,44.5C 96.8333,40.8333 100.167,37.1667 103.5,33.5C 100.167,29.8333 96.8333,26.1667 93.5,22.5C 96.189,19.4802 98.8556,16.4802 101.5,13.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#080808" d="M 13.5,24.5 C 14.552,24.3505 15.552,24.5172 16.5,25C 18.9787,28.3132 21.6454,31.4798 24.5,34.5C 21.516,37.9846 18.3493,41.318 15,44.5C 11.6507,41.318 8.48403,37.9846 5.5,34.5C 8.57025,31.4362 11.2369,28.1029 13.5,24.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
area: 20-foot burst
duration: 1 min.
legacy_name: Cloudkill
range: 120
saving_throw: basic Fortitude
source: Player Core pg. 363
spell_type: Spell
tradition: ArcanePrimal
type: Spell

You conjure a poisonous fog. This functions as mist, except the area moves 10 feet away from you each round. A breathing creature that starts its turn in the area takes 6d8 poison damage with a basic Fortitude save. You can Dismiss the spell.

Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 1d8.

Tree of Seasons <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
duration: 1 min.
element: Wood
legacy_name: Fire Seeds
range: 60
source: Player Core pg. 364
spell_type: Spell
tradition: Primal
type: Spell

You cause a Small tree to instantly sprout in an unoccupied space on the ground. Four seedpods grow from the tree, each filled with the magic of a different one of the four seasons. A creature can Interact to pluck one of the pods, and can then either throw it up to 30 feet as part of the same action or do so with a separate Interact action later. When thrown, a pod explodes in a 5-foot burst, dealing 6d6 damage with a basic Reflex save against your spell DC. The damage type depends on the season of the pod: electricity for spring, fire for summer, poison for autumn, or cold for winter. When the spell ends, the tree withers away and any remaining pods rot, leaving behind non-magical seeds.

Heightened (+1) The burst’s damage increases by 1d6.

Truesight <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
duration: 10 min.
legacy_name: True Seeing
source: Player Core pg. 364
spell_type: Spell
tradition: ArcaneDivineOccultPrimal
type: Spell

You see things within 60 feet as they actually are. The GM rolls a secret counteract check against any illusion, morph, or polymorph effect in the area, but only for the purpose of determining whether you see through it (for instance, if the check succeeds against a polymorph spell, you can see the creature’s true form, but you don’t end the polymorph spell).

Unfettered Movement <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
duration: 10 min.
legacy_name: Freedom of Movement
source: Player Core pg. 365
spell_type: Spell
target: 1 creature touched
tradition: ArcaneDivinePrimal
type: Spell

You repel hindrances that would affect a creature. While under this spell’s effect, the target ignores effects that would give them a circumstance penalty to Speed. When they attempt to Escape an effect that has them immobilized, grabbed, or restrained, they automatically succeed unless the effect is magical and of a higher rank than the unfettered movement spell.

Unfettered Pack <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
duration: 1 hrs.
range: 30
source: Player Core pg. 365
spell_type: Spell
target: up to 10 creatures
tradition: Primal
type: Spell

You free those who travel alongside you from environmental hindrances. Targets don’t take circumstance penalties to Speed from vegetation, rubble, winds, or other properties of the environment, and they ignore difficult terrain from such environmental properties.

Heightened (9th) The targets also ignore greater difficult terrain from environmental properties.

Vanishing Tracks <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
duration: 1 hrs.
legacy_name: Pass Without Trace
source: Player Core pg. 365
spell_type: Spell
tradition: Primal
type: Spell

You obscure the tracks you leave behind. The DC of checks to Track you gains a +4 status bonus or is equal to your spell DC, whichever results in a higher DC.

Heightened (2nd) The duration increases to 8 hours.

Heightened (4th) The duration increases to 8 hours. The spell has a range of 20 feet and an area of a 20-footemanation, affecting up to 10 creatures of your choice within that area.

Vapor Form <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
duration: 5 min.
element: Air
legacy_name: Gaseous Form
source: Player Core pg. 365
spell_type: Spell
target: 1 willing creature
tradition: ArcaneOccultPrimal
type: Spell

The target transforms into a vaporous state. In this state, the target is amorphous. It loses any item bonus to AC and all other effects and bonuses from armor, and it uses its proficiency modifier for unarmored defense. It gains resistance 8 to physical damage and is immune to precision damage. It can’t cast spells, activate items, or use actions that have the attack or manipulate trait. It gains a fly Speed of 10 feet and can slip through tiny cracks. The target can Dismiss the spell.

