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Siphon Power

Siphon Power<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" ""> <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="1.3em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 128 128" style="display:inline;shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" xmlns:xlink=""> <g><path style="opacity:0.896" fill="#f8f8f8" d="M 61.5,-0.5 C 63.1667,-0.5 64.8333,-0.5 66.5,-0.5C 85.0743,19.2448 103.908,38.9114 123,58.5C 124.422,61.0301 124.755,63.6967 124,66.5C 104.995,87.0047 85.828,107.338 66.5,127.5C 64.1667,127.5 61.8333,127.5 59.5,127.5C 40.5053,107.671 21.6719,87.6713 3,67.5C 2.24501,64.6967 2.57834,62.0301 4,59.5C 23.4256,39.5781 42.5923,19.5781 61.5,-0.5 Z M 63.5,29.5 C 73.9373,40.4383 84.604,51.2716 95.5,62C 84.3333,73.8333 73.1667,85.6667 62,97.5C 60.5,96 59,94.5 57.5,93C 63.6349,85.864 70.1349,79.0307 77,72.5C 79.2859,69.8963 81.1193,67.063 82.5,64C 82.3749,62.3732 81.8749,60.8732 81,59.5C 74.0313,51.5303 66.698,43.8636 59,36.5C 58.3333,35.8333 58.3333,35.1667 59,34.5C 60.7073,32.9625 62.2073,31.2959 63.5,29.5 Z M 39.5,57.5 C 44.5746,60.0855 44.7412,63.0855 40,66.5C 35.8111,63.5422 35.6444,60.5422 39.5,57.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:1" fill="#040404" d="M 63.5,4.5 C 81.9353,24.1046 100.602,43.6046 119.5,63C 101.032,83.1359 82.1986,102.969 63,122.5C 44.2901,103.292 25.7901,83.9584 7.5,64.5C 26.5553,44.7809 45.222,24.7809 63.5,4.5 Z M 63.5,29.5 C 62.2073,31.2959 60.7073,32.9625 59,34.5C 58.3333,35.1667 58.3333,35.8333 59,36.5C 66.698,43.8636 74.0313,51.5303 81,59.5C 81.8749,60.8732 82.3749,62.3732 82.5,64C 81.1193,67.063 79.2859,69.8963 77,72.5C 70.1349,79.0307 63.6349,85.864 57.5,93C 59,94.5 60.5,96 62,97.5C 73.1667,85.6667 84.3333,73.8333 95.5,62C 84.604,51.2716 73.9373,40.4383 63.5,29.5 Z M 39.5,57.5 C 35.6444,60.5422 35.8111,63.5422 40,66.5C 44.7412,63.0855 44.5746,60.0855 39.5,57.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:0.91" fill="#f6f6f6" d="M 62.5,21.5 C 69.0763,26.5702 75.243,32.2369 81,38.5C 88.352,46.351 95.5186,54.351 102.5,62.5C 89.183,76.9843 75.683,91.3176 62,105.5C 57.6091,101.612 53.7757,97.2788 50.5,92.5C 59.1667,82.8333 67.8333,73.1667 76.5,63.5C 68.0178,53.8503 59.3511,44.3503 50.5,35C 55.1017,30.9063 59.1017,26.4063 62.5,21.5 Z M 63.5,29.5 C 62.2073,31.2959 60.7073,32.9625 59,34.5C 58.3333,35.1667 58.3333,35.8333 59,36.5C 66.698,43.8636 74.0313,51.5303 81,59.5C 81.8749,60.8732 82.3749,62.3732 82.5,64C 81.1193,67.063 79.2859,69.8963 77,72.5C 70.1349,79.0307 63.6349,85.864 57.5,93C 59,94.5 60.5,96 62,97.5C 73.1667,85.6667 84.3333,73.8333 95.5,62C 84.604,51.2716 73.9373,40.4383 63.5,29.5 Z"/></g> <g><path style="opacity:0.937" fill="#f3f3f3" d="M 39.5,49.5 C 43.8123,53.1456 47.8123,57.1456 51.5,61.5C 48.1369,66.209 44.3035,70.5423 40,74.5C 35.6965,70.5423 31.8631,66.209 28.5,61.5C 32.1886,57.4799 35.8553,53.4799 39.5,49.5 Z M 39.5,57.5 C 35.6444,60.5422 35.8111,63.5422 40,66.5C 44.7412,63.0855 44.5746,60.0855 39.5,57.5 Z"/></g> </svg>

PFS: Standard

Source: Player Core pg. 191

Trigger: once per day

Requirements: You haven’t acted yet on your turn

You draw upon the reservoir of your patron’s magic that resides within your familiar. During your turn, you can cast one spell your familiar knows that was granted by your patron or lessons without spending a spell slot to do so (or even having it prepared). The spell must be at least 1 rank lower than your highest-rank witch spell slot.

Special This feat has the trait corresponding to the tradition of spells you cast (arcane, divine, occult, or primal).