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Mad Monkeys

Mad Monkeys <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
area: 5-foot burst
duration: 1 min.
lesson: Lesson of Mischief
range: 30
source: Player Core pg. 341
spell_type: Spell
tradition: Primal
type: Spell

Magical monkey spirits fill the area as they pile and climb on top of one another. Because the monkeys are magical spirits, they can’t be attacked or hurt. Casting calm or a similar effect over the monkeys makes them docile, causing them to cease making mischief for the duration of mad monkeys.

Choose the kind of mischief your monkeys make when you Cast the Spell. They produce the effect listed for that mischief when you Cast the Spell and the first time each round when you Sustain the spell. The first time each round when you Sustain the spell, you can move the area of the monkeys by 5 feet.

  • Flagrant Burglary The monkeys try to Steal any one item from one creature in the area. Use your spell DC – 10 as the monkeys’ Thievery modifier. Their attempt relies more on distraction than subtlety, so the victim knows what item the monkeys were trying to take and whether it was taken. Getting a stolen item from the monkeys— even for the caster—requires Stealing it from them or Disarming them, using your spell DC. When the spell ends, any stolen items fall to the ground in any square of the spell’s area you choose.
  • Raucous Din The monkeys screech loudly, potentially deafening creatures in the spell’s area. Each creature in the spell’s area must attempt a Fortitude save.

Critical Success The creature is unaffected and is temporarily immune for 10 minutes.
Success The creature is unaffected.
Failure The creature is deafened for 1 round.
Critical Failure The creature is deafened for 1 minute.

  • Tumultuous Gymnastics The monkeys jump and climb all over creatures in the spell’s area, interfering with complex movements. Each creature in the spell’s area must attempt a Reflex save.

Critical Success The creature is unaffected and is temporarily immune for 10 minutes.
Success The creature is unaffected.
Failure For 1 round, the creature must succeed at a DC 5 flat check whenever it attempts a manipulate action. If it fails this check, the action is disrupted.
Critical Failure As failure, but the monkeys cling to the creature tenaciously, and the effect lasts until the spell ends, even if the creature leaves the spell’s area.