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List of Skills


PFS: Standard
title: Acrobatics
attribute: Dexterity
skill: Acrobatics
source: Player Core pg. 233
<a href="/Skills.aspx?ID=34">Acrobatics</a>Source Player Core pg. 233

Acrobatics measures your ability to perform tasks requiring coordination and grace. When you use the Escape basic action, you can use your Acrobatics modifier instead of your unarmed attack modifier. You can also use it for the basic actions Arrest a Fall and Grab an Edge instead of Reflex.

Related Feats

To see a list of Feats related to Acrobatics, click here.

Acrobatics Untrained ActionsAcrobatics Trained Actions


PFS: Standard
title: Arcana
attribute: Intelligence
skill: Arcana
source: Player Core pg. 234
<a href="/Skills.aspx?ID=35">Arcana</a>Source Player Core pg. 234

Arcana measures how much you know about arcane magic and creatures.

Arcana Untrained General ActionsArcana Trained General ActionsRelated Feats

To see a list of Feats related to Arcana, click here.

Arcana Trained Actions


PFS: Standard
title: Athletics
attribute: Strength
skill: Athletics
source: Player Core pg. 234
<a href="/Skills.aspx?ID=36">Athletics</a>Source Player Core pg. 234

Athletics allows you to perform deeds of physical prowess. Most Athletics actions let you move about the environment (Climb, High Jump, Long Jump, Swim) or control your opponent’s movement in combat (Grapple, Reposition, Shove, Trip, and Disarm). Escape: When you use the Escape basic action, you can use your Athletics modifier instead of your unarmed attack modifier.

Multiple Attacks with Athletics Several Athletics actions have the attack trait, meaning that using them more than once in the same turn makes them less accurate. Since these actions use your free hand, you use the traits for your fist attack to determine the multiple attack penalty, so your fist’s agile trait applies. Therefore, you take a –4 penalty if the action is your second attack of the turn, or a –8 if it’s the third. Some weapon traits allow you to take these actions using a weapon, in which case the penalty might be –5 or –10 if the weapon doesn’t have the agile trait. Some characters can get unarmed attacks without the agile trait as well. If it’s unclear which penalty to use, the GM makes the call.

Item Bonuses for Athletics
Bronze Bull Pendant+12TalismansYesAthletics to Shove
Monkey Pin+12TalismansYesAthletics to Climb
Savior Spike+12TalismansYesAthletics to Grab an Edge
Related Feats

To see a list of Feats related to Athletics, click here.

Athletics Untrained ActionsAthletics Trained Actions


PFS: Standard
title: Crafting
attribute: Intelligence
skill: Crafting
source: Player Core pg. 236
<a href="/Skills.aspx?ID=37">Crafting</a>Source Player Core pg. 236

You can use this skill to create and repair items.

Crafting Untrained General Actions
  • Recall Knowledge about alchemical reactions, the value of items, engineering, unusual materials, and alchemical or mechanical creatures. The GM determines which creatures this applies to, but it usually includes constructs.
Crafting Trained General Actions

Consumables and Ammunition You can Craft items with the consumable trait in batches, making up to four of the same item at once with a single check. This requires you to include the raw materials for all the items in the batch at the start, and you must complete the batch all at once. You also Craft non-magical ammunition in batches, using the quantity listed in the Ranged Weapons table (typically 10).

Getting Formulas You can gain access to the formulas for all common items in Chapter 6: Equipment by purchasing a basic crafter’s book (page 287). See Formulas for information on how to acquire other formulas.

Related Feats

To see a list of Feats related to Crafting, click here.

Crafting Untrained ActionsCrafting Trained Actions


PFS: Standard
title: Deception
attribute: Charisma
skill: Deception
source: Player Core pg. 237
<a href="/Skills.aspx?ID=38">Deception</a>Source Player Core pg. 237

You can trick and mislead others using disguises, lies, and other forms of subterfuge. Deception often has a drawback if you get found out, and it’s often best to be out of town by the time this happens.

Related Feats

To see a list of Feats related to Deception, click here.

