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List of Ancestries


PFS: Standard
title: Aiuvarin
legacy_name: Half-Elf
size: Medium
source: Player Core pg. 82
traits: AiuvarinElf
type: Versatile Heritage
<a href="/Ancestries.aspx?ID=69">Aiuvarin</a>Source Player Core pg. 82

Elves’ children with people of other ancestries, and the children of their children, are called “aiuvarin”, an elven word that refers to a poem about leaves that fall too quickly to the ground.

Elves’ children with people of other ancestries, and the children of their children, are called “aiuvarin”, an elven word that refers to a poem about leaves that fall too quickly to the ground. The most familiar aiuvarins in Golarion are born to an elf and a human, or to two aiuvarins. Those born of these unions are commonly referred to as “half-elves.” The life of an aiuvarin can be difficult, often marked by a struggle to fit in. Aiuvarins don’t have their own homeland on Golarion, nor are populations of aiuvarins particularly tied to one another since they often have very disparate traditions from their parents’ ancestries. Instead, they often attempt to find acceptance in their parents’ cultures or settlements.

Aiuvarins often have pointed ears and can be lanky, along with manifesting traits from their non-elven ancestors. They lack the almost-alien eyes of their elf parents, and their work to find a place for themselves in communities where they’re often out of sync with the dominant culture leads many to become artists or entertainers. Despite this innate socialization, many aiuvarins have difficulty forming lasting bonds with either of their parents’ people due to the distance they feel from both communities as a whole.

Aiuvarins gain some, but not all, of their elven parent’s longevity, and those with a human parent often live for around 150 years. This causes some of them to fear friendship and romance with humans, knowing that they’ll likely outlive their companions.

You Might…
  • Keep to yourself and find it difficult to form close bonds with others.
  • Strongly embrace or reject one side or the other of your parentage.
  • Identify strongly with and relate to other people with mixed ancestries.
Others Probably…
  • Find you more approachable than elves.
  • See you primarily through the lens of your elven heritage.
  • Downplay the challenges of being caught between cultures.
Aiuvarin Heritage Mechanics

You have elves, or possibly other aiuvarins, in your family tree. You have pointed ears and other telltale signs of elf heritage. You gain the elf trait, the aiuvarin trait, and low-light vision. In addition, when you gain an ancestry feat, you can choose from aiuvarin and elf feats in addition to those from your ancestry.


PFS: Standard
title: Changeling
size: Medium
source: Player Core pg. 76
traits: Uncommon3Changeling
type: Versatile Heritage
<a href="/Ancestries.aspx?ID=67">Changeling</a>Source Player Core pg. 76

Changelings are the children of malevolent hags, born with occult magic and the potential to hear a psychic Call.

Tales of children stolen away and replaced by monsters exist across countless cultures—but the true monsters are the hags who bring these strange children into the world, either directly as their birth parents or indirectly when strange magic from their coven rituals affects babies in nearby villages. Such a child faces no end of challenges, often beginning life as an abandoned or orphaned outsider.

Though a changeling generally resembles an ordinary member of their ancestry, their distinctive eyes—each a different color—set them apart. One of their eyes matches that of their father’s lineage, while the other matches the color of their hag mother’s, often in an unnatural shade such as violet or vivid green. Not everyone with differently colored eyes is a changeling, but this manifestation of changeling heritage makes it difficult for them to hide their nature and can lead to banishment. As they come of age, they manifest other characteristics from their mother, including supernatural abilities. Darkvision, clawlike fingernails, and innate magic are the most common.

Changelings can be any gender, but women in particular are vulnerable to the Call, a psychic influence that urges them to abandon their mortal life, join the hag’s coven, and eventually become a hag themselves. Changelings who understand their heritage often fear the Call and work to resist its pull. Those who remain ignorant of their origin may find themselves subject to a terrible compulsion without knowing why.

You Might…
  • Cherish and protect those friends and family who accept you as you are.
  • Seek to better understand your hag mother and the gifts she gave you, for good or ill, or distance yourself from your heritage.
  • Fear the day you hear the Call and worry you might not be able to resist—or perhaps you already fight to resist it every day.
Others Probably…
  • Assume you practice occult or primal magic, or that you participate in a coven.
  • Worry that you might secretly be a monster, or become one, and turn on them.
  • Notice and speculate about your distinctive eyes.
Changeling Heritage Mechanics

Your mother was a hag. Your eyes’ heterochromia is the most obvious signifier of this parentage, but you likely also have a slighter build, paler skin, and darker hair than most members of your other parent’s ancestry. You gain the changeling trait. You also gain low-light vision, or you gain darkvision if your ancestry already has low-light vision. You can select from changeling feats and feats from your other parent’s ancestry whenever you gain an ancestry feat.


PFS: Standard
title: Dromaar
legacy_name: Half-Orc
size: Medium
source: Player Core pg. 83
traits: DromaarOrc
type: Versatile Heritage
<a href="/Ancestries.aspx?ID=70">Dromaar</a>Source Player Core pg. 83

As the orcs of Belkzen have become a critical vanguard in the war against the Whispering Tyrant, sometimes fighting alongside allies of other ancestries, children with a mix of orc heritage and that of another ancestry (typically human) have grown in number.

