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Climbing Kit

Climbing Kit

PFS: Standard

Source: Player Core pg. 287

This satchel includes 50 feet of rope, pulleys, a dozen pitons, a hammer, a grappling hook, and one set of crampons. Climbing kits allow you to attach yourself to the wall you’re Climbing, moving half as quickly as usual (minimum 5 feet) but letting you attempt a DC 5 flat check whenever you critically fail to prevent a fall. A single kit has only enough materials for one climber; each climber needs their own kit. If you wear your climbing kit, you can access it as part of a Climb action.

<p>Climbing Kit</p>

Source Player Core pg. 287

Price 5 sp

Hands 2

Bulk 1

<p>Climbing Kit (Extreme)</p>

Source Player Core pg. 287

Price 40 gp

Hands 2

Bulk 1

You gain a +1 item bonus to Athletics checks to Climb while using an extreme climbing kit.