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Illusory Disguise

Illusory Disguise <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 90" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.917" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 39.5,-0.5 C 41.1667,-0.5 42.8333,-0.5 44.5,-0.5C 52.4096,7.91142 60.5763,16.2448 69,24.5C 74.0663,17.4271 79.8997,10.9271 86.5,5C 88.0444,3.81288 89.7111,3.47954 91.5,4C 104.033,15.3664 116.033,27.1997 127.5,39.5C 127.5,42.1667 127.5,44.8333 127.5,47.5C 116.034,59.1347 104.7,70.968 93.5,83C 92.2341,83.3095 91.0674,83.8095 90,84.5C 82.0631,78.8984 75.0631,72.2317 69,64.5C 60.5763,72.7552 52.4096,81.0886 44.5,89.5C 42.8333,89.5 41.1667,89.5 39.5,89.5C 30.8989,80.7377 22.5656,71.9044 14.5,63C 9.26938,57.938 4.26938,52.7714 -0.5,47.5C -0.5,45.5 -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5C 4.26938,36.2286 9.26938,31.062 14.5,26C 22.5656,17.0956 30.8989,8.26227 39.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 41.5,5.5 C 54.7889,17.7903 67.4556,30.7903 79.5,44.5C 67.5043,57.8288 55.1709,70.8288 42.5,83.5C 36.1667,77.8333 30.1667,71.8333 24.5,65.5C 30.4636,58.2012 36.797,51.2012 43.5,44.5C 36.797,37.7988 30.4636,30.7988 24.5,23.5C 30.1883,17.4796 35.8549,11.4796 41.5,5.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 89.5,9.5 C 100.944,20.3735 111.944,31.7069 122.5,43.5C 111.85,55.3171 101.017,66.9838 90,78.5C 84.467,73.3017 79.3004,67.8017 74.5,62C 79.8009,55.6979 85.4675,49.6979 91.5,44C 85.2808,38.2834 79.6142,32.1167 74.5,25.5C 79.5217,20.1463 84.5217,14.813 89.5,9.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#090909" d="M 17.5,30.5 C 22.5181,34.5186 26.8515,39.1853 30.5,44.5C 26.8897,49.6133 22.723,54.2799 18,58.5C 13.277,54.2799 9.11029,49.6133 5.5,44.5C 9.14836,39.5193 13.1484,34.8527 17.5,30.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
deity: Norgorber
duration: 1 hrs.
legacy_name: Veil
range: 30
school: illusion
source: Player Core pg. 337
spell_type: Spell
target: 1 willing creature
tradition: ArcaneOccult
type: Spell

You create an illusion that causes the target to appear as another creature of the same body shape, and with roughly similar height (within 6 inches) and weight (within 50 pounds). The disguise is typically good enough to hide their identity, but not to impersonate a specific individual. The spell changes their appearance and voice, but not mannerisms. You can change the appearance of its clothing and worn items, such as making its armor look like a dress. Held items are unaffected, and any worn item removed from the creature returns to its true appearance.

Casting illusory disguise counts as setting up a disguise for the Impersonate use of Deception; it ignores any circumstance penalties the target might take for disguising itself as a dissimilar creature, gives a +4 status bonus to Deception checks to prevent others from seeing through the disguise, and lets the target add its level to such Deception checks even if untrained. You can Dismiss this spell.

Heightened (3rd) The target can appear as any creature of the same size, even a specific individual. You must have seen an individual to replicate its appearance, and must have heard its voice to replicate its voice.

Heightened (4th) You can target up to 10 willing creatures. If you target multiple creatures, you can choose a different disguise for each target, but none can impersonate a specific individual. You can Dismiss each disguise individually or all collectively.

Heightened (7th) As 4th, but you can choose disguises that impersonate specific individuals. You must have seen an individual to replicate its appearance, and must have heard its voice to replicate its voice.