As the orcs of Belkzen have become a critical vanguard in the war against the Whispering Tyrant, sometimes fighting alongside allies of other ancestries, children with a mix of orc heritage and that of another ancestry (typically human) have grown in number. Many of these “half-orcs” refer to themselves as “dromaars,” an orcish word referring to those drummers whose music sends the hordes marching to war, seeing themselves as heralds of a new age for orcs in the Inner Sea region. Some intolerant humanoids see orcs as more akin to monsters than people, hating and fearing them simply due to their lineage. This can push dromaars to the margins of society, where some find work in manual labor, as mercenaries, or in crime. Many who can’t stand the indignities heaped on them in human society find a home among their orc kin or trek into the wilderness.

Some humans assume dromaars are less intelligent or uncivilized, and dromaars rarely find acceptance among societies with many such folk. To an orc hold, a dromaar is often considered a valuable addition, making up for anything they might lack in physical strength with gifts inherited from their other ancestral line. While some dromaars struggle to claim a name for themselves in the unforgiving hierarchies of orc holds, others may find that orcish society is far more tolerant and can create opportunities to rise high.

A dromaar with a human parent can typically live to around 70 years old.

You Might…
  • Ignore, embrace, or actively counter the common stereotypes about dromaars.
  • Make the most of your size and strength, either physically or socially.
  • Keep your distance from people of most other ancestries, in case they unfairly reject you due to your orc ancestors.
Others Probably…
  • Assume you enjoy and excel at fighting but aren’t inclined toward magical or intellectual pursuits.
  • Pity you for the tragic circumstances they assume were involved in your birth.
  • Get out of your way and back down rather than face your anger.
Dromaar Heritage Mechanics

Orcish strength emboldens your bloodline. You have a green tinge to your skin and other indicators of orc heritage. You gain the orc trait, the dromaar trait, and low-light vision. When you gain an ancestry feat, you can choose from dromaar and orc feats in addition to those from your ancestry.


PFS: Standard
title: Dwarf
attribute: ConstitutionWisdomFree
attribute_flaw: Charisma
hp: 10
language: ['Common', 'Dwarven']
size: Medium
source: Player Core pg. 42
speed: {'land': 20, 'max': 20}
traits: DwarfHumanoid
type: Ancestry
vision: Darkvision
<a href="/Ancestries.aspx?ID=59">Dwarf</a>Source Player Core pg. 42

Dwarves are a short, stocky people who are often stubborn, fierce, and devoted.

Dwarves have a well-earned reputation as a stoic and stern people, but they also have an unbridled zeal and deeply value artisanship. To a stranger, they can seem untrusting and clannish, but to their friends and family, they are warm and caring. While trust from a dwarf is hard-won, once gained it is as strong as iron.

If you want to play a character who is as hard as nails, a stubborn and unrelenting adventurer, with a mix of rugged toughness and deep wisdom, you should play a dwarf.

You Might…
  • Strive to uphold your personal honor and refuse to back down
  • Appreciate quality craftsmanship in all forms and insist upon it for all your gear.
Others Probably…
  • See you as stubborn, though whether this is an asset or a detriment changes from moment to moment.
  • Recognize the deep connection you have with your family, heritage, and friends.

Physical Description Dwarves are short and stocky, standing about a foot shorter than most humans. They have wide, compact bodies and burly frames. Dwarves of all genders pride themselves on the length of their hair and beards, which they often braid into intricate patterns, some of which represent specific clans. A long beard is a sign of maturity and honor among many dwarf clans.

Dwarves typically reach physical adulthood around the age of 25, though their traditionalist culture places more value on completing coming-of-age ceremonies unique to each clan than reaching a certain age. A typical dwarf can live to around 350 years old.

Society Though the ancient dwarven empire fell long ago, overwhelmed by orc and goblinoid enemies, dwarves today retain many of the qualities that once propelled them to greatness: fierceness, gumption, and stubbornness in their endeavors. Dwarves live within mountain Sky Citadels dotted over the surface, which can create vast cultural divides between dwarf clans. Yet nearly all dwarven peoples share a passion for stonework, metalwork, and family.

Few dwarves are seen without their clan dagger strapped to their belt. This dagger is forged just before a dwarf’s birth and is distinctive to their clan. Dwarves honor their children with names of ancestors or dwarven heroes. When introducing themselves, dwarves tend to list their family and clan, plus any number of other familial connections and honorifics.

Alignment and Religion Dwarves tend to value honor and closely follow the traditions of their clans and kingdoms. They have a strong sense of friendship and justice, though they are often very particular about who they consider a friend. They work hard and play harder—especially when strong ale is involved. Torag, god of dwarvenkind, is dwarves’ primary deity, though worship of Torag’s family members is also common.

Popular Edicts create art with utility, guard your community against those who would harm it, keep your clan dagger close
Popular Anathema leave an activity or promise uncompleted, forsake your family

Names Agna, Bodill, Edrukk, Grunyar, Ingra, Kotri, Morgrym, Rogar, Torra, Yangrit Dwarf Mechanics

Hit Points 10

Size Medium

Speed 20 feet

Attribute Boosts Constitution, Wisdom, Free

Attribute Flaws Charisma




Additional languages equal to your Intelligence modifier (if it’s positive). Choose from Gnomish, Goblin, Jotun, Orcish, Petran, Sakvroth, and any other languages to which you have access (such as the languages prevalent in your region).