Veil of Privacy 10 min.

PFS: Standard
component: 10 minutes
duration: 8 hrs.
legacy_name: Nondetection
source: Player Core pg. 366
spell_type: Spell
target: 1 creature or object
tradition: ArcaneOccultPrimal
type: Spell

You erect protective wards that make the target difficult to detect via magic. Veil of privacy attempts to counteract all detection, revelation, and scrying effects used against the target or the target’s gear throughout the duration, counting cantrips as 1st-rank spells for this purpose. Successfully counteracting a spell that targets an area or multiple targets negates the effects for only veil of privacy’s target.

Ventriloquism <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
duration: 10 min.
school: illusion
source: Player Core pg. 366
spell_type: Spell
tradition: ArcaneDivineOccultPrimal
type: Spell

Whenever you speak or make any other sound vocally, you can make your vocalization seem to originate from somewhere else within 60 feet, and you can change that apparent location freely as you vocalize. Any creature that hears the sound can attempt to disbelieve your illusion.

Heightened (2nd) The spell’s duration increases to 1 hour, and you can also change the tone, quality, and other aspects of your voice. Before a creature can attempt to disbelieve your illusion, it must actively attempt a Perception check or otherwise use actions to interact with the sound.

Vital Beacon 1 min.

PFS: Standard
component: 1 minute
source: Player Core pg. 366
spell_type: Spell
tradition: DivinePrimal
type: Spell

Vitality radiates outward from you, allowing others to supplicate and receive healing. Once per round, either you or an ally can use an Interact action to supplicate and lay hands upon you to regain Hit Points. Each time the beacon heals someone, it decreases in strength. It restores 4d10 Hit Points to the first creature, 4d8 Hit Points to the second, 4d6 Hit Points to the third, and 4d4 Hit Points to the fourth, after which the spell ends. You can have only one vital beacon active at a time.

Heightened (+1) The beacon restores one additional die of HP each time it heals, using the normal die size for that step.

Volcanic Eruption <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
area: 5-foot radius, 80-foot-tall cylinder
element: Fire
range: 120
saving_throw: Reflex
source: Player Core pg. 366
spell_type: Spell
tradition: Primal
type: Spell

The ground opens up, spraying a column of lava high into the air in a vertical cylinder, dealing 14d6 fire damage to creatures in the area. The lava rapidly cools and encases creatures in the area. A creature encased in rock is clumsy 1 and takes a –10-foot status penalty to its Speeds. All normal terrain is difficult terrain to a flying creature, and such creatures immediately descend 20 feet the moment they’re encased, but they don’t take damage from this fall. A creature encased in rock can attempt to Escape against your spell DC to end the effect. Otherwise, the creature remains encased until it takes a total of 50 damage, freeing it from the rock.

Additionally, creatures in the area and those within 5 feet of the lava column automatically take 3d6 fire damage from the intense heat, regardless of the results of their saving throws.

Critical Success The creature is unaffected.
Success The creature takes half damage.
Failure The creature takes full damage and is encased.
Critical Failure The creature takes double damage and is encased.

Heightened (+1) The damage in the area increases by 2d6, and the damage from the intense heat increases by 1d6.