Deception Untrained ActionsDeception Trained Actions


PFS: Standard
title: Diplomacy
attribute: Charisma
skill: Diplomacy
source: Player Core pg. 239
<a href="/Skills.aspx?ID=39">Diplomacy</a>Source Player Core pg. 239

You influence others through negotiation and flattery, or find out information through friendly chats.

Related Feats

To see a list of Feats related to Diplomacy, click here.

Diplomacy Untrained Actions


PFS: Standard
title: Intimidation
attribute: Charisma
skill: Intimidation
source: Player Core pg. 240
<a href="/Skills.aspx?ID=40">Intimidation</a>Source Player Core pg. 240

You bend others to your will using threats. Unlike Deception or Diplomacy, Intimidation is typically a blunt instrument with little room for nuance or care.

Item Bonuses for Intimidation
Crown of Witchcraft+110Worn ItemsNo
Crown of Witchcraft (Greater)+218Worn ItemsNo
Related Feats

To see a list of Feats related to Intimidation, click here.

Intimidation Untrained Actions


PFS: Standard
title: Lore
attribute: Intelligence
skill: Lore
source: Player Core pg. 240
<a href="/Skills.aspx?ID=41">Lore</a>Source Player Core pg. 240

You have specialized information on a narrow topic. Lore features many subcategories. You might have Military Lore, Sailing Lore, Vampire Lore, or any similar subcategory of the skill. Each subcategory counts as its own skill, so applying a skill increase to Planar Lore wouldn’t increase your proficiency with Sailing Lore, for example.

Most backgrounds make you trained in a specific subcategory of the Lore skill. The GM determines what other subcategories they’ll allow as Lore skills, though these categories are always less broad than any of the other skills that allow you to Recall Knowledge, and they should never be able to take the place of another skill’s Recall Knowledge action. For instance, you couldn’t choose Magic Lore to recall the breadth of knowledge about magic covered by Arcana, Nature, Occultism, and Religion, or choose Adventuring Lore to give you all the information an adventurer needs, or choose Planar Lore to gain all the information spread across various skills and subcategories such as Heaven Lore.

If you’re making a check and multiple subcategories of Lore could apply, or a non-Lore skill could apply, you can use whichever skill you prefer. If there’s any doubt whether a Lore skill applies to a specific topic or action, the GM decides whether it can be used or not.

Lore Untrained General ActionsLore Trained General Actions
  • Earn Income by using your knowledge to practice a trade.

Common Lore Subcategories You can learn any Lore skill your GM gives you permission to take. The following list covers a wide variety of common Lore topics appropriate for player characters in most campaigns. Backgrounds often grant you a Lore skill from this list.

  • Academia Lore
  • Accounting Lore
  • Architecture Lore
  • Art Lore
  • Astronomy Lore
  • Carpentry Lore
  • Circus Lore
  • Driving Lore
  • Engineering Lore
  • Farming Lore
  • Fishing Lore
  • Fortune-Telling Lore
  • Games Lore
  • Genealogy Lore
  • Gladiatorial Lore
  • Guild Lore
  • Heraldry Lore
  • Herbalism Lore
  • Hunting Lore
  • Labor Lore
  • Legal Lore
  • Library Lore
  • Lore about a specific deity (Abadar Lore, Iomedae Lore)
  • Lore about a specific creature or narrow category of creatures (Demon Lore, Giant Lore, Vampire Lore)
  • Lore about a specific plane other than the Universe, or the plane in which the game is set if not the Universe (Astral Plane Lore, Heaven Lore, Outer Rifts Lore)
  • Lore about a specific public organization (Hellknights Lore, Pathfinder Society Lore)
  • Lore about a specific settlement (Absalom Lore, Magnimar Lore)
  • Lore about a specific terrain (Mountain Lore, River Lore)
  • Lore about a type of food or drink (Alcohol Lore, Baking Lore, Butchering Lore, Cooking Lore, Tea Lore)
  • Mercantile Lore
  • Midwifery Lore
  • Milling Lore
  • Mining Lore
  • Piloting Lore
  • Sailing Lore
  • Scouting Lore
  • Scribing Lore
  • Stabling Lore
  • Tanning Lore
  • Theater Lore
  • Underworld Lore
  • Warfare Lore

Related Feats

To see a list of Feats related to Lore, click here.