<a href="/Rules.aspx?ID=415">Darkvision</a> You can see in darkness and dim light just as well as you can see in bright light, though your vision in darkness is in black and white.


PFS: Standard
title: Elf
attribute: DexterityIntelligenceFree
attribute_flaw: Constitution
hp: 6
language: ['Common', 'Elven']
size: Medium
source: Player Core pg. 46
speed: {'land': 30, 'max': 30}
traits: ElfHumanoid
type: Ancestry
vision: Low-Light Vision
<a href="/Ancestries.aspx?ID=60">Elf</a>Source Player Core pg. 46

Elves are a tall, long-lived people with a strong tradition of art and magic.

As an ancient people, elves have seen great change and have the perspective that can come only from watching the arc of history. After leaving Golarion in ancient times, they returned to a changed land, and they still struggle to reclaim their ancestral homes. Elves value kindness, intellect, and beauty, with many elves striving to improve their manners, appearance, and culture. Their studies delve into a level of detail that most shorter-lived peoples find excessive or inefficient. Elves are often rather private people, steeped in the secrets of their groves and kinship groups. They’re slow to build friendships outside their kinsfolk, as elves who spend their lives among shorter-lived peoples often become morose after watching generations of companions age and die. These elves are known as Forlorn among their fellow elves.

If you want a character who is magical, mystical, and mysterious, you should play an elf.

You Might…
  • Carefully curate your relationships with people with shorter lifespans.
  • Adopt specialized or obscure interests simply for the sake of mastering them.
Others Probably…
  • Focus on your appearance, either admiring your grace or treating you as if you’re physically fragile.
  • Worry that you privately look down on them, or feel like you’re condescending and aloof.

Physical Description While generally taller than humans, elves possess a fragile grace, accentuated by long features and sharply pointed ears. Their eyes are wide and rounded, featuring large and often vibrantly colored pupils that make up the entire visible portion of the eye. These pupils give them an alien look and allow them to see sharply even in very little light.

Elves gradually adapt to their environment and their companions, and they often take on physical traits reflecting their surroundings. An elf who has dwelled in primeval forests for centuries, for example, might exhibit verdant hair and gnarled fingers, while one who’s lived in a desert might have golden pupils and skin. Elves reach physical adulthood around the age of 20, though they aren’t considered to be fully emotionally mature by other elves until closer to the passing of their first century. A typical elf can live to around 600 years old.

Society The inborn patience and intellectual curiosity of elves make them excellent sages, philosophers, and wizards, and their societies are built upon their inherent sense of wonder and knowledge.

Elves hold deeply seated ideals of individualism, allowing each elf to explore multiple occupations before alighting on a particular pursuit or passion that suits her best. Elves bear notorious grudges against rivals, which elves call ‘ilduliel,’ but these antagonistic relationships can sometimes blossom into friendships over time. An elf keeps their personal name secret among their family, while giving a nickname when meeting other people. This nickname can change over time, due to events in the elf’s life or even on a whim. A single elf might be known by many names by associates of different ages and regions.

Elven names consist of multiple syllables and are meant to flow lyrically—at least in the Elven tongue.

Alignment and Religion Elves are often emotional and capricious, yet they hold high ideals close to their hearts. They prefer deities who share their love of all things mystic and artistic. Desna and Shelyn are particular favorites, the former for her sense of wonder and the latter for her appreciation of artistry. Calistria is the most notorious of elven deities, as she represents many of the elven ideals taken to the extreme.

Popular Edicts find beauty in nature and art, explore things others would keep hidden, demonstrate superiority to your rival
Popular Anathema abandon your own path, force another creature to do something

Names Aerel, Amrunelara, Caladrel, Dardlara, Faunra, Heldalel, Jathal, Lanliss, Oparal, Seldlon, Soumral, Talathel, Tessara, Variel, Yalandlara, Zordlon Elf Mechanics

Hit Points 6

Size Medium

Speed 30 feet

Attribute Boosts Dexterity, Intelligence, Free

Attribute Flaws Constitution




Choose from Draconic, Empyrean, Fey, Gnomish, Goblin, Kholo, Orcish, and any other languages to which you have access (such as the languages prevalent in your region).

<a href="/Rules.aspx?ID=416">Low-Light Vision</a> You can see in dim light as though it were bright light, so you ignore the concealed condition due to dim light.


PFS: Standard
title: Gnome
attribute: ConstitutionCharismaFree
attribute_flaw: Strength
hp: 8
language: ['Common', 'Fey', 'Gnomish']
size: Small
source: Player Core pg. 50
speed: {'land': 25, 'max': 25}
traits: GnomeHumanoid
type: Ancestry
vision: Low-Light Vision
<a href="/Ancestries.aspx?ID=61">Gnome</a>Source Player Core pg. 50

Gnomes are short and hardy folk, with an unquenchable curiosity and eccentric habits.

Long ago, early gnome ancestors emigrated from the First World, realm of the fey. While it’s unclear why the first gnomes wandered to Golarion, this lineage manifests in modern gnomes as bizarre reasoning, eccentricity, obsessive tendencies, and what some see as naivete.