Wall of Fire <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 71" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.916" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 29.5,-0.5 C 31.8333,-0.5 34.1667,-0.5 36.5,-0.5C 41.8396,5.17254 47.1729,10.8392 52.5,16.5C 57.3185,12.1819 61.9852,7.68193 66.5,3C 68.9712,2.2937 71.3046,2.62703 73.5,4C 78.7,8.86527 83.5334,14.0319 88,19.5C 91.5,16 95,12.5 98.5,9C 100.695,7.62703 103.029,7.2937 105.5,8C 113.063,15.3952 120.397,22.8952 127.5,30.5C 127.5,32.8333 127.5,35.1667 127.5,37.5C 120.005,44.1622 113.005,51.3289 106.5,59C 105.234,59.3095 104.067,59.8095 103,60.5C 97.752,57.0931 92.9187,53.0931 88.5,48.5C 82.9822,53.1842 77.9822,58.3508 73.5,64C 72.1279,64.4017 70.7946,64.9017 69.5,65.5C 63.2763,61.949 57.943,57.2823 53.5,51.5C 47.6491,56.5172 42.3158,62.0172 37.5,68C 34.7887,69.8048 32.1221,69.8048 29.5,68C 25,63.5 20.5,59 16,54.5C 14.9914,52.9751 14.4914,51.3084 14.5,49.5C 8.21925,46.2197 3.21925,41.553 -0.5,35.5C -0.5,34.5 -0.5,33.5 -0.5,32.5C 3.45146,26.5485 8.45146,21.5485 14.5,17.5C 18.7696,10.8965 23.7696,4.89652 29.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 32.5,4.5 C 41.9372,14.4382 51.6039,24.2716 61.5,34C 52.3637,44.1371 42.8637,53.9705 33,63.5C 28.5,59 24,54.5 19.5,50C 24.1798,44.6551 28.8465,39.3218 33.5,34C 29.213,28.7107 24.5463,23.7107 19.5,19C 23.6703,13.9977 28.0036,9.16435 32.5,4.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#050505" d="M 68.5,8.5 C 69.2389,8.36899 69.9056,8.53566 70.5,9C 78.5142,16.8805 86.1809,25.0471 93.5,33.5C 85.8397,42.4931 77.8397,51.1597 69.5,59.5C 64.9185,56.0885 61.2518,51.9218 58.5,47C 62.1192,42.3781 66.1192,38.0448 70.5,34C 66.399,29.1431 62.0657,24.4764 57.5,20C 61.3705,16.2977 65.0371,12.4643 68.5,8.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#060606" d="M 101.5,13.5 C 109.117,19.449 116.117,26.1156 122.5,33.5C 115.806,40.5264 109.139,47.5264 102.5,54.5C 99.5,51.1667 96.5,47.8333 93.5,44.5C 96.8333,40.8333 100.167,37.1667 103.5,33.5C 100.167,29.8333 96.8333,26.1667 93.5,22.5C 96.189,19.4802 98.8556,16.4802 101.5,13.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#080808" d="M 13.5,24.5 C 14.552,24.3505 15.552,24.5172 16.5,25C 18.9787,28.3132 21.6454,31.4798 24.5,34.5C 21.516,37.9846 18.3493,41.318 15,44.5C 11.6507,41.318 8.48403,37.9846 5.5,34.5C 8.57025,31.4362 11.2369,28.1029 13.5,24.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
deity: Sarenrae
duration: 1 min.
element: Fire
range: 120
source: Player Core pg. 367
spell_type: Spell
tradition: ArcanePrimal
type: Spell

You raise a blazing wall that burns creatures passing through it. You create either a 5-foot-thick wall of flame in a straight line up to 60 feet long and 10 feet high, or a 5-foot-thick, 10-foot-radius ring of flame with the same height. The wall stands vertically in either form; if you wish, the wall can be of a shorter length or height. Everything on each side of the wall is concealed from creatures on the opposite side. Any creature that crosses the wall or is occupying the wall’s area at the start of its turn takes 4d6 fire damage.

Heightened (+1) The fire damage increases by 1d6.

