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Primal Call

Primal Call 1 days.

PFS: Standard
cost: faerie circle ingredients worth a total value of 1 gp × the spell rank × the target’s level
range: 528000
source: Player Core pg. 394
target: 1 animal , beast , fey , fungus , or plant
type: Ritual
primary_check: Nature (master)
secondary_casters: 4
secondary_check: Crafting , Diplomacy , Survival

This functions as planar servitor except you craft a faerie circle and call an animal, beast, fey <%END>, fungus, or plant from within 100 miles.

Critical Success You resurrect the target. They return to life with full Hit Points and the same spells prepared and points in their pools they had when they died, and still suffering from any long-term debilitations of the old body. The target meets an agent of their deity during the resurrection who inspires them, granting them a +1 status bonus to attack rolls, Perception, saving throws, and skill checks for 1 week. The target is also permanently changed in some way by their time in the afterlife, such as gaining a slight personality shift, a streak of white in the hair, or a strange new birthmark.
Success As critical success, except the target returns to life with 1 Hit Point and no spells prepared or points in any pools, and still is affected by any long-term debilitations of the old body. Instead of inspiring them, the character’s time in the Boneyard has left them temporarily debilitated. The target is clumsy 1, drained 1, and enfeebled 1 for 1 week; these conditions can’t be removed or reduced by any means until the week has passed.
Failure Your attempt is unsuccessful.
Critical Failure Something goes horribly wrong—an evil spirit possesses the body, the body transforms into a special kind of undead, or some worse fate befalls the target.