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PFS: Standard
title: Lore
attribute: Intelligence
skill: Lore
source: Player Core pg. 240
<a href="/Skills.aspx?ID=41">Lore</a>Source Player Core pg. 240

You have specialized information on a narrow topic. Lore features many subcategories. You might have Military Lore, Sailing Lore, Vampire Lore, or any similar subcategory of the skill. Each subcategory counts as its own skill, so applying a skill increase to Planar Lore wouldn’t increase your proficiency with Sailing Lore, for example.

Most backgrounds make you trained in a specific subcategory of the Lore skill. The GM determines what other subcategories they’ll allow as Lore skills, though these categories are always less broad than any of the other skills that allow you to Recall Knowledge, and they should never be able to take the place of another skill’s Recall Knowledge action. For instance, you couldn’t choose Magic Lore to recall the breadth of knowledge about magic covered by Arcana, Nature, Occultism, and Religion, or choose Adventuring Lore to give you all the information an adventurer needs, or choose Planar Lore to gain all the information spread across various skills and subcategories such as Heaven Lore.

If you’re making a check and multiple subcategories of Lore could apply, or a non-Lore skill could apply, you can use whichever skill you prefer. If there’s any doubt whether a Lore skill applies to a specific topic or action, the GM decides whether it can be used or not.

Lore Untrained General ActionsLore Trained General Actions
  • Earn Income by using your knowledge to practice a trade.

Common Lore Subcategories You can learn any Lore skill your GM gives you permission to take. The following list covers a wide variety of common Lore topics appropriate for player characters in most campaigns. Backgrounds often grant you a Lore skill from this list.

  • Academia Lore
  • Accounting Lore
  • Architecture Lore
  • Art Lore
  • Astronomy Lore
  • Carpentry Lore
  • Circus Lore
  • Driving Lore
  • Engineering Lore
  • Farming Lore
  • Fishing Lore
  • Fortune-Telling Lore
  • Games Lore
  • Genealogy Lore
  • Gladiatorial Lore
  • Guild Lore
  • Heraldry Lore
  • Herbalism Lore
  • Hunting Lore
  • Labor Lore
  • Legal Lore
  • Library Lore
  • Lore about a specific deity (Abadar Lore, Iomedae Lore)
  • Lore about a specific creature or narrow category of creatures (Demon Lore, Giant Lore, Vampire Lore)
  • Lore about a specific plane other than the Universe, or the plane in which the game is set if not the Universe (Astral Plane Lore, Heaven Lore, Outer Rifts Lore)
  • Lore about a specific public organization (Hellknights Lore, Pathfinder Society Lore)
  • Lore about a specific settlement (Absalom Lore, Magnimar Lore)
  • Lore about a specific terrain (Mountain Lore, River Lore)
  • Lore about a type of food or drink (Alcohol Lore, Baking Lore, Butchering Lore, Cooking Lore, Tea Lore)
  • Mercantile Lore
  • Midwifery Lore
  • Milling Lore
  • Mining Lore
  • Piloting Lore
  • Sailing Lore
  • Scouting Lore
  • Scribing Lore
  • Stabling Lore
  • Tanning Lore
  • Theater Lore
  • Underworld Lore
  • Warfare Lore

Related Feats

To see a list of Feats related to Lore, click here.