PFS: Standard
title: Medicine
attribute: Wisdom
skill: Medicine
source: Player Core pg. 241
<a href="/Skills.aspx?ID=42">Medicine</a>Source Player Core pg. 241

You can patch up wounds and help people recover from diseases and poisons. Treat Wounds is especially useful, allowing your adventuring party to heal up between fights. It can be made more efficient with skill feats like Continual Recovery and Ward Medic.

Medicine Untrained General Actions
  • Recall Knowledge about diseases, injuries, poisons, and other ailments. You can use this to perform forensic examinations if you spend 10 minutes (or more, as determined by the GM) checking for evidence such as wound patterns. This is most useful when determining how a body was injured or killed.
Item Bonuses for Medicine
Crying Angel Pendant+12TalismansYesMedicine to Administer First Aid
Related Feats

To see a list of Feats related to Medicine, click here.

Medicine Untrained ActionsMedicine Trained Actions


PFS: Standard
title: Nature
attribute: Wisdom
skill: Nature
source: Player Core pg. 242
<a href="/Skills.aspx?ID=43">Nature</a>Source Player Core pg. 242

You know about the natural world, and you command and train animals and magical beasts.

Nature Untrained General ActionsNature Trained General ActionsRelated Feats

To see a list of Feats related to Nature, click here.

Nature Untrained Actions


PFS: Standard
title: Occultism
attribute: Intelligence
skill: Occultism
source: Player Core pg. 243
<a href="/Skills.aspx?ID=44">Occultism</a>Source Player Core pg. 243

You know a great deal about ancient philosophies, esoteric lore, obscure mysticism, and supernatural creatures.

Occultism Untrained General ActionsOccultism Trained General ActionsRelated Feats

To see a list of Feats related to Occultism, click here.


PFS: Standard
title: Performance
attribute: Charisma
skill: Performance
source: Player Core pg. 243
<a href="/Skills.aspx?ID=45">Performance</a>Source Player Core pg. 243

You are skilled at a form of performance, using your talents to impress a crowd or make a living.

Basic Competence Some performances require you to be more than just charismatic, and if you don’t meet the demands of the art form or the audience, the GM might apply a penalty based on the relevant attribute. For example, if you’re dancing and have a negative Dexterity modifier, you might take a penalty to your attempt at dancing. Likewise, if you are orating and have a negative Intelligence modifier, you might have to hope your raw Charisma can overcome the penalties from your intellectual shortcomings—or ask someone to help write your speeches!

Performance Traits When you use an action that utilizes the Performance skill, it gains one or more traits relevant to the type of performance. The GM might change these depending on the circumstances, but the most common performance-based traits are listed below.

If you want to be particularly skilled with one type of performance, you can select the Virtuosic Performer skill feat (page 264). That feat breaks down some of the performance listed above into specific instrument types, and your GM might allow you to add your own type.

PerformanceAdditional Traits
Act or perform comedy Auditory, linguistic, and visual
Dance Move and visual
Play an instrument Auditory and manipulate
Orate or sing Auditory and linguistic
Performance Trained General ActionsRelated Feats

To see a list of Feats related to Performance, click here.

Performance Untrained Actions


PFS: Standard
title: Religion
attribute: Wisdom
skill: Religion
source: Player Core pg. 244
<a href="/Skills.aspx?ID=46">Religion</a>Source Player Core pg. 244

The secrets of deities, dogma, faith, and the realms of divine creatures both sublime and sinister are open to you. You also understand how magic works, though your training imparts a religious slant to that knowledge.

Religion Untrained General ActionsReligion Trained General ActionsItem Bonuses for Religion
Shining Symbol+13Worn ItemsNo
Symbol of Conflict+14Worn ItemsNo
Shining Symbol (Greater)+29Worn ItemsNo
Symbol of Conflict (Greater)+210Worn ItemsNo
Shining Symbol (Major)+317Worn ItemsNo
Symbol of Conflict (Major)+318Worn ItemsNo
Related Feats

To see a list of Feats related to Religion, click here.