Always hungry for new experiences, gnomes constantly wander both mentally and physically, attempting to stave off a terrible ailment that threatens all of their people. This affliction, known as the Bleaching, strikes gnomes who fail to dream, innovate, and take in new experiences. The Bleaching slowly drains the color— literally—from gnomes, and it plunges those affected into states of deep depression that eventually claim their lives. Very few gnomes survive this scourge, becoming deeply morose and wise survivors known as bleachlings.

If you want a character with boundless enthusiasm and an alien, fey outlook on morality and life, you should play a gnome.

You Might…
  • Embrace learning and hop from one area of study to another without warning.
  • Speak, think, and move quickly, and lose patience with those who can’t keep up.
Others Probably…
  • Appreciate your enthusiasm and the energy with which you approach new situations.
  • Struggle to understand your motivations or adapt to your rapid changes of direction.

Physical Description Most gnomes stand just over 3 feet in height and weigh little more than a human child. They exhibit a wide range of natural skin, hair, and eye colors. For gnomes that haven’t begun the Bleaching, nearly any hair and eye color other than white is possible, with vibrant colors most frequent, while skin tones span a slightly narrower spectrum and tend toward earthy tones and pinkish hues, though occasionally green, black, or pale blue.

Gnomes typically reach physical maturity at the age of 18, though many gnomes maintain a childlike curiosity about the world even into adulthood. A gnome can theoretically live to any age if they can stave off the Bleaching indefinitely, but in practice gnomes rarely live longer than around 400 years.

Society While most gnomes adopt some of the cultural practices of the region in which they live, they tend to pick and choose, adjusting their communities to fit their own fey logic. This often leads to majority gnome communities eventually consisting almost entirely of gnomes, as other people, bewildered by gnomish political decisions, choose to move elsewhere. Gnomes have little culture that they would consider entirely their own. Exceptionally few gnome kingdoms or nations exist on the surface of Golarion, and most gnomes wouldn’t know what to do with such a state if they had one.

By necessity, few gnomes marry for life, instead allowing relationships to run their course before amicably moving on, the better to stave off the Bleaching with new experiences. Though gnome families tend to be small, many gnome communities raise children communally, with fluid family boundaries. Gnome names can get quite complex and polysyllabic. Gnomes rarely concern themselves with how easy their names are to pronounce, and they often go by shorter nicknames. Among gnomes, the shorter the name, the more feminine it’s considered to be.

Alignment and Religion Though gnomes are impulsive tricksters with inscrutable motives and confusing methods, many at least attempt to make the world a better place. They are prone to fits of powerful emotion and are rarely shy about helping those they believe deserve it. Gnomes most commonly worship deities that value individuality and nature, such as Cayden Cailean, Desna, Gozreh, and Shelyn.

Popular Edicts seek new experiences, embrace your inspiration, move from obsession to obsession
Popular Anathema slow down to explain yourself, deprive someone of all stimulation

Names Abroshtor, Bastargre, Besh, Fijit, Halungalom, Krolmnite, Neji, Majet, Pai, Poshment, Queck, Trig, Zarzuket, Zatqualmie Gnome Mechanics

Hit Points 8

Size Small

Speed 25 feet

Attribute Boosts Constitution, Charisma, Free

Attribute Flaws Strength





Additional languages equal to your Intelligence modifier (if it’s positive). Choose from Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Goblin, Jotun, Orcish, and any other languages to which you have access (such as the languages prevalent in your region).

<a href="/Rules.aspx?ID=416">Low-Light Vision</a> You can see in dim light as though it were bright light, so you ignore the concealed condition due to dim light.


PFS: Standard
title: Goblin
attribute: DexterityCharismaFree
attribute_flaw: Wisdom
hp: 6
language: ['Common', 'Goblin']
size: Small
source: Player Core pg. 54
speed: {'land': 25, 'max': 25}
traits: GoblinHumanoid
type: Ancestry
vision: Darkvision
<a href="/Ancestries.aspx?ID=62">Goblin</a>Source Player Core pg. 54

Goblins are a short, scrappy, energetic people who have spent millennia maligned and feared.

The convoluted histories other people cling to don’t interest goblins. These small folk live in the moment, and they prefer tall tales over factual records. Goblin virtues are about being present, creative, and honest. They strive to lead fulfilled lives, rather than worrying about how their journeys will end. To tell stories, not nitpick the facts. To be small, but dream big. Many goblins enjoy simpler delights like songs, fire, and eating, and hate reading, dogs, and horses. Other goblins might have more complex pursuits, though, such as tinkering with scraps or concocting snacks and explosives from most anything.

If you want a character who is eccentric, enthusiastic, and fun-loving, you should play a goblin.

You Might…
  • Strive to prove that you have a place among other civilized peoples, perhaps even to yourself.
  • Lighten the heavy emotional burdens others carry (and amuse yourself) with antics and pranks.
Others Probably…
  • Work to ensure you don’t accidentally (or intentionally) set too many things on fire.
  • Wonder how you survive given your ancestry’s typical gastronomic choices, reckless behavior, and love of fire.