Wall of Ice <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 71" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.916" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 29.5,-0.5 C 31.8333,-0.5 34.1667,-0.5 36.5,-0.5C 41.8396,5.17254 47.1729,10.8392 52.5,16.5C 57.3185,12.1819 61.9852,7.68193 66.5,3C 68.9712,2.2937 71.3046,2.62703 73.5,4C 78.7,8.86527 83.5334,14.0319 88,19.5C 91.5,16 95,12.5 98.5,9C 100.695,7.62703 103.029,7.2937 105.5,8C 113.063,15.3952 120.397,22.8952 127.5,30.5C 127.5,32.8333 127.5,35.1667 127.5,37.5C 120.005,44.1622 113.005,51.3289 106.5,59C 105.234,59.3095 104.067,59.8095 103,60.5C 97.752,57.0931 92.9187,53.0931 88.5,48.5C 82.9822,53.1842 77.9822,58.3508 73.5,64C 72.1279,64.4017 70.7946,64.9017 69.5,65.5C 63.2763,61.949 57.943,57.2823 53.5,51.5C 47.6491,56.5172 42.3158,62.0172 37.5,68C 34.7887,69.8048 32.1221,69.8048 29.5,68C 25,63.5 20.5,59 16,54.5C 14.9914,52.9751 14.4914,51.3084 14.5,49.5C 8.21925,46.2197 3.21925,41.553 -0.5,35.5C -0.5,34.5 -0.5,33.5 -0.5,32.5C 3.45146,26.5485 8.45146,21.5485 14.5,17.5C 18.7696,10.8965 23.7696,4.89652 29.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 32.5,4.5 C 41.9372,14.4382 51.6039,24.2716 61.5,34C 52.3637,44.1371 42.8637,53.9705 33,63.5C 28.5,59 24,54.5 19.5,50C 24.1798,44.6551 28.8465,39.3218 33.5,34C 29.213,28.7107 24.5463,23.7107 19.5,19C 23.6703,13.9977 28.0036,9.16435 32.5,4.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#050505" d="M 68.5,8.5 C 69.2389,8.36899 69.9056,8.53566 70.5,9C 78.5142,16.8805 86.1809,25.0471 93.5,33.5C 85.8397,42.4931 77.8397,51.1597 69.5,59.5C 64.9185,56.0885 61.2518,51.9218 58.5,47C 62.1192,42.3781 66.1192,38.0448 70.5,34C 66.399,29.1431 62.0657,24.4764 57.5,20C 61.3705,16.2977 65.0371,12.4643 68.5,8.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#060606" d="M 101.5,13.5 C 109.117,19.449 116.117,26.1156 122.5,33.5C 115.806,40.5264 109.139,47.5264 102.5,54.5C 99.5,51.1667 96.5,47.8333 93.5,44.5C 96.8333,40.8333 100.167,37.1667 103.5,33.5C 100.167,29.8333 96.8333,26.1667 93.5,22.5C 96.189,19.4802 98.8556,16.4802 101.5,13.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#080808" d="M 13.5,24.5 C 14.552,24.3505 15.552,24.5172 16.5,25C 18.9787,28.3132 21.6454,31.4798 24.5,34.5C 21.516,37.9846 18.3493,41.318 15,44.5C 11.6507,41.318 8.48403,37.9846 5.5,34.5C 8.57025,31.4362 11.2369,28.1029 13.5,24.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
duration: 1 min.
element: Water
range: 120
source: Player Core pg. 367
spell_type: Spell
tradition: ArcanePrimal
type: Spell

You sculpt an ice barrier that blocks sight and, once shattered, freezes foes. You create either a 1-foot-thick wall of ice in a straight line up to 60 feet long and 10 feet high (the wall doesn’t have to be vertical, but it must be anchored on both sides to a solid surface) or a 1-foot-thick, 10-foot radius hemisphere of ice. The ice that makes up the wall is opaque. If you wish, the wall can be of a smaller length, height, or radius. You must create the wall in an unbroken open space so its edges don’t pass through any creatures or objects, or the spell is lost.

Each 10-foot-by-10-foot section of the wall has AC 10, Hardness 10, and 40 Hit Points, and it’s immune to critical hits, cold damage, and precision damage. A section also has weakness to fire 15; a section of the wall destroyed by fire melts, evaporating into water and steam. A section destroyed by means other than fire leaves behind a chilling mass of ice that is difficult terrain and deals 2d6 cold damage to any creature passing through it.

Heightened (+2) The Hit Points of each section of the wall increase by 10, and the cold damage dealt to creatures crossing a destroyed section increases by 1d6.