PFS: Standard
title: Society
attribute: Intelligence
skill: Society
source: Player Core pg. 244
<a href="/Skills.aspx?ID=47">Society</a>Source Player Core pg. 244

You understand the people and systems that make civilization run, and you know the historical events that make societies what they are today. Further, you can use that knowledge to navigate the complex physical, societal, and economic workings of settlements.

Society Untrained General Actions
  • Recall Knowledge about local history, important personalities, legal institutions, societal structure, and humanoid cultures. The GM might allow Society to apply to other creatures that are major elements of society in your region, such as the draconic nobility in a kingdom of humans ruled by dragons.

  • Subsist in a settlement by finding shelter, scrounging, or begging for food.

Society Trained General Actions
  • Decipher Writing that’s a coded message, text written in an incomplete or archaic form, or in some cases, text in a language you don’t know.
Related Feats

To see a list of Feats related to Society, click here.

Society Trained Actions


PFS: Standard
title: Stealth
attribute: Dexterity
skill: Stealth
source: Player Core pg. 244
<a href="/Skills.aspx?ID=48">Stealth</a>Source Player Core pg. 244

You are skilled at avoiding detection, allowing you to slip past foes, hide, or conceal an item.

Being Stealthy If you want to sneak around when there are creatures that can see you, you can use a combination of Hide and Sneak to do so.

  • First, Hide behind something (either by taking advantage of cover or having the concealed condition due to fog, a spell, or a similar effect). A successful Stealth check makes you hidden, though the creatures still know roughly where you are.
  • Second, now that you’re hidden, you can Sneak. That means you can move at half your Speed and attempt another Stealth check. If it’s successful, you’re now undetected. That means the creatures don’t know which square you’re in anymore.
If you were approaching creatures that didn’t know you were there, you could begin Sneaking right away, since they didn’t know your location to start with. Some actions can cause you to become observed again, but they’re mostly what you’d expect: standing out in the open, attacking someone, making a bunch of noise, and so forth. If you Strike someone after successfully Hiding or Sneaking, though, they’re off-guard to that Strike.

Creatures can try to find you using the Seek action.

Three conditions explain the states of detection. Remember that these conditions are relative to each creature—you can be observed by one creature while hidden to another and undetected by a third. Observed: You’re in the creature’s clear view. Hidden: The creature knows your location but can’t see you. Undetected: The creature doesn’t know your location.

Unboservable Stealth In some cases, it can be impossible for a creature to fully observe you. Typically this happens if you’re invisible, the observer is blinded, or you’re in darkness and the creature can’t see in darkness. In such cases, any critical failure you roll on a check to Sneak is a failure instead. You also continue to be undetected if you lose cover or greater cover against or are no longer concealed from such a creature.

Item Bonuses for Stealth
Onyx Panther+12TalismansYesStealth to Sneak
Related Feats

To see a list of Feats related to Stealth, click here.

Stealth Untrained Actions


PFS: Standard
title: Survival
attribute: Wisdom
skill: Survival
source: Player Core pg. 246
<a href="/Skills.aspx?ID=49">Survival</a>Source Player Core pg. 246

You are adept at living in the wilderness, foraging for food and building shelter, and with training you discover the secrets of tracking and hiding your trail.

Survival Untrained General Actions
  • Subsist in the wild by foraging for food and building shelter.
Related Feats

To see a list of Feats related to Survival, click here.

Survival Untrained ActionsSurvival Trained Actions


PFS: Standard
title: Thievery
attribute: Dexterity
skill: Thievery
source: Player Core pg. 246
<a href="/Skills.aspx?ID=50">Thievery</a>Source Player Core pg. 246

You are trained in a particular set of skills favored by thieves and miscreants.

Item Bonuses for Thievery
Charlatan’s Gloves+13Worn ItemsNo
Charlatan’s Gloves (Greater)+29Worn ItemsNo
Related Feats

To see a list of Feats related to Thievery, click here.

Thievery Untrained ActionsThievery Trained Actions