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Sudden Leap

Sudden Leap<svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.3em" viewBox="0 0 128 128" style="display:inline; shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.902" fill="#f6f6f6" d="M 127.5,46.5 C 127.5,51.5 127.5,56.5 127.5,61.5C 121.903,77.9355 110.903,89.4355 94.5,96C 88.9518,98.0716 83.2852,99.7383 77.5,101C 80.2801,103.898 82.2801,107.232 83.5,111C 82.8651,114.634 80.6985,116.468 77,116.5C 57.3159,112.704 37.8159,108.204 18.5,103C 15.7797,99.1247 16.4463,95.7914 20.5,93C 37.6159,82.3615 54.7826,71.8615 72,61.5C 75.5791,62.1444 77.4124,64.311 77.5,68C 76.247,72.494 75.4137,76.994 75,81.5C 92.5897,69.2681 93.7563,55.7681 78.5,41C 58.5674,29.134 38.234,28.4674 17.5,39C 13.8683,41.6298 10.535,44.6298 7.5,48C 4.2253,48.9818 1.55863,48.1485 -0.5,45.5C -0.5,43.5 -0.5,41.5 -0.5,39.5C 7.8569,23.6692 20.8569,13.5025 38.5,9C 67.8746,1.05501 94.0413,6.88834 117,26.5C 121.854,32.5444 125.354,39.2111 127.5,46.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#030303" d="M 50.5,11.5 C 72.8385,8.99216 92.8385,14.4922 110.5,28C 126.992,47.4521 125.658,65.7854 106.5,83C 95.0503,90.8721 82.3837,95.0388 68.5,95.5C 68.3505,96.552 68.5172,97.552 69,98.5C 72.0453,102.756 75.212,106.923 78.5,111C 59.9079,107.034 41.2413,103.034 22.5,99C 38.3308,88.5836 54.3308,78.4169 70.5,68.5C 70.8333,69 71.1667,69.5 71.5,70C 69.5942,76.7897 67.9275,83.623 66.5,90.5C 79.8437,87.3251 89.0104,79.3251 94,66.5C 96.1665,54.3323 92.3332,44.499 82.5,37C 59.9162,22.4848 36.9162,21.8181 13.5,35C 10.7198,36.8123 8.21984,38.979 6,41.5C 5.83333,41.1667 5.66667,40.8333 5.5,40.5C 9.9731,31.5269 16.6398,24.6936 25.5,20C 33.5783,16.0302 41.9116,13.1969 50.5,11.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard

Source: Player Core pg. 147

You make an impressive leap and swing while you soar. Make a Leap, High Jump, or Long Jump and attempt one melee Strike at any point during your jump. Immediately after the Strike, you fall to the ground if you’re in the air, even if you haven’t reached the maximum distance of your jump. If the distance you fall is no more than the height of your jump, you take no damage and land upright.

When attempting a High Jump or Long Jump during a Sudden Leap, determine the DC using the Long Jump DCs, and increase your maximum distance to double your Speed.

Special If you have Felling Strike, you can use Felling Strike instead of a normal Strike. This doesn’t change the number of actions Sudden Leap takes.