Wall of Stone <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 71" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.916" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 29.5,-0.5 C 31.8333,-0.5 34.1667,-0.5 36.5,-0.5C 41.8396,5.17254 47.1729,10.8392 52.5,16.5C 57.3185,12.1819 61.9852,7.68193 66.5,3C 68.9712,2.2937 71.3046,2.62703 73.5,4C 78.7,8.86527 83.5334,14.0319 88,19.5C 91.5,16 95,12.5 98.5,9C 100.695,7.62703 103.029,7.2937 105.5,8C 113.063,15.3952 120.397,22.8952 127.5,30.5C 127.5,32.8333 127.5,35.1667 127.5,37.5C 120.005,44.1622 113.005,51.3289 106.5,59C 105.234,59.3095 104.067,59.8095 103,60.5C 97.752,57.0931 92.9187,53.0931 88.5,48.5C 82.9822,53.1842 77.9822,58.3508 73.5,64C 72.1279,64.4017 70.7946,64.9017 69.5,65.5C 63.2763,61.949 57.943,57.2823 53.5,51.5C 47.6491,56.5172 42.3158,62.0172 37.5,68C 34.7887,69.8048 32.1221,69.8048 29.5,68C 25,63.5 20.5,59 16,54.5C 14.9914,52.9751 14.4914,51.3084 14.5,49.5C 8.21925,46.2197 3.21925,41.553 -0.5,35.5C -0.5,34.5 -0.5,33.5 -0.5,32.5C 3.45146,26.5485 8.45146,21.5485 14.5,17.5C 18.7696,10.8965 23.7696,4.89652 29.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 32.5,4.5 C 41.9372,14.4382 51.6039,24.2716 61.5,34C 52.3637,44.1371 42.8637,53.9705 33,63.5C 28.5,59 24,54.5 19.5,50C 24.1798,44.6551 28.8465,39.3218 33.5,34C 29.213,28.7107 24.5463,23.7107 19.5,19C 23.6703,13.9977 28.0036,9.16435 32.5,4.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#050505" d="M 68.5,8.5 C 69.2389,8.36899 69.9056,8.53566 70.5,9C 78.5142,16.8805 86.1809,25.0471 93.5,33.5C 85.8397,42.4931 77.8397,51.1597 69.5,59.5C 64.9185,56.0885 61.2518,51.9218 58.5,47C 62.1192,42.3781 66.1192,38.0448 70.5,34C 66.399,29.1431 62.0657,24.4764 57.5,20C 61.3705,16.2977 65.0371,12.4643 68.5,8.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#060606" d="M 101.5,13.5 C 109.117,19.449 116.117,26.1156 122.5,33.5C 115.806,40.5264 109.139,47.5264 102.5,54.5C 99.5,51.1667 96.5,47.8333 93.5,44.5C 96.8333,40.8333 100.167,37.1667 103.5,33.5C 100.167,29.8333 96.8333,26.1667 93.5,22.5C 96.189,19.4802 98.8556,16.4802 101.5,13.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#080808" d="M 13.5,24.5 C 14.552,24.3505 15.552,24.5172 16.5,25C 18.9787,28.3132 21.6454,31.4798 24.5,34.5C 21.516,37.9846 18.3493,41.318 15,44.5C 11.6507,41.318 8.48403,37.9846 5.5,34.5C 8.57025,31.4362 11.2369,28.1029 13.5,24.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
element: Earth
range: 120
source: Player Core pg. 367
spell_type: Spell
tradition: ArcanePrimal
type: Spell

You shape a wall of solid stone. You create a 1-inch-thick wall of stone up to 120 feet long, and 20 feet high. You can shape the wall’s path, placing each 5 feet of the wall on the border between squares. The wall doesn’t need to stand vertically, so you can use it to form a bridge or set of stairs, for example. You must conjure the wall in an unbroken open space so its edges don’t pass through any creatures or objects, or the spell is lost.

Each 10-foot-by-10-foot section of the wall has AC 10, Hardness 14, and 50 Hit Points, and it’s immune to critical hits and precision damage. A destroyed section of the wall can be moved through, but the rubble created from it is difficult terrain.

Heightened (+2) The Hit Points of each section of the wall increase by 15.

Wall of Thorns <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 71" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.916" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 29.5,-0.5 C 31.8333,-0.5 34.1667,-0.5 36.5,-0.5C 41.8396,5.17254 47.1729,10.8392 52.5,16.5C 57.3185,12.1819 61.9852,7.68193 66.5,3C 68.9712,2.2937 71.3046,2.62703 73.5,4C 78.7,8.86527 83.5334,14.0319 88,19.5C 91.5,16 95,12.5 98.5,9C 100.695,7.62703 103.029,7.2937 105.5,8C 113.063,15.3952 120.397,22.8952 127.5,30.5C 127.5,32.8333 127.5,35.1667 127.5,37.5C 120.005,44.1622 113.005,51.3289 106.5,59C 105.234,59.3095 104.067,59.8095 103,60.5C 97.752,57.0931 92.9187,53.0931 88.5,48.5C 82.9822,53.1842 77.9822,58.3508 73.5,64C 72.1279,64.4017 70.7946,64.9017 69.5,65.5C 63.2763,61.949 57.943,57.2823 53.5,51.5C 47.6491,56.5172 42.3158,62.0172 37.5,68C 34.7887,69.8048 32.1221,69.8048 29.5,68C 25,63.5 20.5,59 16,54.5C 14.9914,52.9751 14.4914,51.3084 14.5,49.5C 8.21925,46.2197 3.21925,41.553 -0.5,35.5C -0.5,34.5 -0.5,33.5 -0.5,32.5C 3.45146,26.5485 8.45146,21.5485 14.5,17.5C 18.7696,10.8965 23.7696,4.89652 29.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 32.5,4.5 C 41.9372,14.4382 51.6039,24.2716 61.5,34C 52.3637,44.1371 42.8637,53.9705 33,63.5C 28.5,59 24,54.5 19.5,50C 24.1798,44.6551 28.8465,39.3218 33.5,34C 29.213,28.7107 24.5463,23.7107 19.5,19C 23.6703,13.9977 28.0036,9.16435 32.5,4.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#050505" d="M 68.5,8.5 C 69.2389,8.36899 69.9056,8.53566 70.5,9C 78.5142,16.8805 86.1809,25.0471 93.5,33.5C 85.8397,42.4931 77.8397,51.1597 69.5,59.5C 64.9185,56.0885 61.2518,51.9218 58.5,47C 62.1192,42.3781 66.1192,38.0448 70.5,34C 66.399,29.1431 62.0657,24.4764 57.5,20C 61.3705,16.2977 65.0371,12.4643 68.5,8.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#060606" d="M 101.5,13.5 C 109.117,19.449 116.117,26.1156 122.5,33.5C 115.806,40.5264 109.139,47.5264 102.5,54.5C 99.5,51.1667 96.5,47.8333 93.5,44.5C 96.8333,40.8333 100.167,37.1667 103.5,33.5C 100.167,29.8333 96.8333,26.1667 93.5,22.5C 96.189,19.4802 98.8556,16.4802 101.5,13.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#080808" d="M 13.5,24.5 C 14.552,24.3505 15.552,24.5172 16.5,25C 18.9787,28.3132 21.6454,31.4798 24.5,34.5C 21.516,37.9846 18.3493,41.318 15,44.5C 11.6507,41.318 8.48403,37.9846 5.5,34.5C 8.57025,31.4362 11.2369,28.1029 13.5,24.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
deity: ErastilZon-Kuthon
duration: 1 min.
element: Wood
range: 60
source: Player Core pg. 367
spell_type: Spell
tradition: ArcanePrimal
type: Spell