Physical Description Goblins are stumpy humanoids with large bodies, scrawny limbs, and massively oversized heads with large ears and beady red eyes. Their skin ranges from green to gray to blue, and they often bear scars, boils, and rashes. Goblins average 3 feet tall. Most are bald, with little or no body hair. Their jagged teeth fall out and regrow constantly, and their fast metabolism means they eat constantly and nap frequently. Mutations are also more common among goblins than other peoples, and goblins usually view particularly salient mutations as a sign of power or fortune.

Goblins reach adolescence by the age of 3 and adulthood 4 or 5 years later. Goblins can live 50 years or more, but without anyone to protect them from each other or themselves, few live past 20 years of age.

Society Goblins tend to flock to strong leaders, forming small tribes. These tribes rarely number more than a hundred, though the larger a tribe is, the more diligent the leader must be to keep order—a notoriously difficult task. Play and creativity matter more to goblins than productivity or study, and their encampments erupt with songs and laughter.

Goblins bond closely with their allies, fiercely protecting those companions who have protected them or offered a sympathetic ear. Goblins tend to assume for their own protection that members of taller ancestries, which goblins often refer to colloquially as “longshanks,” won’t treat them kindly. Learning to trust longshanks is difficult for a goblin, and it’s been only in recent years that such a partnership has even been an option. Goblins keep their names simple. A good name should be easy to pronounce, short enough to shout without getting winded, and taste good to say. The namer often picks a word that rhymes with something they like so that writing songs is easier.

Alignment and Religion Even the most well-intentioned goblins have trouble following the rules, meaning goblin adventurers are often unsure whether they’re on the right side of the law. Organized worship likewise confounds goblins, and most of them would rather pick their own deities, choosing powerful monsters, natural wonders, or anything else they find fascinating— sometimes even attributing deific status to fellow goblins of note. Goblins who spend time around people of other ancestries might adopt some of their beliefs, though, and many goblin adventurers adopt the worship of Cayden Cailean.

Popular Edicts invent songs for every occasion, turn trash into your treasures, solve problems with fire
Popular Anathema trust a dog or horse, learn to read

Names Ak, Bokker, Frum, Guzmuk, Krobby, Loohi, Mazmord, Neeka, Omgot, Ranzak, Rickle, Tup, Wakla, Yonk, Zibini Goblin Mechanics

Hit Points 6

Size Small

Speed 25 feet

Attribute Boosts Dexterity, Charisma, Free

Attribute Flaws Wisdom




Additional languages equal to your Intelligence modifier (if it’s positive). Choose from Draconic, Dwarven, Gnomish, Halfling, Kholo, Orcish, and any other languages to which you have access (such as the languages prevalent in your region).

<a href="/Rules.aspx?ID=415">Darkvision</a> You can see in darkness and dim light just as well as you can see in bright light, though your vision in darkness is in black and white.


PFS: Standard
title: Halfling
attribute: DexterityWisdomFree
attribute_flaw: Strength
hp: 6
language: ['Common', 'Halfling']
size: Small
source: Player Core pg. 58
speed: {'land': 25, 'max': 25}
traits: HalflingHumanoid
type: Ancestry
<a href="/Ancestries.aspx?ID=63">Halfling</a>Source Player Core pg. 58

Halflings are a short, resilient people who exhibit remarkable curiosity and humor.

Claiming no place as their own, halflings control few settlements larger than villages. Instead, they frequently live among humans within larger cities, carving out small communities alongside taller folk. Optimistic, cheerful, and driven by powerful wanderlust, halflings make up for their short stature with an abundance of bravado. At once excitable and easygoing, halflings are the best kind of opportunists, and their passions favor joy over violence. While their curiosity sometimes drives them toward adventure, halflings also carry strong ties to house and home.

If you want to play a character who must contend with these opposing drives toward adventure and comfort, you should play a halfling.

You Might…
  • Get along well with a wide variety of people and enjoy meeting new friends.
  • Find it difficult to resist indulging your curiosity, even when you know it’s going to lead to trouble.
Others Probably…
  • Appreciate your ability to always find a silver lining or something to laugh about, no matter how dire the situation.
  • Think you bring good luck with you.

Physical Description Halflings are short humanoids who look vaguely like smaller humans. They rarely grow to be more than 3 feet in height. Halfling proportions vary, with some looking like shorter adult humans with slightly larger heads and others having proportions closer to those of a human child. Most halflings prefer to walk barefoot rather than wear shoes, and those who do so develop roughly calloused soles on their feet over time. Tufts of thick, often-curly hair warm the tops of their broad, tanned feet. Halfling skin tones tend toward rich, tawny shades like amber or oak, and their hair color ranges from a light golden blond to raven black.

Halflings reach physical adulthood around the age of 20. A typical halfling can live to be around 150 years old.

Society Despite their jovial and friendly nature, halflings don’t usually tend to congregate. They have few cultural centers in the Inner Sea region, and they instead tend to weave themselves throughout the societies of the world. Halflings eke out whatever living they can manage, many performing menial labor or holding simple service jobs. Some halflings reject city life, instead turning to the open road and traveling from place to place in search of fortune and fame. These nomadic halflings often travel in small groups, sharing hardships and simple pleasures among close friends and family. Halfling names are usually two to three syllables, with a gentle sound that avoids hard consonants. Preferring their names to sound humble, halflings see overly long or complex names as a sign of arrogance for their people. However, they understand that elves and humans might have longer names to suit their own aesthetics.

