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PFS: Standard
title: Ranger
level: 2
pfs: Standard
prerequisite: Dexterity 2
source: Player Core pg. 220
type: Archetype
<a href="/Archetypes.aspx?ID=215">Ranger</a>Source Player Core pg. 220

You have studied hunting, tracking, and wilderness survival, adding a ranger’s tools to your skill set. Your keen eyes while hunting prey help gather more information.

Multiclass Ranger characters

The ranger archetype has access to excellent options to improve a character’s monster knowledge and survival skills, but ranger is of particular interest to any character wanting to become a dedicated archer.

  • Bard rangers support their allies and animal companions with expanded combat options. The bard’s knowledge can also complement the ranger’s investigation of their foes.
  • Cleric rangers are particularly fitting for deities who connect thematically to nature or have a bow as their favored weapon. (Or, in the case of Erastil, both!)
  • Druids have the most thematic overlap with rangers among the spellcasters, allowing you to create a true master of the wilderness.
  • Fighter rangers are among the most fearsome archers, combining the feats from both classes to create a fighting style unique to each fighter ranger. Some warden spells can also be particularly helpful to a fighter.
  • Rogue rangers make excellent snipers or ranged skirmishers, with their rogue skills naturally playing into the ranger’s strengths.
  • Witch rangers add a new prowess scouting to the information they can gain through their familiar and patron.
  • Wizard rangers benefit greatly from ranger’s feat support, backing up their spells with ranged weapon attacks.