Over the course of a minute, you grow a wall of thorny brambles from the ground. You create a 5-foot-thick wall of brambles and thorns in a straight line up to 60 feet long and 10 feet high. You must create the wall in an unbroken open space so its edges don’t pass through any creatures or objects, or the spell is lost. The wall stands vertically. If you wish, the wall can be of a shorter length or height. Everything on each side of the wall has cover from creatures on the opposite side, and the wall’s spaces are difficult terrain. For every move action a creature uses to enter at least one of the wall’s spaces, that creature takes 3d4 piercing damage.

Each 10-foot-by-10-foot section of the wall has AC 10, Hardness 10, and 20 Hit Points. It’s immune to critical hits and precision damage. A destroyed section can be moved through freely.

Heightened (+1) The Hit Points of each section of the wall increase by 5, and the piercing damage increases by 1d4.

Wall of Wind <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 71" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.916" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 29.5,-0.5 C 31.8333,-0.5 34.1667,-0.5 36.5,-0.5C 41.8396,5.17254 47.1729,10.8392 52.5,16.5C 57.3185,12.1819 61.9852,7.68193 66.5,3C 68.9712,2.2937 71.3046,2.62703 73.5,4C 78.7,8.86527 83.5334,14.0319 88,19.5C 91.5,16 95,12.5 98.5,9C 100.695,7.62703 103.029,7.2937 105.5,8C 113.063,15.3952 120.397,22.8952 127.5,30.5C 127.5,32.8333 127.5,35.1667 127.5,37.5C 120.005,44.1622 113.005,51.3289 106.5,59C 105.234,59.3095 104.067,59.8095 103,60.5C 97.752,57.0931 92.9187,53.0931 88.5,48.5C 82.9822,53.1842 77.9822,58.3508 73.5,64C 72.1279,64.4017 70.7946,64.9017 69.5,65.5C 63.2763,61.949 57.943,57.2823 53.5,51.5C 47.6491,56.5172 42.3158,62.0172 37.5,68C 34.7887,69.8048 32.1221,69.8048 29.5,68C 25,63.5 20.5,59 16,54.5C 14.9914,52.9751 14.4914,51.3084 14.5,49.5C 8.21925,46.2197 3.21925,41.553 -0.5,35.5C -0.5,34.5 -0.5,33.5 -0.5,32.5C 3.45146,26.5485 8.45146,21.5485 14.5,17.5C 18.7696,10.8965 23.7696,4.89652 29.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 32.5,4.5 C 41.9372,14.4382 51.6039,24.2716 61.5,34C 52.3637,44.1371 42.8637,53.9705 33,63.5C 28.5,59 24,54.5 19.5,50C 24.1798,44.6551 28.8465,39.3218 33.5,34C 29.213,28.7107 24.5463,23.7107 19.5,19C 23.6703,13.9977 28.0036,9.16435 32.5,4.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#050505" d="M 68.5,8.5 C 69.2389,8.36899 69.9056,8.53566 70.5,9C 78.5142,16.8805 86.1809,25.0471 93.5,33.5C 85.8397,42.4931 77.8397,51.1597 69.5,59.5C 64.9185,56.0885 61.2518,51.9218 58.5,47C 62.1192,42.3781 66.1192,38.0448 70.5,34C 66.399,29.1431 62.0657,24.4764 57.5,20C 61.3705,16.2977 65.0371,12.4643 68.5,8.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#060606" d="M 101.5,13.5 C 109.117,19.449 116.117,26.1156 122.5,33.5C 115.806,40.5264 109.139,47.5264 102.5,54.5C 99.5,51.1667 96.5,47.8333 93.5,44.5C 96.8333,40.8333 100.167,37.1667 103.5,33.5C 100.167,29.8333 96.8333,26.1667 93.5,22.5C 96.189,19.4802 98.8556,16.4802 101.5,13.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#080808" d="M 13.5,24.5 C 14.552,24.3505 15.552,24.5172 16.5,25C 18.9787,28.3132 21.6454,31.4798 24.5,34.5C 21.516,37.9846 18.3493,41.318 15,44.5C 11.6507,41.318 8.48403,37.9846 5.5,34.5C 8.57025,31.4362 11.2369,28.1029 13.5,24.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
duration: 1 min.
element: Air
lesson: Lesson of Snow
range: 120
source: Player Core pg. 368
spell_type: Spell
tradition: ArcanePrimal
type: Spell