Alignment and Religion Halflings are loyal to their friends and their family, but they aren’t afraid to do what needs to be done in order to survive. Wherever halflings go, they seamlessly blend into the society they find themselves in, adapting to the culture and beliefs of the predominant ancestry around them and adding their uniquely halfling twists, creating a blend of cultural diffusion that enriches both cultures. Halflings favor gods that either grant luck, like Desna, or encourage guile, like Norgorber, and many appreciate Cayden Cailean’s role as a liberator, as well as any religions common among other ancestries around them.

Popular Edicts share good meals with friends and strangers alike, stand up to bullies and oppressors, stay beneath the taller folk’s notice
Popular Anathema take your luck for granted

Names Anafa, Antal, Bellis, Boram, Etune, Filiu, Jamir, Kaleb, Linna, Marra, Miro, Rillka, Sistra, Sumak, Yamyra Halfling Mechanics

Hit Points 6

Size Small

Speed 25 feet

Attribute Boosts Dexterity, Wisdom, Free

Attribute Flaws Strength




Additional languages equal to your Intelligence modifier (if it’s positive). Choose from Dwarven, Elven, Gnomish, Goblin, and any other languages to which you have access (such as the languages prevalent in your region).

Keen Eyes Your eyes are sharp, allowing you to make out small details about concealed or even invisible creatures that others might miss. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus when using the Seek action to find hidden or undetected creatures within 30 feet of you. When you target an opponent that is concealed from you or hidden from you, reduce the DC of the flat check to 3 for a concealed target or 9 for a hidden one.


PFS: Standard
title: Human
attribute: Two free ability boosts
hp: 8
language: ['Common']
size: Medium
source: Player Core pg. 62
speed: {'land': 25, 'max': 25}
traits: HumanHumanoid
type: Ancestry
<a href="/Ancestries.aspx?ID=64">Human</a>Source Player Core pg. 62

Humans are diverse and adaptable people with wide potential and deep ambitions.

As unpredictable and varied as any of Golarion’s peoples, humans have exceptional drive and the capacity to endure and expand. Though many civilizations thrived before humanity rose to prominence, humans have built some of the greatest and the most terrible societies throughout the course of history, and today they are the most populous people in the realms around the Inner Sea.

Humans’ ambition, versatility, and exceptional potential have led to their status as the world’s predominant ancestry. Their empires and nations are vast, sprawling things, and their citizens carve names for themselves with the strength of their sword arms and the power of their spells. Humanity is diverse and tumultuous, running the gamut from nomadic to imperial, sinister to saintly. Many of them venture forth to explore, to map the expanse of the multiverse, to search for long-lost treasure, or to lead mighty armies to conquer their neighbors—for no better reason than because they can.

If you want a character who can be just about anything, you should play a human.

You Might…
  • Strive to achieve greatness, either in your own right or on behalf of a cause.
  • Seek to understand your purpose in the world.
  • Cherish your relationships with family and friends.
Others Probably…
  • Respect your flexibility, your adaptability, and—in most cases—your open-mindedness.
  • Distrust your intentions, fearing you seek only power or wealth.
  • Aren’t sure what to expect from you and are hesitant to assume your intentions.

Physical Description Humans’ physical characteristics are as varied as the world’s climes. Humans have a wide variety of skin and hair colors, body types, and facial features. Generally speaking, their skin has a darker hue the closer to the equator they or their ancestors lived.

Humans reach physical adulthood around the age of 15, though mental maturity occurs a few years later. A typical human can live to be around 90 years old. Humans have exceptionally mutable physical characteristics compared to other ancestries, with greater variance in height, weight, and other physical parameters.

Alignment and Religion Human variety also manifests in terms of their governments, attitudes, and social norms. Though the oldest of human cultures can trace their shared histories thousands of years into the past, when compared to the societies of the elves or dwarves, human civilizations seem in a state of constant flux as empires fragment and new kingdoms subsume the old.

Popular Edicts explore the world, strive for greatness, devote yourself to a moral outlook
Popular Anathema waste what little time you have Human Mechanics

Hit Points 8

Size Medium

Speed 25 feet

Attribute Boosts Two free ability boosts



Additional languages equal to 1 + your Intelligence modifier (if it’s positive). Choose from the list of common languages and any other languages to which you have access (such as the languages prevalent in your region).


PFS: Standard
title: Leshy
attribute: ConstitutionWisdomFree
attribute_flaw: Intelligence
hp: 8
language: ['Common', 'Fey']
size: Small
source: Player Core pg. 66
speed: {'land': 25, 'max': 25}
traits: LeshyPlant
type: Ancestry
vision: Low-Light Vision
<a href="/Ancestries.aspx?ID=65">Leshy</a>Source Player Core pg. 66

Leshies are immortal nature spirits placed in small plant bodies, seeking to experience the world.

