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Duplicate Foe

Duplicate Foe <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 128 71" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.916" fill="#f7f7f7" d="M 29.5,-0.5 C 31.8333,-0.5 34.1667,-0.5 36.5,-0.5C 41.8396,5.17254 47.1729,10.8392 52.5,16.5C 57.3185,12.1819 61.9852,7.68193 66.5,3C 68.9712,2.2937 71.3046,2.62703 73.5,4C 78.7,8.86527 83.5334,14.0319 88,19.5C 91.5,16 95,12.5 98.5,9C 100.695,7.62703 103.029,7.2937 105.5,8C 113.063,15.3952 120.397,22.8952 127.5,30.5C 127.5,32.8333 127.5,35.1667 127.5,37.5C 120.005,44.1622 113.005,51.3289 106.5,59C 105.234,59.3095 104.067,59.8095 103,60.5C 97.752,57.0931 92.9187,53.0931 88.5,48.5C 82.9822,53.1842 77.9822,58.3508 73.5,64C 72.1279,64.4017 70.7946,64.9017 69.5,65.5C 63.2763,61.949 57.943,57.2823 53.5,51.5C 47.6491,56.5172 42.3158,62.0172 37.5,68C 34.7887,69.8048 32.1221,69.8048 29.5,68C 25,63.5 20.5,59 16,54.5C 14.9914,52.9751 14.4914,51.3084 14.5,49.5C 8.21925,46.2197 3.21925,41.553 -0.5,35.5C -0.5,34.5 -0.5,33.5 -0.5,32.5C 3.45146,26.5485 8.45146,21.5485 14.5,17.5C 18.7696,10.8965 23.7696,4.89652 29.5,-0.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 32.5,4.5 C 41.9372,14.4382 51.6039,24.2716 61.5,34C 52.3637,44.1371 42.8637,53.9705 33,63.5C 28.5,59 24,54.5 19.5,50C 24.1798,44.6551 28.8465,39.3218 33.5,34C 29.213,28.7107 24.5463,23.7107 19.5,19C 23.6703,13.9977 28.0036,9.16435 32.5,4.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#050505" d="M 68.5,8.5 C 69.2389,8.36899 69.9056,8.53566 70.5,9C 78.5142,16.8805 86.1809,25.0471 93.5,33.5C 85.8397,42.4931 77.8397,51.1597 69.5,59.5C 64.9185,56.0885 61.2518,51.9218 58.5,47C 62.1192,42.3781 66.1192,38.0448 70.5,34C 66.399,29.1431 62.0657,24.4764 57.5,20C 61.3705,16.2977 65.0371,12.4643 68.5,8.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#060606" d="M 101.5,13.5 C 109.117,19.449 116.117,26.1156 122.5,33.5C 115.806,40.5264 109.139,47.5264 102.5,54.5C 99.5,51.1667 96.5,47.8333 93.5,44.5C 96.8333,40.8333 100.167,37.1667 103.5,33.5C 100.167,29.8333 96.8333,26.1667 93.5,22.5C 96.189,19.4802 98.8556,16.4802 101.5,13.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#080808" d="M 13.5,24.5 C 14.552,24.3505 15.552,24.5172 16.5,25C 18.9787,28.3132 21.6454,31.4798 24.5,34.5C 21.516,37.9846 18.3493,41.318 15,44.5C 11.6507,41.318 8.48403,37.9846 5.5,34.5C 8.57025,31.4362 11.2369,28.1029 13.5,24.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard
duration: 1 min.
range: 30
saving_throw: Fortitude
source: Player Core pg. 327
spell_type: Spell
target: 1 enemy of level 15 or lower
tradition: ArcaneOccult
type: Spell

You create a temporary duplicate of an enemy to fight on your behalf. The target can attempt a Fortitude save to disrupt the spell. The duplicate appears in an unoccupied space adjacent to the target and has the target’s attack modifier, AC, saving throw modifiers, Perception, and skill modifiers, but it has only 70 Hit Points and lacks the target’s special abilities, including immunities, resistances, and weaknesses. It has no magic items except weapon potency runes.

The duplicate gains the minion trait, and it can only Stride and Strike. Its Strikes deal the target’s normal damage but don’t apply added effects, since it doesn’t have special abilities. The spell automatically ends if the duplicate’s Hit Points drop to 0.

The duplicate attacks your enemies to the best of its abilities. You can also try to give it additional instructions; when you Sustain the spell, you can also Command a Minion as part of your action, but the GM determines whether the duplicate follows your command.

The duplicate is unstable, so each turn after it takes its actions, it loses 4d6 Hit Points. It’s not a living creature, and it can never regain its lost Hit Points in any way.

Critical Success You fail to create a duplicate.
Success The duplicate deals half damage with its Strikes and the duration is reduced to a maximum of 2 rounds.
Failure The duplicate works as described.

Heightened (+1) The level of creature you can target increases by 2. The duplicate has 10 more HP.