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Shield <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.3em" viewBox="0 0 128 128" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.896" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 60.5,-0.5 C 62.1667,-0.5 63.8333,-0.5 65.5,-0.5C 85.1366,18.9716 104.303,38.9716 123,59.5C 125.295,63.692 124.628,67.3586 121,70.5C 102.63,89.369 84.4629,108.369 66.5,127.5C 64.1667,127.5 61.8333,127.5 59.5,127.5C 50.5395,117.37 41.3729,107.37 32,97.5C 31.6905,96.2341 31.1905,95.0674 30.5,94C 31.1905,92.9326 31.6905,91.7659 32,90.5C 35.1117,87.8991 37.6117,84.8991 39.5,81.5C 40.1667,81.5 40.5,81.1667 40.5,80.5C 46.2981,75.2029 51.9647,69.7029 57.5,64C 50.6619,55.9954 43.3285,48.4954 35.5,41.5C 33.6567,38.8111 31.9901,35.9777 30.5,33C 31.1905,31.9326 31.6905,30.7659 32,29.5C 41.3944,19.2755 50.8944,9.27549 60.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#020202" d="M 62.5,4.5 C 81.848,23.5148 100.515,43.1815 118.5,63.5C 100.549,83.6194 82.0493,103.286 63,122.5C 54.1667,113 45.3333,103.5 36.5,94C 46.0175,83.9833 55.3509,73.8167 64.5,63.5C 55.3509,53.1833 46.0175,43.0167 36.5,33C 45.3731,23.6297 54.0398,14.1297 62.5,4.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:0.889" fill="#f8f8f8" d="M 35.5,41.5 C 40.069,47.5755 45.2356,53.2422 51,58.5C 53.603,61.3257 53.9364,64.3257 52,67.5C 47.5642,71.4276 43.7308,75.7609 40.5,80.5C 39.8333,80.5 39.5,80.8333 39.5,81.5C 36.0934,85.0766 32.26,88.0766 28,90.5C 20.0919,84.5978 12.7585,77.9312 6,70.5C 2.37155,67.3586 1.70488,63.692 4,59.5C 10.1349,52.364 16.6349,45.5307 23.5,39C 28.1447,36.6957 32.1447,37.529 35.5,41.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 27.5,42.5 C 34.1174,49.4531 40.7841,56.4531 47.5,63.5C 40.8163,70.3496 34.3163,77.3496 28,84.5C 20.9489,77.9512 14.4489,70.9512 8.5,63.5C 14.4857,56.1812 20.8191,49.1812 27.5,42.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
source: Player Core pg. 356
spell_type: Cantrip
tradition: ArcaneDivineOccult
type: Spell

You raise a magical shield of force. This counts as using the Raise a Shield action, giving you a +1 circumstance bonus to AC until the start of your next turn, but it doesn’t require a hand to use.

While the spell is in effect, you can use the Shield Block reaction with your magic shield. The shield has Hardness 5. You can use the spell’s reaction to reduce damage from any spell or magical effect, even if it doesn’t deal physical damage. After you use Shield Block, the spell ends and you can’t cast it again for 10 minutes.

Heightened (+2) The shield’s Hardness increases by 5.