Leshies are immortal spirits of nature temporarily granted physical forms. As guardians and emissaries of the environment, leshies are “born” when a skilled druid or other master of primal magic conducts a ritual to create a suitable vessel, and then a spirit chooses that vessel to be their temporary home. Leshies are self-sufficient from the moment the ritual ends, though it isn’t uncommon for leshies to maintain lifelong bonds with their creators. Many leshies relish the opportunity to interact with the physical world. While most leshy spirits are ancient, they rarely recall past lifetimes and see their new life as a chance to experience the wonders of the world once more.

If you want to play a character who is curious and connected to nature, you should play a leshy.

You Might…
  • Act as a traveling agent for natural guardians who are unable to leave their territories.
  • Encourage civilizations to cooperate with nature and build their cities in ecologically friendly ways.
Others Probably…
  • Think you are a curiosity due to your spiritual origins.
  • Assume you know only about nature and are unfamiliar with civilization and society.

Physical Description Leshies are as varied as the material used to create their vessels, usually appearing as a bizarre mishmash of various plants or fungi. Their bodies are vaguely humanoid in shape, with numerous characteristics of the plant or fungus from which they were made. A typical leshy is about 3 feet tall. Leshies begin their lives as adults and don’t age.

Society To most leshies, the concept of family is not a matter of birth, but rather determined by bonds of loyalty and friendship. Leshies are dedicated allies, but they have little tolerance for those who would despoil nature. As much as they are happy to accept someone who earns their trust into their family, they expect family members to look out for them and their natural wards in return.

Leshies are grouped into categories akin to ethnicities, but these are not connected to physical features; rather, they represent broad categories of characteristics of their spirits. Certain spirits are more likely to gravitate toward particular physical bodies, though this predisposition is far from absolute. Leshies’ genders are determined by the spirits that inhabit their bodies. Some leshies are exclusively male or female, while many consider themselves both. Others, particularly fungus leshies, tend toward far more complex expressions of gender, or eschew the concept entirely. Leshies choose and change their names multiple times throughout their lives.

Alignment and Religion Leshies’ beliefs generally focus on the natural world. Those with a philosophical bent lean toward the Green Faith, and Gozreh is the most popular deity among faithful leshies. Some leshies also venerate green men, powerful spirits of nature.

Popular Edicts experience the physical world, form a family through loyalty and trust, protect parts of nature you embody
Popular Anathema embrace unnatural magic or influences

Names Scarlet in Summer, Verdant Taleweaver, Lurking Hunter, Masterful Sun Drinker, Noon Sky Evening Song, Snowy Pine Branch, Cascading Rapids Leshy Mechanics

Hit Points 8

Size Small

Speed 25 feet

Attribute Boosts Constitution, Wisdom, Free

Attribute Flaws Intelligence




Additional languages equal to your Intelligence modifier (if it’s positive). Choose from Draconic, Elven, Gnomish, Goblin, Halfling, Sakvroth, and any other languages to which you have access (such as the languages prevalent in your region).

<a href="/Rules.aspx?ID=416">Low-Light Vision</a> You can see in dim light as though it were bright light, so you ignore the concealed condition due to dim light.

Plant Nourishment You gain nourishment in the same way that the plants or fungi that match your body type normally do, through some combination of photosynthesis, absorbing minerals with your roots, or scavenging decaying matter. You typically do not need to pay for food. If you normally rely on photosynthesis and go without sunlight for 1 week, you begin to starve. You can derive nourishment from specially formulated bottles of sunlight instead of natural sunlight, but these bottles cost 10 times as much as standard rations (or 40 sp).


PFS: Standard
title: Nephilim
size: Medium
source: Player Core pg. 78
traits: Uncommon3Nephilim
type: Versatile Heritage
<a href="/Ancestries.aspx?ID=68">Nephilim</a>Source Player Core pg. 78

Nephilim are influenced by the divine magic of the Outer Sphere, often with fiendish or celestial features.

Countless legends tell of mortal dealings with immortal beings, and of the children born from those encounters. These children, known as planar scions, are mortals who inherit the supernatural essence of another plane, which manifests through their distinctive physical features and otherworldly powers. This section presents rules for nephilim, planar scions who can trace their extraplanar heritage back to celestials, fiends, monitors, and other entities who often become involved in the religious affairs of mortals.

A faithful priest of Erastil is visited by an angel in his youth, and many years later he fathers a child with the head of an elk and a birthmark shaped like Erastil’s religious symbol, a bow and arrow. A powerful sorceress prevents an incursion from the Outer Rifts, but a sliver of demonic power infuses the child she carries, who is born with fangs and a pair of tiny horns. A planar caravan travels the Multiverse until its ranks are filled with children who possess devilish hooves and angelic halos. These children, known as nephilim, possess the ambition and capacity for growth and change inherent in their mortal forebears, while also possessing some portion of the power and appearance of an immortal entity or entities whose energies influenced their bloodline.

Nephilim are difficult to categorize by nature. Some possess both demonic and angelic traits, while others possess abilities that defy the neat categories of scholars. Many nephilim do have traits that strongly point to their lineage, though. Nephilim who carry the power of archons, sometimes known as lawbringers, may display golden eyes or flaming auras, while nephilim descended from devils, known as hellspawn, may have red skin and hooved feet.

