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PFS: Standard
title: Human
attribute: Two free ability boosts
hp: 8
language: ['Common']
size: Medium
source: Player Core pg. 62
speed: {'land': 25, 'max': 25}
traits: HumanHumanoid
type: Ancestry
<a href="/Ancestries.aspx?ID=64">Human</a>Source Player Core pg. 62

Humans are diverse and adaptable people with wide potential and deep ambitions.

As unpredictable and varied as any of Golarion’s peoples, humans have exceptional drive and the capacity to endure and expand. Though many civilizations thrived before humanity rose to prominence, humans have built some of the greatest and the most terrible societies throughout the course of history, and today they are the most populous people in the realms around the Inner Sea.

Humans’ ambition, versatility, and exceptional potential have led to their status as the world’s predominant ancestry. Their empires and nations are vast, sprawling things, and their citizens carve names for themselves with the strength of their sword arms and the power of their spells. Humanity is diverse and tumultuous, running the gamut from nomadic to imperial, sinister to saintly. Many of them venture forth to explore, to map the expanse of the multiverse, to search for long-lost treasure, or to lead mighty armies to conquer their neighbors—for no better reason than because they can.

If you want a character who can be just about anything, you should play a human.

You Might…
  • Strive to achieve greatness, either in your own right or on behalf of a cause.
  • Seek to understand your purpose in the world.
  • Cherish your relationships with family and friends.
Others Probably…
  • Respect your flexibility, your adaptability, and—in most cases—your open-mindedness.
  • Distrust your intentions, fearing you seek only power or wealth.
  • Aren’t sure what to expect from you and are hesitant to assume your intentions.

Physical Description Humans’ physical characteristics are as varied as the world’s climes. Humans have a wide variety of skin and hair colors, body types, and facial features. Generally speaking, their skin has a darker hue the closer to the equator they or their ancestors lived.

Humans reach physical adulthood around the age of 15, though mental maturity occurs a few years later. A typical human can live to be around 90 years old. Humans have exceptionally mutable physical characteristics compared to other ancestries, with greater variance in height, weight, and other physical parameters.

Alignment and Religion Human variety also manifests in terms of their governments, attitudes, and social norms. Though the oldest of human cultures can trace their shared histories thousands of years into the past, when compared to the societies of the elves or dwarves, human civilizations seem in a state of constant flux as empires fragment and new kingdoms subsume the old.

Popular Edicts explore the world, strive for greatness, devote yourself to a moral outlook
Popular Anathema waste what little time you have Human Mechanics

Hit Points 8

Size Medium

Speed 25 feet

Attribute Boosts Two free ability boosts



Additional languages equal to 1 + your Intelligence modifier (if it’s positive). Choose from the list of common languages and any other languages to which you have access (such as the languages prevalent in your region).