You create a barrier of gusting winds that hinders anything moving through it. The wall of swirling winds is 5 feet thick, 60 feet long, and 30 feet high. The wall stands vertically, but you can shape its path. Though the wall of wind distorts the air, it does not hamper sight. The wall has the following effects.

  • Ammunition from physical ranged attacks—such as arrows, bolts, sling bullets, and other objects of similar size—can’t pass through the wall. Attacks with bigger ranged weapons, such as javelins, take a –2 circumstance penalty to their attack rolls if their paths pass through the wall. Massive ranged weapons and spell effects that don’t create physical objects pass through the wall with no penalty.
  • The wall is difficult terrain to creatures attempting to move overland through it. Gases, including creatures in vapor form, can’t pass through the wall.
  • A creature that attempts to fly through the wall using a move action must attempt a Fortitude save.

Critical Success The creature can move through the wall normally this turn.
Success The flying creature can move through the wall this turn, but the wall is difficult terrain.
Failure The wall stops the movement of the flying creature, and any remaining movement from its current action is wasted.
Critical Failure As failure, and the creature is pushed 10 feet away from the wall.

Water Breathing 1 min.

PFS: Standard
component: 1 minute
duration: 1 hrs.
element: Water
range: 30
source: Player Core pg. 369
spell_type: Spell
target: up to 5 creatures
tradition: ArcaneDivinePrimal
type: Spell

The targets can breathe underwater.

Heightened (3rd) The duration is 8 hours.

Heightened (4th) The duration is until your next daily preparations.

Water Walk <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
duration: 10 min.
element: Water
source: Player Core pg. 369
spell_type: Spell
target: 1 creature
tradition: ArcaneDivinePrimal
type: Spell

The target can walk on the surface of water and other liquids without falling through. It can go underwater if it wishes, but in that case it must Swim normally. This spell doesn’t grant the ability to breathe underwater.

Heightened (4th) The spell’s range increases to 30 feet, the duration increases to 1 hour, and you can target up to 10 creatures.

Weapon Storm <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
area: 30-foot cone or 10-foot emanation
deity: Gorum
saving_throw: Reflex
source: Player Core pg. 369
spell_type: Spell
tradition: ArcanePrimal
type: Spell

You swing a weapon you’re holding, and the weapon magically multiplies into duplicates that swipe at all creatures in either a cone or an emanation. This flurry deals four dice of damage to creatures in the area. This damage has the same type as the weapon and uses the same die size. Determine the die size as if you were attacking with the weapon; for instance, if you were wielding a two-hand weapon in both hands, you’d use its two-hand damage die.

Critical Success The creature is unaffected.
Success The target takes half damage.
Failure The target takes full damage.
Critical Failure The target takes double damage and is subject to the weapon’s critical specialization effect.

Heightened (+1) Add another damage die.