While the term nephilim broadly describes these individuals, some cultures use the name empyrean or cambion to refer to nephilim with celestial influence or fiendish influence respectively. Other nephilim sometimes earn the names of aphorite or ganzi, though this entry only focuses on empyreans and cambions.

If you want a character who is supernaturally infused with the power of the Outer Planes, whose appearance is striking and notable, and whose personal connections might extend beyond the bounds of the Universe, you should play a nephilim.

You Might…
  • Have a strong sense of self-confidence due to the power or influence of your extraplanar heritage.
  • Lean into or rebel against your perceived extraplanar nature, embracing angelic goodness or twisting demonic rage towards better ends.
  • Find that building relationships with others is difficult, but treasure those who value you for who, and not what, you are.
Others Probably…
  • Assume you’ve faced numerous challenges or gained unfair advantages due to your heritage.
  • Mistake you for an agent of a holy or unholy organization.
  • Think you have associations with powerful extraplanar creatures, potentially trying to bargain with you for power of their own.
Nephilim Heritage Mechanics

Your nature is influenced by celestials, fiends, or monitors. This manifests as a combination of features that belie your heritage, such as golden eyes, a halo, horns, or a tail. You gain the nephilim trait, in addition to the traits from your ancestry. You gain low-light vision, or you gain darkvision if your ancestry already has low-light vision. You can choose from nephilim feats and feats from your ancestry whenever you gain an ancestry feat.


PFS: Standard
title: Orc
attribute: Two free ability boosts
hp: 10
language: ['Common', 'Orcish']
size: Medium
source: Player Core pg. 70
speed: {'land': 25, 'max': 25}
traits: HumanoidOrc
type: Ancestry
vision: Darkvision
<a href="/Ancestries.aspx?ID=66">Orc</a>Source Player Core pg. 70

Orcs are proud, strong people with hardened physiques who value physical might and glory in combat.

Orcs are forged in the fires of violence and conflict, often from the moment they are born. As they live lives that are frequently cut brutally short, orcs revel in testing their strength against worthy foes, often by challenging a higher-ranking member of their community for dominance. Orcs often struggle to gain acceptance among other communities, who frequently see them as brutes. Those who earn the loyalty of an orc friend, however, soon learn that an orc’s fidelity and honesty are unparalleled. Orc culture teaches that they are shaped by the challenges they survive, and the most worthy survive the most hardships. Orcs who attain both a long life and great triumphs command immense respect.

If you want a character who is hardy, fearsome, and excels at feats of physical prowess, you should play an orc.

You Might…
  • Eagerly meet any chance to prove your strength in a physical contest.
  • View dying in glorious combat as preferable to a mundane death from old age or illness.
Others Probably…
  • See you as violent or lacking in discipline.
  • Admire your forthrightness and blunt honesty.

Physical Description Orcs are tall and powerfully built, with long arms and stocky legs. Many orcs top 7 feet in height, though they tend to adopt broad, almost bow-legged stances and slouch forward at the shoulders. Orcs have rough skin, thick bones, and rock-hard muscles, making them suited to war and other physically demanding tasks. Orc skin color is typically some shade of green, though some orcs have other skin colors that reflect adaptations to their environments.

Orcs consider powerful builds, heavily scarred skin, large tusks, and tattoos attractive, regardless of gender. Orcs reach physical adulthood around the age of 17, with many orcs living to be up to 60 years old.

Society Most orc communities—known as holds—define themselves through two things: pain and glory. Each earns respect in near equal measure, so long as the pain is borne with stoicism. An orc with many scars who walks uncomplaining with a broken leg draws as much admiration as one who wins a great victory on the battlefield. Additionally, power defines the dynamics among families and holds. Weaker orcs work at the behest of the strong, with power constantly shifting between orcs that prove their might. Orcs tend to share in familial duties, raising children as a community and sharing responsibilities among the entire hold.

Alignment and Religion A common orc saying is “you are the scars that shape you.” Violent, chaotic lives in violent, chaotic lands mean that most orcs tend to expect and accept violence. Lamashtu, and Rovagug are commonly worshiped among more war-minded orc communities, while less violent holds worship gods like Sarenrae, whose tenets of fire, redemption, and glory all hold some appeal to orc sensibilities.

While there are orc deities, their worship is surprisingly uncommon among orcs. Orcs believe that if a creature has a face and a name, it can be killed, and so their own deities are often targets, rather than objects of reverence. Some orc holds teach that the greatest members of the hold can earn a chance to challenge the orc deities for a place amid the pantheon.

Popular Edicts become even stronger, share knowledge you won through pain, destroy the undead
Popular Anathema accept defeat without proof of strength, reshape or reanimate a creature into something lesser

Names Arkus, Durra, Grask, Grillgiss, Krugga, Mahja, Murdut, Ollak, Onyat, Thurk, Uirch, Unach Orc Mechanics

Hit Points 10

Size Medium

Speed 25 feet

Attribute Boosts Two free ability boosts




Additional languages equal to your Intelligence modifier (if it’s positive). Choose from Goblin, Jotun, Petran, Sakvroth, and any other languages to which you have access (such as the languages prevalent in your region).

<a href="/Rules.aspx?ID=415">Darkvision</a> You can see in darkness and dim light just as well as you can see in bright light, though your vision in darkness is in black and white.