Wrathful Storm <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 71" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.916" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 29.5,-0.5 C 31.8333,-0.5 34.1667,-0.5 36.5,-0.5C 41.8396,5.17254 47.1729,10.8392 52.5,16.5C 57.3185,12.1819 61.9852,7.68193 66.5,3C 68.9712,2.2937 71.3046,2.62703 73.5,4C 78.7,8.86527 83.5334,14.0319 88,19.5C 91.5,16 95,12.5 98.5,9C 100.695,7.62703 103.029,7.2937 105.5,8C 113.063,15.3952 120.397,22.8952 127.5,30.5C 127.5,32.8333 127.5,35.1667 127.5,37.5C 120.005,44.1622 113.005,51.3289 106.5,59C 105.234,59.3095 104.067,59.8095 103,60.5C 97.752,57.0931 92.9187,53.0931 88.5,48.5C 82.9822,53.1842 77.9822,58.3508 73.5,64C 72.1279,64.4017 70.7946,64.9017 69.5,65.5C 63.2763,61.949 57.943,57.2823 53.5,51.5C 47.6491,56.5172 42.3158,62.0172 37.5,68C 34.7887,69.8048 32.1221,69.8048 29.5,68C 25,63.5 20.5,59 16,54.5C 14.9914,52.9751 14.4914,51.3084 14.5,49.5C 8.21925,46.2197 3.21925,41.553 -0.5,35.5C -0.5,34.5 -0.5,33.5 -0.5,32.5C 3.45146,26.5485 8.45146,21.5485 14.5,17.5C 18.7696,10.8965 23.7696,4.89652 29.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 32.5,4.5 C 41.9372,14.4382 51.6039,24.2716 61.5,34C 52.3637,44.1371 42.8637,53.9705 33,63.5C 28.5,59 24,54.5 19.5,50C 24.1798,44.6551 28.8465,39.3218 33.5,34C 29.213,28.7107 24.5463,23.7107 19.5,19C 23.6703,13.9977 28.0036,9.16435 32.5,4.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#050505" d="M 68.5,8.5 C 69.2389,8.36899 69.9056,8.53566 70.5,9C 78.5142,16.8805 86.1809,25.0471 93.5,33.5C 85.8397,42.4931 77.8397,51.1597 69.5,59.5C 64.9185,56.0885 61.2518,51.9218 58.5,47C 62.1192,42.3781 66.1192,38.0448 70.5,34C 66.399,29.1431 62.0657,24.4764 57.5,20C 61.3705,16.2977 65.0371,12.4643 68.5,8.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#060606" d="M 101.5,13.5 C 109.117,19.449 116.117,26.1156 122.5,33.5C 115.806,40.5264 109.139,47.5264 102.5,54.5C 99.5,51.1667 96.5,47.8333 93.5,44.5C 96.8333,40.8333 100.167,37.1667 103.5,33.5C 100.167,29.8333 96.8333,26.1667 93.5,22.5C 96.189,19.4802 98.8556,16.4802 101.5,13.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#080808" d="M 13.5,24.5 C 14.552,24.3505 15.552,24.5172 16.5,25C 18.9787,28.3132 21.6454,31.4798 24.5,34.5C 21.516,37.9846 18.3493,41.318 15,44.5C 11.6507,41.318 8.48403,37.9846 5.5,34.5C 8.57025,31.4362 11.2369,28.1029 13.5,24.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
area: 400-foot burst
duration: 1 min.
element: Air
legacy_name: Storm of Vengeance
range: 800
source: Player Core pg. 369
spell_type: Spell
tradition: Primal
type: Spell

A massive storm cloud forms in the air above the area, spreading rain and gales. The wind imposes a –4 circumstance penalty to physical ranged attacks. The air in the area is greater difficult terrain for flying creatures. When you Cast this Spell and the first time each round you Sustain it on subsequent rounds, you can choose one of the following storm effects. You can’t choose the same effect twice in a row.

  • Blizzard The driving snow deals 4d8 cold damage to each creature in or below the storm with no save. Everything in or beneath the cloud is concealed by driving snow and any ground is difficult terrain.
  • Hail Each creature in or below the storm takes 4d10 bludgeoning damage with a basic Fortitude save.
  • Lightning Choose up to 10 creatures in or below the storm to be struck by lightning. Each of them takes 7d6 electricity damage with a basic Reflex save.
  • Tornado A roughly cylindrical whirlwind appears in or below the cloud in a 30-foot radius. Each creature in the whirlwind is thrown 40 feet upward.

Heightened (10th) The range increases to 2,000 feet and the cloud is a 1,000-foot burst.